We have run several Developer Q&A posts in the past and they have been very successful. We've decided to hold another! We'll answer your questions about Path of Exile, game development and life at the GGG office. Please post questions in this forum thread. We'll post the answers in the news next week!

Here are some guidelines for questions:
  • We'd prefer not to answer specific questions about how game mechanics work in this Q&A. Mark's thread is for that and he's happy to answer them there!
  • Please check that no one has previously posted a substantially similar question.
  • We recommend phrasing your questions in a constructive way.
  • If you're looking for ideas for non-standard questions, consider questions about day-to-day life at GGG, what it takes to get into the games industry, what games we've been playing, and so on. We'd love some variety so that there are questions that interest many different types of players.

Thanks for all the questions. We will select questions to answer from the English, Russian, Brazilian and Thai communities. Answers will be posted next week!
Grinding Gear Games



