Introducing Instant Skills

Until now, we didn't have the ability to have truly instant-casting skills. Even if we set the cast time to zero, you still had to be standing still and doing nothing else in order to cast skills. An example where this was a problem was detonating mines, where the player wants to be able to time it exactly, but can't do so while doing other actions.

In Path of Exile: Delve, we now support truly instant skills that can be cast at any time. For now, detonate mines, all of the auras, heralds, self-targeting skills like Righteous Fire, Immortal Call, Molten Shell and others have been modified to cast instantaneously. In addition, if you have the appropriate passive skill, warcries will now be truly instant (rather than just taking zero time).

In the future, we plan to use this tech a lot more to open up design space for additional skills where you want to use them at a moment's notice to react to events in combat.

Grinding Gear Games



