On Thursday February 15th (PST) we will be announcing the full details of Content Update 3.2.0 and its new Challenge League. At that time we will be introducing a new set of league supporter packs which will mean that the Abyss Packs will leave the store then. Today's news post showcases what these packs contain as well as some fashion tips to help you min-max your glam factor.
It's one thing to go around sealing underground monster lairs, but if you don't look fabulous while you do it, what's the point? We've compiled this season's hottest new looks as determined by our panel of fashion experts. Check out the video! Here are some of the microtransactions we featured: Purple Lich was featured with:
Abyssal Imp was featured with:
If you're interested in getting one of the Abyss Supporter Packs but you're not sure you'll be able to get one in time, you could consider setting up a payment plan which can reserve a pack for you for up to six months after the commencement of your plan. Our payment plans are completely flexible as you can pay as much as and as frequently as you'd like - all you have to do is arrange it in advance by email us at support@grindinggear.com. Additionally, if you have purchased any plain points packs since November 16th (PST) you can use this in an upgrade to one of the Abyss Supporter Packs! You can credit up to 80% of the value of your desired supporter pack towards an upgrade. For example, if you purchased a $10 point pack you could then upgrade to the Abyssal Imp Supporter Pack for $50. You'd then receive the remainder of the contents of the pack, excluding the points you already purchased before the upgrade. If you're an Xbox One user you still have more time remaining to purchase the Abyss Supporter Packs and continue to complete your challenges in the Abyss League. We'll announce the end-date for these as soon as we can. As a side note, our Path of Exile Talent Competition ends this week but there's still time to get your submissions in now! The cut-off time is 8pm February 5 (PST). We'll announce the winners some time in the days following. |