[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11
![]() Btw from messages, my jam is indeed Haddaway - What Is Love Evening peoples, welcome to my guide for a 100% (or near as damnit) +4/+5/+6 Chain Ice Shot build. This build has now been running for multiple leagues, through multiple nerfs and buffs. Yes there are a few variants, with slight twists on the general crit bow formula (or even flat ele bow formula) Props to Aquarism for his build, a less crit focused variant but still exceptionally strong There are a bunch of others that are decent but Aquarism's is the one I know best as an alternative. The basis of the build is to achieve as close to 100% crit chance with stupidly high amounts of chain to give Ice Shot a clear that far exceeds even legacy Tornado Shot with +2 Enchant and Fork. By utilising both the crit freeze Herald of Ice procs (which also get some crit chance when using Watcher's Eye taking lessons from Autobombers) and the insanity of +4/+5/+6 chain we can achieve insane levels of clear speed, as seen here in this delve video demonstrating : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01I4qaEGFFg Whilst from Patch 3.7 it is still relevant as the only thing that directly changed was the crit multi nerf to Opus. This was with +4 Chain at the time. 3.12 Changes Edit: As players have noted, you'll have to generate power charges via Oskarm or Farrul's Fur (sacrificing damage but gaining health) or not use Power Charges making crit chance % a higher priority. I'll update the PoB and guide when I can. Sorry about that PoB Community Fork updated pastebin has been added to the OP and videos to come soon.
Patch 3.11 Changes: Gloomfang has been nerfed; "Gloomfang: No longer causes projectiles to gain 15-20% of non-Chaos damage as extra Chaos Damage per Chain. Now causes projectiles that have chained to gain 20-35% of non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage. Now grants 30-40% increased Projectile Speed. Existing versions of the item are unaffected." So whilst it adds a decent chunk of extra chaos it's not really worth the downside, especially when it was able to get upto 120% before at a maximum chain (and yes before people get on at me about that being the extreme, the average would still be between 40%-80%. You also can't reduce the amount of life lost per hit with catalysts, they increase the amount lost. From now on the preference is Yoke of Suffering with Adder's Touch annointed, or a rare. Gloomfang is only justifiable if you really need that chain. Ungil's Harmony buff: "Ungil's Harmony: Now grants 250-350% increased Global Critical Strike Chance (from 100%). Now causes your Critical Strikes to deal no extra Damage (previously granted -25% to Critical Strike Multiplier). Existing items can be updated to the new values with a Divine Orb." Now perfect for levelling to proc them HoI's early on. I'll give Reach of the Council a try but I think it's gonna be crap. No Gem we use has been changed. We'll start in some shitty order Levelling Gear: Bows and Quivers
Level 1 - Silverbranch: This is your starting unique, but until you get that any bow with 3G sockets will do you. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Silverbranch Level 5 - Craghead: Usefull for some extra flat phys, some corruptions remove the level requirement entirely. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Craghead Level 10 - Hyrri's Bite: This is the goto Quiver until Level 45 when you'd fate into Hyrri's Demise (given you have the prophecy) ilvl60 is required for +1 Arrow Corruption, ilvl80 for +1 Chain Corruption. There's a crafting recipe to get it also. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hyrri%27s_Bite Level 18 - Roth's Reach: I use this upto Death's Harp, although sometime's up to Death's Opus as the +1 Chain is just so nice, allowing you to drop Pierce entirely freeing up a gem slot. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Roth%27s_Reach Level 32 - Death's Harp: Whilst having been nerfed the biggest thing to get here is as close to 50% inc crit implicit, it'll make your levelling feel so much nicer. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Death%27s_Harp Level 44 - Death's Opus: The bigger, badder version of the Harp, gotten through a Prophecy where you kill Nightwane in Dried Lake. Has an extra arrow and flat extra phys, perfect roll is about 218 pDPS. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Death%27s_Opus Level 45 - Hyrri's Demise: Because we use Taming in this build it beats out Voidfletcher (unless you're using Barrage on Weapon Swap then Voidfletcher will be your endgame quiver due to Barrage + Voidshot Shenanigans). https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hyrri%27s_Demise (OPTIONAL) Level 64 - Voidfletcher: An Elder Drop, the Void Shot with the amount of extra arrows we get from different sources is a very good alternative to Demise if you're going Pure Cold and/or not too bothered about Taming Procs. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Voidfletcher Armour:
Level 1 - Tabula: Need I Say More Level 9 - Briskwrap: Best alternative to Tabula if you got it as a 6L Lying around for a second char or some shit. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Briskwrap Level 57 - Wildwrap: The fated version of Briskwrap, I used it in Metamorph till I could afford Hyrri's as a 6L was 25c (and we have at least 400 Dex by this point so it's a free 26% increased damage too). https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Wildwrap Level 65 - Hyrri's Ire: Still a good armour even after the nerf, 10%/10% Dodge, Nice, Equivalent to a level 12 added cold in flat cold damage, Nice, Fuck tonnes of Evasion, VERY NICE. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hyrri%27s_Ire (OPTIONAL) Level 69 - Farrul's Fur: An alternative to Hyrri's if you're after higher defence and need some extra crit. Also a very good alternative if you're not using Green Nightmare for Frenzy Charge generation. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Farrul%27s_Fur Boots:
