[3.3] Crit Fire/Flamethrower Trapper! - League Starter
![]() I have decided, along with many others, to start the Incursion league off with the new trap revamps. This is my take on the fire/flamethrower trap combo build. As this is a pre-launch build I would love and expect people to find things that I have missed. If you do see something that works better or have ideas let me know in the comments! ---Thanks to everyone in the comments for the advice and success stories!--- Update log– 08/29/2018
-Update - 08/29/2018 -3.4 patch notes https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2201187 -Base Trap Throwing Time has been raised to 0.6 seconds (from 0.5). -Cluster Traps Now causes supported skills to throw up to 2 additional traps at all levels (down from 3). -General Trap nerf. The build should still be viable but play at your own risk =P -Update - 08/28/2018 -This build should be unchanged for the 3.4 Delve League. -I will look at patch notes upon launch and update with details. -For Delve I'm going to be making a Assassin Crit poison toxic rain build. -Good luck and have fun with the new league! -Update - 06/19/2018 -Downed Shaper Deathless. -Downed Red Tier Elder facetanking effortlessly. -Added Videos. -Cleaned up the Build guide a bit =). -Update - 06/10/2018 -Shaper down on my first try. I did die 3 times just because I forgot how to work his mechanics but the build is solid. -Update - 06/06/2018 -Thanks to everyone in the comments for the advice and success stories! -Updated Gearing Section. -Character update: Currently lvl 91 and have killed the guardian of the hydra in a rarecorrupted somewhat rippy modded map. I will try to get video's of the guardians up soon when I get a hold of some more maps. -Update - 06/03/2018 -Added a leveling video. Killing the boss of Colonnade map. -Update - 06/02/2018 -Currently this league I'm low 70's and have come across a few minor things that the build would benefit from. I will try to keep it updated as I find the best way to work the right gear into it. Update - 05/31/2018 Thx for the tip MyGoodApollo つ ◕_◕ ༽つ -ZiggyD just put out a step by step leveling guide for newer players https://youtu.be/DRpIZJoxEz0 Update - 05/30/2018 -[3.3] Incursion Patch Notes https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2150237 -Updated build pre-incursion launch. -Updated Passive Trees Previous Builds
-[3.0] Quad Glacial Cascade Totems - Fun and Cheap! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1931216 Gameplay Video's
-Leveling Colonnade and Depths
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jjdLW0Etws -Temple of Atzoatl boss kill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yL_uTuyGxA -Normal Atziri full run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHg2GWd2f3w -Uber labs Izaro final phase https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiTvsRoYC2I -Dark Forest full run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCI-F_TGCuA -Normal Elder kill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8GCTFuB1t8 Guardians -Maze of the Minotaur full run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpCuV-VBrZM -Forge of the Phoenix full run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB0huYlbArU -Lair of the Hydra full run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMRtQTnNCLc -Pit of the Chimera full run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V839N57jWy0 -First attempt Shaper full run Died three times but I'm not even ashamed =O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7tikZQ8xzM -Deathless Shaper full run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9Ak_5qpN3s Strengths and Weaknesses
-Beginner friendly, new league starter. -New Trap Revamps have addressed the awkward downtime of traps. -Utilizes MoM nodes. Weaknesses -Does not have leech. -Requires small amount of Dex/Strg on gear. Skill Tree
Requested by CircAGG つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
-Level 20 suggestion Via Path of Building pastebin. https://pastebin.com/astKAe1T Note this final tree is suggested to be used with Tinkerskin -Level 91 Final Tree(Updated). Path of Building pastebin.https://pastebin.com/4bYfZiw0 Main site URLhttps://goo.gl/anNKuY Older Passive tree's
--Level 70 suggestion Via Path of Building pastebin.
https://pastebin.com/XCQLbk6s Level 91 Offensive Final Tree. Path of Building pastebin. https://pastebin.com/41ZKcumP Main site URL https://goo.gl/WuMg86 Here we sacrifice some damage for utility/defenses. Thx Zac89 つ ◕_◕ ༽つ -Level 91 Alternative Final Tree. Path of Building pastebin. https://pastebin.com/1ix3RjZM Main Site URL https://goo.gl/RQ6AZb Ascendancy
Class - Saboteur With Tinkerskin Points - Pyromaniac > Born in the Shadows > Perfect Crime > Explosives Expert The chain reaction node is no longer that important. Without Tinkerskin Points - Perfect Crime > Chain Reaction > Pyromaniac > Explosives Expert Taking Pyromaniac early on is not a bad idea either to help with leveling. Consider Born in the Shadows instead of Explosives Expert for more defensive setup. Also if you plan to combine it with a unique such as Kongming's Stratagem https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kongming%27s_Stratagem Scion Variation The Ascendant version for people who like to be jack of all master of none. Provides a few more passives and stats but sacrifices some Saboteur benefits. -Pre-Path of the Shadow passive suggestion. https://pastebin.com/3Uu6EkF6 -Post-Path of the Shadow passive suggestion. https://pastebin.com/Qu3HCdSh Pantheon
These can be changed on a whim so use what you need.
