[3.7] SSDD's Soulrend Trickster LL - all content down DEATHLESS , 1 mil DPS UPDATED

Hello boys,

I have made many builds in the past, but thats the first one that i decided to publish since Soulrend is getting really popular this league and i must say its really really funny skill! I reached some good balance between high dps on single target and good survivability, including 9k ES, 32% block chance, 45%~ evade chance and overall the character feels pretty stable on high tier maps, With the damage on shaper/uber elder going around 600k with Empower 4 and over a 1M on normal creeps i would say thats more than enough for a DoT build.
Overall i think its combination of very fast clearspeed, good survavability , we have 84% max cold res which makes uber elder fight feels like a children game and decent single target damage, so i hope u gonna enjoy the build guys!


Mandatory items:
this item is mandatory becouse of two reasons - using Pain Attunement and preventing chaos damage to bypass our energy sheild, its absolutly mandatory!
Weapon and sheild: the synergie between this two is absolutly amazing, allowing us to have high block chance, good damage and huge ES bonus from the shield, also we can reach 84%+ cold resist with this shield and purity of ice!

Helm: for this slot i bought hubris base with the +1 projectyles enchant(its not mandatory) and fossil crafted it with aberrant and dense fossils, what i have is defenetly not the best posible result u will want 320ES+ from helm and -9 chaos resist on nearby enemy

Gloves: delirium craft sorcerer base for 5 link Bane with 30% DoT, what i have i crafted on day 1 and u can get much much better result here , i recommend using the Commandmnent of reflection enchant, it provides good defense ability of sumoning a mirror image of yourself that enemy attack while we are killing them

Belt: I like using unique items when its posible, makes me nostalgic about the good old diablo 2 days, u can defenetly get better belt here like dense crafted crystal belt or abyss belt if u feel u want +1 socket, for me this one is doing the job just fine and i dont see a reason to look for better one

Boots: Same like with the belt, there are many way better choices out there i just like this one for the good evasion that our build benefits and since its early in the league i decided to focus my curency on other stuff and use this cheap uniques for now

Jewelry: Nothing special here, ES, resists, some strenght , i recommend to use a faster start of ES recharge for craft, but this one is fine as well. Pressence of chayula is the BiS for amulet, it grants us around 1k es, 60 chaos resist and stun immunity so its pretty good but not mandatory .

Jewels: increased % ES, Spell damage, chaos damage over time mutliplier, minion damage, resists thats the kinda stuff u wanna get on ur jewels. The watchers eye is not mandatory at all but its highly recommended becouse of the big dps boost it provides, also if u can get secondary usefull mod like in my case is "cannot be frozen while affected by purity of ice" its even better!The one mod u must have is the chaos dot multiplier, thats a must have , the second and eventual third mod are personal preference!
Flasks: nothing special here , i recommend using taste of hate since we have 84% cold resist its really good flask, and if u wanna skip GMP and use empower all the time Dying sun is pretty good here too, thats what im using so far and its doing the job :

I am a broken ass and i dont have shavrones, what do i do with my life( by request)
If u dont have Shavrones u cant go low life, becouse any chaos damage will instant kill you, so what we do until we can afford Shavs is using life nods on the tree instead of energy shield / damage ones and play as Hybrid (both life and es) and we skip clarity and purity of ice in this case for later!
I recommend skip using tabula but get some 300+ es chest to boost ur ES pool by a lot and mix life + es on items. One maps i reached around 1900 life and 2500 energy sheild on day2 of the league and slowly started to respec the life nods into energy shield ones. Once u reach 5000 energy shield u can get CI ( chaos inoculation) and stick with it until u get Shavrone's wrappings! Thats how my tree looked like at lvl73 https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAMcAECYAAGCw2KLZyBT1b2qMFr8mlWHiVUsPqySLwzqJ4MgjBZNJEyLq2xoQe746tNHIDHaCtUgG56QFmFNd8g5IEZYHHpUu8NVJUY_6XECHy6ebdZ7PFX_Gkye-isrTbAsi9G0ZCPRqQ7zqtAzqug18V8ko-riTHNzr7qcIj0aboRhqeC9YB3zl99eESFxrw22smDpYVcaD21KvrUpn_ILH-egdFPrSFm_jamaetzGMdnIPlG9mVFnzGjiQVY8aoS8RUKcr2VsAAAAAAA==

2. Gem links
1. Soulrend - armour
Soulrend(B) - Swift Afflication(G) - Void Manipulation(G) - GMP (G) - Controlled Destruction(B)- Efficacy(B)
3 Blue 3 green slots required with our goal here is to get Vorici in research rank 3 and slam one of the greem slots into white one so we can swap GMP for Empower 3/4 for boss fights, since we have +1 projectyle from helm thats pretty enough! If u dont have Empower4 or u dont wanna spend so much money on that u can replace it with Arcane Surge 20/20 or Energy shield leech 20/20 , they both provide a lot of damage to our Soulrend!

