We're launching a competition to design the best Path of Exile T-shirt! At the end of the competition, we will select one or two designs to be turned into a Path of Exile T-shirt and make it available to the community. We will also be awarding prizes to the most compelling entries!

We're looking to create a shirt that will be awesome to wear out and about in the community, while still being instantly recognisable to other Path of Exile players. Maybe it'll have a clever slogan, a funny image or an in-joke that only our community would understand. We're really excited to see what you'll come up with!


Top Three
  • Chaos Orb T-shirt
  • Winning Design T-shirt
  • Path of Exile Comic
  • Armour Set
  • 250 points

Top 15
  • Chaos Orb T-shirt
  • Winning Design T-shirt
  • 250 points

  • 250 points

Submission Guidelines

Your entry doesn't have to be an image. While images are of course preferable, even a textual description is good enough if it's really clever and would make a great T-shirt. Your submission must be 100% your own work. You're allowed to refer to Path of Exile content and use its art assets, but please don't submit full screenshots from the game. Your design should be easily identifiable as a reference to Path of Exile. All designs must be appropriate for an audience of most ages. No nudity, profanity or overtly mature themes. Keep it classy!

Remember that various constraints apply to the physical shirt creation process. While a shirt that consists of the entire Skill Tree wrapped around your body may be awesome, it's not necessarily something that we're able to print easily. We'll be taking these considerations into account when selecting winners. Also, we're hoping people will be able to wear these shirts in public without feeling silly. A realistic picture of a Templar with no pants might be an awesome in-joke, but people might not want to actually wear it outside.

How to Submit your Entry

Submissions will be accepted until Monday, 16th April at 9am (NZDT). Once your entry is ready, please post it in this thread. You're welcome to submit multiple different designs and we encourage people to discuss each other's submissions as they're posted. Seeing the community's reaction to submissions may help us in the judging process.

To post an image, first upload it to an image hosting website like imgur.com and paste the link into a forum-reply and use the img tags.

Selecting the Winners

Winning entries will be selected via the creative teams at Grinding Gear Games. We'll be selecting entries that we feel would make great shirts and are able to be produced. The winning designs will be announced within two weeks of the end of the contest. We'll then work to create a shirt inspired by one of the top winning designs and will make it available for the community to purchase.

Pease note:
  • You may use Path of Exile intellectual property in your entry.
  • Do not submit anything that includes other people's intellectual property. Don't reference trademarks, brands or characters that Grinding Gear Games doesn't own.
  • Selection of winners will be performed by Grinding Gear Games. All decisions are final.
  • We'll ship the prizes internationally for free, but you are responsible for any taxes that need to be paid to get them into your country
  • .
  • By submitting an entry, you grant us permission to use that entry for any purpose.
  • We'll post about it in the news and may make a shirt out of it.

If you like a design that you see in this thread, please post to let people know!
Grinding Gear Games