-Major - Soul of Lunaris Capture Thraxia - Spider Lair Map Capture Sebbert, Crescents Point - Moon Temple Map Capture Lycius, Midnight's Howl - Lair Map or -Major - Soul of The Brine King Capture The Forgotten Soilder - Conservatory Map Capture Puruna, The Challenger - Atol Map Capture Nassar, Lion of the Seas - Reef Map -Minor - Soul of Gruthkul Capture Erebix, Light's Bane - Cemetery Map Requirements
-Dexterity and Strength on your gear. A small amount to make sure your gems are maxed is needed. Gem Setups
For Damage
-Fire Trap > Fire Pen > Cluster Trap > Combustion > Trap and Mine Dmg > Free Slot (Consider Charged Traps/ Conc Effect/ AoE) -Flamethrower Trap > Fire Pen > Advanced Traps > Immolate or Trap and Mine Dmg For Defense -Immortal call(LvL 8) > Cast when damage taken(LvL 8) > Increased duration(Max) > Free Slot(I use Golems) For Utility -CWDT(LvL 1) > Flammability(Max) > Curse on Hit(Max) > Ball Lightning(LvL 4) A little explanation because multiple people have been having problems with this setup. There are two things happening in this setup. The first thing to occur is Cast when damage taken procs when you take 528 dmg. This lets us cast a level 38 skill. This lets us level the skill in question which is ball lightning up to level 4. The next thing that goes on is that the ball lightning flies through the air hitting all enemies in it's path. We attach Curse on hit + Flammability to this to curse enemies. These can both be maxed out as they don't have restriction limit. Note Flammability and curse on hit must be above level 6 so they do not proc with CWDT and break the setup. The point of this setup is that you can cast a higher level flammability more often at further range at the cost of 2 links. -Shield Charge > Faster attacks > Fortify If you have enough stats and want to have higher damage you can use whirling blades with duel daggers or flame dash with duel maces. For Auras Recommended to just use -Clarity (Utility) Once you get enough mana you can add another. Other options -Herald of Ash (Dmg) -Anger (Dmg) -Arctic Armour (Def) So If you use one aura this leaves you two sockets left. The reworked Bear trap is a good option as it adds a debuff and slows enemies. Or a Vaal skill of your choice is always good as well. There is also the option of linking spell totem with scorching ray for the debuff. Bandits
Bandit Choice Kill all for 2 skill points or Alira. Which ever you prefer. Alira is always a good choice to take some resist pressure off gear, the Mana regen is good with MoM that this build takes, and the crit is a small bonus as well. All minor things but not a bad option. Gearing and Stats
For gear as always in PoE the first goals you should have is getting resist cap and over 4.5k life pool for those unavoidable one shots and big boss hits. After that you focus on damage and a defense mechanic of choice. This build so far is somewhat of an Evasion/MoM using ES hybrid.
-Why Tinkerskin? It's completely optional and in fact there are people in the comment section who have used the build with a chest and staff and have already downed shaper. I have grown to like it and it is going to be hard to get me away from the quality of life it provides. The Trap Life and shield gain work great with MoM. This set of gear was enough for all red maps.
This set of gear was enough for Guardians and Shaper.
Enchants -Helm: Fire trap Damage > Fire trap Burning Damage > Recovery > Ground duration Some helpful but optional unique to consider.
Watcher's Eye Prismatic Jewel https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Watcher%27s_Eye Tinkerskin https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Tinkerskin Sunblast https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sunblast Kongming's Stratagem https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kongming%27s_Stratagem Jewels Two added unique jewels to consider are Hair Trigger Unstable Payload Jewel priority -Life >Trap/Spell Damage > Crit/burning Flask For flask it's important to keep at least one mana flask due to MoM zapping you or Low/No regen maps. Leveling Tips and Uniques
-As of the recent Patch notes (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2150237) you get Explosive trap after you enter town at the start of the game. Level with that until you unlock fire trap and some damage nodes and the swap will be effortless. -There are a few trap Uniques that could help along the way such as Fencoil, Mirebough, deerstalker that could make leveling a lot smoother. ♥ we all go tissues ♥ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย weallgotissues#4890 เมื่อ 29 ส.ค. 2018 06:58:10 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 25 มี.ค. 2019 21:31:58
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I've been working on this exact build myself, and I've come to a very similar conclusion. I'm fairly new to working on my own builds, so I'm somewhat encouraged that I've been on the right track, despite there being some things that are glaring at me having seen your tree here. This is what I have so far. https://pastebin.com/4hgTHASL
I particularly like your use of MoM. I've been avoiding it in order to gain some more life (201% from tree) as I generally prefer a larger life pool as a HC player. However, I think I'll reconsider the points I've used to gain Purity of Flesh and put it into MoM. I did like the closeness to explosive impact, leaving that option open, but MoM seems a smarter commitment. Also, will Pyromaniac help with the lack of leech/MoM mana requirement somewhat if we're spamming a now cooldownless fire trap? I can imagine a large number of traps going off rapidly giving us that sweet regen, or am I overestimating this? Love to know your thoughts. |
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" Yea our passive tree's are pretty close. I've always liked taking MoM because I feel it's a huge defensive boost for characters that don't have a lot of armor/evasion. You could easily go more life or damage instead. Purity of Flesh and Explisive impact like your tree, or even the upper fire circle. The benefits of Pryomaniac as a defensive passive are huge. One thing I've learned since playing is that it doesn't matter how much damage you do if you die =O although the Born in the Shadows seems like a good option as well. Blind and the Dmg increase. I might try both. ♥ we all go tissues ♥ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย weallgotissues#4890 เมื่อ 30 พ.ค. 2018 19:50:09
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Love this. I haven't played PoE since the 10 acts came out, and I am excited to come back especially since traps are looking really nice. I hope to see this guide become more detailed throughout the first week or so of the league. I was wondering if you could possibly do a short leveling guide regarding what passives to take, or just a general guide on where to go.
