How to make shadow survive boss fight/dwelve digging?

I have hard time with killing bosses with my shadow. I'm lvl 62 act 3 part 2 and my trickster (which i chosed instead of assasin only because i thought it will be able to survive more) is one-two hit for any boss. The dwelve is also pain in the... can't dig lvl at least 10 lower than mine.

The dps is great (im focused on crit/atk spd and LL) but wasting my half bar of xp for boss fight, when i'm dying 10times is pointless.
Atm my hp is 1700; es 200; and res are 20-30% (but chaos is -10% hehe).

Is there any point to put my passives into HP or strength? Or better evasion? es?
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2018 13:25:58
You want your resistances to be capped (75%) at all times. This is something that isn't all that obvious if you are new to PoE, but capping your resistances is much more important than life/armor/evasion/etc.



