[3.6] | Assassin | Lioneye's Glare | Scourge Arrow | No Phys | 2,9kk DPS Shaper | 5,7k Life
I've played for a long time but never took it too seriously. Now i've decided to step up and make a shaper/elder viable character. I've been able to kill Shaper comfortably with surprisingly not much problem nor currency (about 10 Ex max, which in comparisson to other builds does feel extremely cheap), so i decided to share my build. Why would you want to play with this build? It's easy, it's fast(ish), it's fun. Why would you NOT want to play with this build? Small doors are your mortal enemy. Pretty much all small doors will block your charged shoots and make you sit there wondering how you died. You have a choice, spam non-charged shoots (which actualy do some good damage still) or blink arrow over it. Sometimes, and i mean rarely, a charged shoot will pass throw it.
Please fix it goddamn it
SYNTHESIS UPDATE: Memories Specific. Is It Viable?: Short answer, no. Long answer, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no. On red maps, memories will decay fast, specially if you get 4 connections. Narrow doors will fuck you more than ever, and it won't feel good. Good replacementes for Scourge Arrow are Rain of Arrows, Tornado Shot, Toxic Rain or any other type of bow skill that bypasses doors withot any problems. GENERAL TIPS FOR SCOURGE ARROW USAGE: Never use it while you're adjacent to a wall, near door or aiming towards either, pods won't proc and your arrow will do (almost) no damage. Sometimes dissapear entirely without damage. Be mindful of doors. As stated before, small ones are the worst, but you can use it without much problem on bigger ones. Try to aim at the ground, as if you aim on the enemy, it'll displace the location of the arrow, most likely shooting at the door without passing through it. Always have at least half your screen clear on where you are aiming. On 5 stages your fifth pod will go quite far. If you use 2 or more arrows, the spread of pods are more crumpled together. On quantity 20%, the AoE from the pods is almost your entire screen, so you don't have to aim always where the enemy is. So, let's start with the tree. Currently my assassin is lvl92 with pretty much every major node available: lvl92 tree:
Lvlng and tree progress:
Start with Lightning Arrow and Burning Arrow. They are the most reliable at lvlng. Get SA as soon as you can with as much attack speed on your bow as possible. Progress should feel a breeze afterwards.
For adds, 3 stages should kill almost everything. For bosses, always be mindful of where you are and how the bosses attack. You don't want to get killed while charging. Tree: Starting on Shadow Ele side, get Trickery, Coordination then Coldhearted Calculation. Get Blood Drinker and go downwards towards Deadly Draw and Herbalism on ranger side. Get Lethality and Primeval Force with mana leech if you feel you have enough damage. Get Thick Skin, King of the Hill and start going towards Duelist side for Golem's Blood, Fury Bolts, Art of the Gladiator and Bravery. In between those nodes, when you have enough sockets for ice bite, start getting the frenzy nodes for increased damage. Get Winter Spirit after Primeval Force and Fangs of Frost, in that order. Notably, strength/int nodes if you don't have it on your equipment. Get sockets when you can afford/make decent ones. Extra Power charge for more reliable crits. Equipment:
Your absolute priority is Lioneye's Glare. We completely ignore accuracy on our items, so get it as soon as possible. Main theme of the build. Let's us ignore accuracy, saving loads of nodes and slots on our equipment. About 5 Ex, the most expensive of our equipment, priority #1. If you want bare minimum investment on the bow or want to save the most, get a jeweller's touch and use it on a fresh Lioneye's Glare. About 16 chaos. We don't need another 6l, but assassin has relatively low health nodes around, so we get this bad boy. About 90 chaos, get it, priority #2. Crit, AS, mov speed, all we really want for this build. About 5c, priority #1.5, as it's so cheap. You can get max pods with Scourge Arrow, but it's quite expensive. Resists and let's us shock, increasing our damage. About 1 Ex, will possibly get more expensive in the near