In 3.1.0 we're planning to improve how the Lightning Tendrils skill gem functions. This includes small changes to its mechanics and a major change to its visuals to make it feel more intense and powerful.
Since we introduced the channelling system, Lightning Tendrils has felt out of place as it uses the channeling animations but has a fixed length spellcast with four hits. This confused a lot of new players. Many also felt that it was unintuitive that you couldn't change direction while casting. The new Lightning Tendrils is a channelled skill, letting you smoothly change directions to take out enemies in different directions and halt casting at any point. The skill deals more damage every fourth pulse, making it more reliable and powerful for long sustained casting against tougher foes. Each cast can be channeled as a short burst which is perfect for taking on weaker enemies while remaining mobile. The visual effect of the skill will also been updated so that tendrils of energy are sent directly to enemies in its area of effect. It will also frequently shoot tendrils to its maximum range, letting you easily tell where it does damage. Here is a video of the skill in action: |