COC Consecrated Path - Ice Nova - 7,5k+EHP 50%Dodge 40%Spell dodge/2 sec Immortal call
Disclaimer: If you want to boss like Uber Elder farming or Uber atziri you'll have to learn to live with Cyclone or BF, this build cannot maximize the proc rate of Cospris and COC, this a purely mapping build that does bosses fine but not amazing, you will do something like 1 mill shaper DPS buffed which destryoys any map boss even t16 in matter of seconds but for Elder somethign that procs more often will end up better
So this league i decide to roll a COC build after seeing the buffs, i do it and decide to use Cyclone becuase you know maximizing hits, DPS, all that Jazz, turns out i absolutely hate that skill, it locks you into animation, it gets stuck, Boss moves an Inch and you start spinning away from him, you need to invest into movespeed a lot before it feels good and a ton of these small anoyances brought me to Consecrated Path Initally i thought that the proc rate would just be too damn low but once i tried it in maps i never looked back, it is absolutely disgusting how fast it is, in my opinion this is THE mapping skill to use with COC, cyclone and Blade flurry will still reign for bossing but they can't even compare to Consecrated Path in maps Since my main strategy for atlas is Shaped toxic sewer and with sextants and SHaper Elder mobs the map is packed with mobs, you can just right click for 90% of the map cause there's a mob in range to teleport to
Offense and Defense
I chose to run Mind over Matter, the build doesn't really benefit too much from any auras and heralds are unnecessary, so putting my mana into icnreasing EHP is much better with how dangerous this league is, running around with just 5-5,5k life buffer is too little Other than that i utilize Fortify, Quarz flask for even more dodge and smoother gameplay especially in Delve, Atziri flask for chaos res, Acro + Phase acro and eventually Blind from Pandemonius, CWDT - IMmortal call-Inc duration provides a 2 second Immortal call buff since you're always generating endurance charges with Warlords Mark offensive buffs you should look to implement are Blood rage and Ancestral protector for Attack speed and Vaal Righteous fire for damage, it's also a good idea to link your Vortex with Bonechill and Arcane surge for even a bigger damage boost Shaped t12 at lvl 88 with garbo gear Shaped t12 at lvl 93 with good gear Lvl 79 Safehouse run As you can see the clear speed didn't skyrocket with better gear but it's mostly smoothness and survivability ALso excuse me for the slideshows OBS lags the hell out of me when recording
These are the only essential items you need for the build, they aren't that cheap but outside of this all the gear you use can be rare pieces of garbage until you farm for better stuff other than that i recommend getting a warlords mark on hit ring but you can use low level Cast when damage taken warlords mark setup until you get it so it's not mandatory Once you have enough currency there's basically only 1 expensive unique left that's kidna too good in its slot to pass If you're interested in what to aim for my profile is public and you can check my gear which is pretty min-maxed so you get an idea what to aim for, but do not fret, i played until lvl 92 with random 1c pieces of jewelry and so can you
Full gear
Gems and Links
With these types of builds there's pretty much nothign set in stone as far as gems go and everyone has their own spin My main links are COC - Consecrated Path - Ice Nova - Inc crit strikes - Cold Pen - Hypothermia Hypothermia cause you always chill and Cold Pen cause it gives the biggest boost in EE and monsters have elemental resistance maps, i don't like Controlled Destruction because it lowers your crit chance and other gems don't really come close DPS wise In Cospris i have Frostbolt - GMP - Hypothermia I also use an additional Frozen trail jewel to get more forstoblt projectiles for better coverage, you don't have to but i prefer it this way This build does not cross the 0,15 attack time threshhold so putting another spell into Cospris is not necessary, and you're doing overkill damage on close targets anywas getting more damage on frostbolt is better for clearing of stragglers I use a 4l Vortex - Arcane surge(lvl 7) - Bonechill - Ele Focus to provide higher chills and more damage on Bosses and Syndicate, since it's an instant cast it feels smooth to use and it helps with AOE clear during mapping too Other gems are a matter of preference and you can literally use whatever, i find Leap slam for moevement is better than WHirling so i use that, i also use Blood rage to get frenzies and more Attack speed and a CWDT - Immortal call setup Vaal Righteous fire is a good option to help with single target but you need to learn how to use it so you don't kill yourself, try to pop it before you start taking damage
Prirotize life and attack speed on jewels, after that %damage mods are better than crit multi once you have over 400% multi, this build is bottlenecked with AS so you want to get as much on the jewels as you can and then get damage if its ecenomical Example of a jewel you're lookign for
I chose quartz over Basalt because it helps more with chaos and elemental stuff which i deem more dangerous since you can proc 2 seconds of Immortal call, but if you don't run Immortal call Basalt is probably better Wise oak would give more damage than Atziris but chaos resist is too good IMO Alchemist flask in my setup is more damage than both Atziri and Wise oak and it opens up a suffix so you can use crafted crit chance on your Diamond to maximize your COC proc rate IGN JustifiedF แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Justifi3d#3841 เมื่อ 31 ธ.ค. 2018 09:21:39 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 21 ธ.ค. 2018 08:30:27
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