future, get it, priority #3. Life, crit, multi, AS, ele damage. About 70 chaos. Life, resists, move speed. Two-toned if you find a good one. About 50 chaos. Crit ring/steel ring. Resists, life, strength/int. About 50 chaos each. Stygian Vise for Abyss Socket. Resists, ele, life. About 30 chaos. Abyss socket: Get life, cold to attacks, cold to bow attacks and resists if needed. Lightning to attacks is good too. Griped gloves for increased damage. Resists, life, AS. About 30 chaos. As a general rule, you want to focus on life and resists first. Afterwards, you can get more ele damage and crit multi. Since we are an assassin, we can easily get 60% crit, which will makes us crit most of the time without spending too much on gear. Gems:
Scourge Arrow: SA > Added Cold > Ice Bite > Ele Damage > Full Life Damage > Hypothermia. I don't use Vicious Projectiles because it slows down the stages of SA, so we use damage on full life, the next best thing. However, to use Damage on full life accurately, we need to drop Blood Rage, which is not much of a use for us since SA has a 60% chaos conversion and we use Winter Spirit for the other 40%, making us do no phys damage. Immortal Call + Cast Dmg Taken + Increased Duration + Vaal Haste. Standard immortal call setup with vaal haste for added burst. Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks + Frenzy + Frost Bomb. Movement, Frenzy and Frost Bomb for bosses. Hatred + Herald of Ice + Lightning Golem + Enlighten. Enlighten not a necessity but helps if you have Dread Banner. Possible additions: Remove Vaal Haste for Dread Banner as it gives reduced accuracy for enemies. If you do, make sure to use Enlighten, as your mana pool will be too low. Potions:
Life flask with bleed immune. Atziri's Promise for Leech and elemental/chaos damage. Silver flask with freeze immune. Wise Oak for added pen. Quicksilver with curse immune. Ascendandy/Bandits/Phanteon:
Unstable Infusion: Power Charges.
Deadly Infusion: Crit Multi, max charges. Nexious Strike: Added crit. Opportunistic: Bosses. Get Ambush and Assassinate over Noxious Strike if you want to map more than killing bosses. Kill 'em all bandits. Lunaris for adds, Solaris for bosses. Tukohama for adds, Ryslatha for bosses. Mapping/Notable Bosses:
At the moment, T15s bosses are negligible. Always be careful on t16s bosses, as we're running evade and we can get clapped easily with connected hits.
Map Mods: Ele reflection will kill you, even with Opportunistic. Non-leech can be annoying too, but doable. Besides that, you can pretty much run all maps. Curses/ailments can be ignored with flasks. Be mindful of which curses you are running on T16s. Phoenix: Charge when he's charging. Adds will clear almost automatically. Minotaur: Charge on slam. Move and charge on burrow. Keep off slam AoE. Hydra: Charge on barrage and fork arrow. Be mindful of orbs. Chimera: Charge when he's charging. Use quicksilver and blink arrow fast on cloud phase. Shaper: We have enough mov speed to outrun Uber Shaper slam and beam, just be aware. Use Blink Arrow if you feel it's safer. We can also outrun Shaper's orbs if you want added safety. Elder: Red elder on add phase is a breeze for our SA. Will add Uber Elder considerations when i decide to run it. Farming currency/maps:
If you are starting a league or is relativelly new to the game, the best way to make currency is the chaos recipe. You need at least 3 tabs to stash equipment, weapons and acessories.
While mapping, you should always use an alchemy orb to make the most of the map with minimum investment. Next should be Chisel, Vaal orb and sextants, if you can afford it. And that's my build so far. Will update it if any item/expansion change how i play this. I would actually enjoy some suggestions on how to improve the build too. Thank you. Ruthless should be [Removed by Support]. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย AdRonZh3Ro#4713 เมื่อ 4 เม.ย. 2019 08:50:09 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2019 02:22:46
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Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
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you weren't kidding about the doors
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