Bane - gloves
Bane(B) - Controlled Destruction(B) - Despair(B) - Temporal chains(G)
3Blue 1Green, we sock this into delirium crafted gloves for 5 link Bane, thats our secondary damage spell that also curses the targets with the socketed curses, provides enough damage to clear any map without help from soulrend! When fighting boses or hard targets make sure u keep em cursed using bane while soulrend is doing the job.

Auras - helm or boots
Vaal Discipline(B) - Malevolence(B)- Vaal RF(B) - Enlighten(B)
In first days of the league i was using to swap Vaal RF for frost wall to keep shaper alive becouse my damage was way lower, if u have dificulty with keeping shaper alive in red elder fights just do that, works like gem!

Utility - helm or boots
Wither(B) - Spell Totem(R) - Flame dash(B) - Arcane Surge(B)
sadly i have no slots for multiple totems , Arcane surge i keep at level 6 so it proc on every flamedash

CWDT setup - weapon 1/2
CWDT(R) - Immortal call(R) - Vortex(B)
im using vortex to chill enemies, provides extra quality of life and i like it overall, u can use different spell here its not very important, even increased duration gona work just fine!

Auras linked with bloodmagic to drop our life to minimum:
Clarity(B) - Purity of Ice (G) - Bloodmagic (R)
thats how we drop our life to minimum to benefit from Pain Attunement and Shavrone overall.

3. Passive tree , Ascendancy and Pantheon

pastebin - https://pastebin.com/T7edyx4Q

Ascendency: Patient reaper - > Ghost dance -> Escape Artist -> Prolonged pain
For leveling i picked up Weave of arcanist first , it was really helpfull while doing the story lane , then i got patient reaper and then ghost dance, at the 3rd lab i changed weave of arcanist for Escape artist and last i took the prolonged pain

Major - Lunaris for clear, Solaris for boss fights
Minor - Tukohama/ Gruthkul

4. Levelling
For leveling this char u dont need tabula , 5 or 6 link, i managed to get in yellow maps with only 3 link soulrend and 3 link bane ! All u need to start is to craft +1 to chaos gems wand selling a magic wand + any chaos gem in the npc, also while doing the quests loot the wands and check for something good with +2 to chaos gems, they are pretty good. Link your soulrend with Lmp/Gmp and controlled destruction and in another +1 or +2 staff bane with temporal chains and controlled destruction (swap CD for despair when u have +1 curse from tree)

Lvl 50 : https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAJkAECYAAEmw2KLZyBT1b2qMFr8mlWHiVUsPqySLwzqJ4MgjBZNJEyLq2xoQe746tNHIDHaCtUgG56QFmFNd8g5IEZYHHpUu8NVJUX_Gkye-isrTbAsi9G0ZCPRqQ7zqtAzqug18V8ko-riTHNzr7qcIj0aboffXhEhca8NtrJg6WFXGg9uCx_noHRT60hZv42qhLxFQpyvZWwAAAAAA

Lvl 73: https://poeplanner.com/ABAAAMcAECYAAGCw2KLZyBT1b2qMFr8mlWHiVUsPqySLwzqJ4MgjBZNJEyLq2xoQe746tNHIDHaCtUgG56QFmFNd8g5IEZYHHpUu8NVJUY_6XECHy6ebdZ7PFX_Gkye-isrTbAsi9G0ZCPRqQ7zqtAzqug18V8ko-riTHNzr7qcIj0aboRhqeC9YB3zl99eESFxrw22smDpYVcaD21KvrUpn_ILH-egdFPrSFm_jamaetzGMdnIPlG9mVFnzGjiQVY8aoS8RUKcr2VsAAAAAAA==