Thanks so much! |
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" Yea once I level up a bit and try out a few of different setups it will be easier to flesh this out. I'll add some gameplay video's, leveling tips, any uniques or jewels I find. I'm not as fast as all those super racers so it might take me some time =P ♥ we all go tissues ♥
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Thanks for this guide.
Question: is CWDT > Flammability > Curse on Hit > Ball Lightning that reliable? Wouldn't we be better off just self-casting Flammability on bosses? Any thoughts on Scorching Ray Totem for the fire resist debuff? |
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" Very Good ideas! I have used the CWDT > Flammability > Curse on Hit > Ball Lightning on a few other builds and it has always been pretty good. They are changing ball lightning up in 3.3 to make it faster so I'll have to test it to see if it's as reliable. Personally for grinding out and general gameplay I find things like adding golems and curses to sit it and forget it(CWDT setups) suits me better. If you don't mind having to micro manage 5-6 skills then sure add the more reliable self cast curse and totem for the benefits. Here is the thing though, I already plan on Shield charging around, throwing fire traps, throwing flamethrower traps and possible a bear trap or vaal skill. So adding any more than three and you have a lot to manage. ♥ we all go tissues ♥ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย weallgotissues#4890 เมื่อ 30 พ.ค. 2018 22:59:46
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The problem with builds like this is defense. I'd probably go Pyro and Born In Shadows as opposed to explosives expert to be honest. The regen and blind is crazy good and traps are already going to do crazy amounts of damage. Fire trap has 200% damage effectiveness, you throw in an essence work with anger and that's a lot of added damage to fire trap (Abyss jewels too).
Don't underestimate trigger area of effect, it's super useful. If you get enough, you can skip chain reaction or go Ascendant Sabo/(insert second option) as opposed to just sabo. You still get the blind and regen, but can pair it with something like Elementalist of Chieftain (Even Pathfinder. Although that'd probably be more suited to projectile or physical traps). Master sapper is a pretty damn decent node too if you can somehow fit it in. If Flamethrower trap turns out to be more dps than fire trap, you'd probably want fire trap in shaped gloves/helmet too. Suppose we'll have to wait till we can get gems into POB for that though. ' Basically going to be doing a similar build, still fine turning it though. That 200% damage effectiveness on fire trap is too juicy to pass up. Edit: Forgot to mention, unstable construction may not be the best. The traps have to rearm before they can explode and have to be triggered again, they also count towards your trap limit. Even if that has gone higher, may still mess up your rotation. Have to test it though irl to see. Edit 2: Essence worm, Lavignias (however it's spelt) spirit are two uniques to consider. Arctic Armour or herald of ash are some auras to consider too. Also, life and crit multi would be what I'd be looking for on jewels. Once you get enough crit chance, you wanna stack multi. In the tree too you take some crit chance when you should be taking multi. Diamond flask will help with chance enough. Alira is also really good, since we benefit from all three stats given. You could probably take away the two 16% trap damage nodes on the trap wheel. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zac89#2781 เมื่อ 30 พ.ค. 2018 23:13:49
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" That is very interesting. I didn't even consider it the defensive side of Born in the Shadows over Explosives Expert. Master sapper is a good node but it's 5 points out of the way. If you wanted to sacrifice some crit it or have enough crit in your gear it might be worth taking! ♥ we all go tissues ♥
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" Made another edit too, check that out. Well, If the CD reduction from Sabo turns out to be enough (when paired with new support gem Advanced Traps) then you can drop the trap wheel near Chaos inoculation and pick up master sapper. Also drop two of the nodes from the trap wheel (probably the damage ones as opposed to the speed throw ones). That way you have a way of generating frenzies if you don't have tinker skin or don't want to use it. Could throw in a belly or Perfect form for free arctic armour. |
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