Earlier this year, we announced our upcoming expansion, Path of Exile: The Fall of Oriath, which we will release in July. Featuring six new acts of content and significant balance changes (such as the removal of double dipping), it's absolutely necessary for us to run a Beta test for The Fall of Oriath. Today's news addresses some very common questions that players have been asking about the upcoming Beta.
When will the Beta start?It's still a month away. Our current target date is Wednesday, June 7 US time. While we believe that we will be able to hit this date, small adjustments of a few days may occur forwards or backwards.What's happening to the Legacy Leagues?It was previously planned that the Legacy Leagues would end on May 29th US time. However, due to popular demand we've decided to extend the Legacy Leagues to continue to run alongside the beta and end when The Fall of Oriath launches.Will there be any new events to participate in outside of the Legacy Leagues and 3.0.0 Beta?Yes, we're going to run events! So many events. It's a great opportunity to try out leagues and races of different variations without disturbing an active challenge league. We'll likely solicit suggestions from players over the coming weeks.How long is the Beta likely to run for?As long as is needed, but we expect 5-6 weeks.How are players selected to enter the Beta?For the past two Betas (Closed Beta and The Awakening's Beta), we used a public Beta Key timer on the website that would invite one player per five minutes. While we gained infinite satisfaction from watching reactions from players, it was a little contentious during The Awakening's Beta and and the negative aspects from players being upset outweighed the fun of the trolling.We'll likely use significantly larger but silent waves of invites to invite active players into the Beta (for example, instead of 288 keys per day like before, we might pick 500-1000 players each day that we send out invites for simultaneously). How can I register to access the Beta through the selection method?We'll be including everyone for selection (other than duplicate accounts), so if you're reading this post, you're likely eligible. Priority may be given to active players who played in recent leagues.When the Beta starts, the selection process will begin. If you've been selected, you'll receive an email and PM on the website that lets you know that your account has had Beta access granted. We're doing both this time around to make it easier for Steam-only users as well as players who more frequently visit the website than their account email address. Can I pay to get into the Beta?Yes, the new set of supporter packs (released simultaneously with the Beta) will all grant access. In addition, we will likely invite players with significant previous support immediately without the need for a purchase. We define this as a purchase of any top-tier pack ($440 or above) or people whose total lifetime purchases combine to $500 or more. For everyone who supports in any amount, thank you. You make expansions like this possible.How will I know if my lifetime purchases meet the threshold?You can check your past purchases by visiting Your Account on the website and selecting, "Account transactions."Your valid purchases will include Comic Books and Koala Pets (or any other purchase that was made with dollars instead of points). Points keys that were redeemed on your account will not contribute to this total. A lot of people have been emailing customer support to ask if they meet the threshold. We'd prefer if you could wait until the Beta starts and see if you're immediately invited, and then contact support if you didn't get an invite but you believe your lifetime support exceeds $500. If your account had been transferred from Garena servers, all of your Garena purchases do count towards the total, but may not be automatically detected. When the Beta starts, if you don't have access but have spent more than $500 including Garena purchases, please contact customer support so that they can fix it manually. If I am granted access through lifetime purchases and buy a supporter pack that contains a key, will that mean I have two Beta keys?If you've gained access to the Beta through lifetime purchases, your account will automatically be added to the Beta participation list without granting a key. If you then purchase a supporter pack that contains a key you'll have an extra key spare that you're welcome to give away to a friend.Will there be a Beta for the Xbox One version at the same time?Yes, though we aren't ready to announce the details yet.What content is included in the Beta?The Beta includes acts One to Eight. Acts Nine and Ten will be released alongside the final 3.0.0 release. The Pantheon system and most balance changes are included in the Beta (for feedback!) New skills and unique items likely won't be in the Beta.Can I use my microtransactions during the Beta?Yes. The new microtransaction system allows this, and we expect to deploy that system before the Beta starts.What leagues are running on the Beta realm?Standard, Hardcore, Standard SSF and Hardcore SSF. The next challenge league will be released with the full release of 3.0.0, not with the Beta.What happens to my Beta characters and items when the Beta ends?They will be destroyed.Is the Beta a separate game client?Yes. You shouldn't try to patch a regular PoE client into it, because we're replacing all of our art assets with optimised versions. This Beta client's content.ggpk can be patched into a regular 3.0.0 client when the Beta ends.Can I participate in the Beta while using the Steam client?Yes, this will be possible. A "Betas" tab will appear in the game properties in Steam. You'll be able to download the Beta client through this menu but you won't be able to play unless your account has been granted access (through a Beta key or other means).Can I get a Beta key by asking nicely?No. We get flooded with thousands of requests, so it is not possible to fairly judge the merits of each person asking. Mails or messages asking for beta keys will be ignored. Please do not ask us for Beta keys. Sorry!Recently added answers:What's happening to the Legacy Leagues?It was previously planned that the Legacy Leagues would end on May 29th US time. However, due to popular demand we've decided to extend the Legacy Leagues to continue to run alongside the beta and end when The Fall of Oriath launches.How can I register to access the Beta through the selection method?We'll be including everyone for selection (other than duplicate accounts), so if you're reading this post, you're likely eligible. Priority may be given to active players who played in recent leagues.When the Beta starts, the selection process will begin. If you've been selected, you'll receive an email and PM on the website that lets you know that your account has had Beta access granted. We're doing both this time around to make it easier for Steam-only users as well as players who more frequently visit the website than their account email address. How will I know if my lifetime purchases meet the threshold?You can check your past purchases by visiting Your Account on the website and selecting, "Account transactions."Your valid purchases will include Comic Books and Koala Pets (or any other purchase that was made with dollars instead of points). Points keys that were redeemed on your account will not contribute to this total. A lot of people have been emailing customer support to ask if they meet the threshold. We'd prefer if you could wait until the Beta starts and see if you're immediately invited, and then contact support if you didn't get an invite but you believe your lifetime support exceeds $500. If your account had been transferred from Garena servers, all of your Garena purchases do count towards the total, but may not be automatically detected. When the Beta starts, if you don't have access but have spent more than $500 including Garena purchases, please contact customer support so that they can fix it manually. If I am granted access through lifetime purchases and buy a supporter pack that contains a key, will that mean I have two Beta keys?If you've gained access to the Beta through lifetime purchases, your account will automatically be added to the Beta participation list without granting a key. If you then purchase a supporter pack that contains a key you'll have an extra key spare that you're welcome to give away to a friend.Can I participate in the Beta while using the Steam client?Yes, this will be possible. A "Betas" tab will appear in the game properties in Steam. You'll be able to download the Beta client through this menu but you won't be able to play unless your account has been granted access (through a Beta key or other means). |