We get the close life nods first , the +1/+2 chaos gem wands gonna carry the damage for us

5. Bandits
kill all (2 passive tree points)

6. CI version
Swaping from this build to CI is pretty easy, we need to make 1 major change - replace Shavrone with Skin of the Lords (for +1 gems and 100% increased global defences, which includes energy shield)
If u can get get a corupted one with +1 gems then the damage boost becomes insane! The other thing is from the tree we remove Pain Attunement and we invest 2 points in the curent tree to reach CI!
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/uHpGbQAS

7. Videos

P.S. sorry for the bad quality of clips and the kinda chunky gameplay but i am playing from a laptop and i am lagging a lot while recording and on some encounters its unplayble with recording on, but i will try to record most of the hard fights in the game

Core map T15 + bosses - https://youtu.be/TFtJLm1ebfs

Waste Pool T15 + boss - https://youtu.be/5NLY7egQK4o

Hydra T16 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL7eNFhirGY&feature=youtu.be
I am not swaping GMP yet becouse my research is staying on 98% for the last 2 days and cant colour my shavrones, but thats gona happen in the next days for sure!

Facetank Minotaur t16 with 9 mods - https://youtu.be/fOG2H3vLEQc

Deathless Shaper run (without swaping GMP for Empower 4) - https://youtu.be/IYwzdhV6bpo

Deathless Uber Elder - https://youtu.be/8DPM2wF7Zik
(sorry for the bad quality my laptop literally cant handle recording in some areas , the spikes are making the fight almost unplayble, in this fight here i had to logout due to turning on RF intead VRF but otherwise it was fine considering how much i was spiking

8. Other builds

3.6 Frostbolt Trickster

If you guys have any questions pm me in game , message me in forum or leave a post in the thread!
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2312232 my boss service thread so feel free to contact me if i can be helpfull with something, my account name is ssddHell and its public so u can keep track of my characters at any time or pm me in game!

9. 3.7 update
no changes
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ssddHell#7685 เมื่อ 22 มิ.ย. 2019 20:50:14
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 10 พ.ย. 2019 19:02:19
All content down already?

Great job...

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย superbomb1967#5561 เมื่อ 15 มี.ค. 2019 11:00:06
superbomb1967 เขียน:
All content down already?

Great job...


with that being said most of the people are not in red maps yet and the build can clear everything deathless so /s ...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ssddHell#7685 เมื่อ 16 มี.ค. 2019 03:55:12
superbomb1967 เขียน:
All content down already?

Great job...


I see that u read and comment a lot in other people's guides and obviosly u are very knowledgeable person so can i ask you to show me one single build for Soulrend that reaches 1 mil dps/ 600+ shaper dps and 9k+ eHP
Hey there!

Thanks for the build!
Need advice with bandits..
e1saad เขียน:
Hey there!

Thanks for the build!
Need advice with bandits..

Ah my bad there i will add it to the build content imidiatly,

for bandits u kill em all since alira is the only viable option otherwise and we are not doing a critical build 2 points are the best choice there!
ssddHell เขียน:
e1saad เขียน:
Hey there!

Thanks for the build!
Need advice with bandits..

Ah my bad there i will add it to the build content imidiatly,

for bandits u kill em all since alira is the only viable option otherwise and we are not doing a critical build 2 points are the best choice there!

Thanks a lot!
Nice build! I was thinking about doing something along these lines. Definitely going to try this one next, pretty decent DPS there!
Looks interesting, what would you remove to use Animate Guardian setup, or do you think that's not good? The clear looked solid from the video regardless.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย FlayerX#2634 เมื่อ 16 มี.ค. 2019 09:36:03
FlayerX เขียน:
Looks interesting, what would you remove to use Animate Guardian setup, or do you think that's not good? The clear looked solid from the video regardless.

I think using animate guardian is a good idea, maybe will be good fit if we are runing CI version becouse then we wont use 3 gems for life reservation (purity of ice + clarity + blood magic) so we can use this 3 free gem slots to make setup for AG , something like AG -> Minion life -> Culling strike. I think using AG can be good idea becouse of the new Kingmaker thats gona provide us with fortify, which is huge and may compansate for the loose of PoI (since we cant reserve any life in CI builds)
If we still want to use AG in LL build its posible, we can get rid of the CWDT -> IK -> Vortex setup!