Level 1 - Seven-League-Step: Ermm 50% MS (60% possible with corruption). https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Seven-League_Step Level 1 - Wanderlust: Mana Regen, Can't be Frozen, MS. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Wanderlust Level 23 - Stormcharger: Increased Shock Effect is nice if you run Lightning Arrow for a bit. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Stormcharger Level 65 - Darkray Vector's: Especially useful in the Raider variant (see 3.9 Video for Raider Variant Tree and adjust to 3.11 yourself). https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Darkray_Vectors Rares: Enchantments: Ele Pen if not killed or Flat Added Damage or Movespeed. Maximum Life Ele Res Dodge Spell / Attack Elusive on Kill if you can get it Gloves:
Level 1 - Lochtonial Caress: Charge Gen, Some Life, I use them way longer than most probably should. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Lochtonial_Caress Level 9 - Hrimsorrow: The flat cold damage is nice, and as a ranger you'll be Strength starved early on for Elemental Damage to Attacks gem. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hrimsorrow Level 11 - Sadima's Touch: The flat damage ain't half bad early on. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sadima%27s_Touch Level 24 - Hrimburn: Fated version of Hrimsorrow, has Cold Damage can Ignite which is useful with Taming if you get super lucky. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hrimburn Level 31 - Shadows And Dust: Easily gotten from Einhar, useful till endgame. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Shadows_and_Dust Level 36 - Tombfist: 1 Slot or 2 Slot is fine, They used to be bonkers, but even post nerf they have good benefits (and as a unique can be reliably corrupted to get the +% Attack Crit Chance) https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Tombfist_(2_Abyssal_Sockets) Rares: Gripped Gloves always Enchantment: Commandment of Fury that's about it. Physical Damage to Attacks increased Attack Speed Maximum Life Res Belts:
Level 8 - Meginord's Girdle: Life & Strength. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Meginord%27s_Girdle Level 11 - Faminebind: Easily gotten from Einhar, Proj Damage and Flask Duration. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Faminebind Level 16 - Perandus Blazon: The +20-30 Attributes can help. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Perandus_Blazon Level 25 - Prismweave: Loadsa damage. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Prismweave Level 40 - Headhunter: Need I Say More. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Headhunter Rares: Maximum Life % increased maximum Life % increased Attributes % increased Attack Speed during any Flask Effect % increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills % increased Projectile Attack Damage during any Flask Effect Rings:
Level 1 - Blackheart: Life and Damage. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Blackheart Level 20 - The Three Berek's: Components to making The Taming, each has quite a good use in levelling till you get all 3. Berek's Respite had its radius buffed too. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Berek%27s_Grip https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Berek%27s_Pass https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Berek%27s_Respite Level 20 - Call of the Brotherhood: Useful in a Cold Elemental Hit build, especially with Catalysts https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Call_of_the_Brotherhood Level 24 - Le Heup of All: The Granddaddy of Levelling Rings https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Le_Heup_of_All Level 30 - The Taming: So Good, just SO FUCKING GOOD. So good half the builds based around its interactions. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Taming Level 30 - Thief's Torment: Mana Starved, Use this. Rares: Global Critical Strike Multiplier Maximum Life Res +20 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks % increased Projectile Attack Damage % increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills Flat Cold Damage (OPTIONAL) Assassin's Mark on Hit Amulets:
Level 5 - Karui Ward: Proj Damage and Strength and Move Speed https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Karui_Ward Level 20 - Astramentis: If you're attribute starved. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Astramentis Level 23 - Ungil's Harmony: Now fucking amazing for levelling with HoI. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ungil%27s_Harmony Level 24 - Karui Charge: Fated version of Karui Ward, adds on Attack Speed. Legacy ones were nicer though https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Karui_Charge Level 32 - Voll's Devotion: Just an all round good defensive amulet. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Voll%27s_Devotion Level 35 - The Halcyon: Works very well when levelling with Ice Shot. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Halcyon Level 64 - Hyrri's Truth: The super fucking budget amulet. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hyrri%27s_Truth Level 70 - Yoke of Suffering: Our goto amulet for dealing fuck tonnes of damage. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Yoke_of_Suffering (OPTIONAL) Level 64 - Solstice Vigil: For buffing your Headhunter. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Solstice_Vigil Level 64 - Pandemonius: For if you're lacking in Cold Pen. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Pandemonius REST IN PIECE GLOOMFANG YOU BEAUTIFUL BASTARD. Jewels:
NEVER USE OMEN ON THE WINDS, IF YOU DO I WILL DICK SLAP YOU! For Searching Eye Jewels it's going to be one with Onslaught on Kill, Blind on Hit, Life and Damage Then for Uniques Watcher's Eye - Hatred Crit Chance, any other Hatred. Precision gives Crit Multi. Green Nightmare - For going next to Survivalist for Dodge, Frenzy gen and 5% cold as extra chaos damage. Lioneye's Fall - For converting Claw to Bow node's and allowing us to allocate Adder's Touch and apply it to Bows too. Cluster Jewels: Medium - Critical Strike Chance: Pressure Points & Precise Commander Small - Fettle. LIFE BITCH! ********************************************
Scourge Arrow - Single Target with Chin Sol Setup (Required Crit Hatred Watcher's Eye) Scourge Arrow - Mirage Archer - (Awakened) Added Cold Damage - Infused Channeling - (Awakened) Elemental Damage with Attacks - Inspiration / DoFL Ice Shot - Single Target with Chin Sol Setup (Doesn't Require Watcher's Eye Ice Shot - (Awakened) Added Cold Damage - (Awakened) Cold Penetration - Increased Critical Strikes - (Awakened) Elemental Damage with Attacks - Inspiration / DoFL Ice Shot - Clear with Opus Ice Shot - Increased Critical Strikes - (Awakened) Added Cold Damage - (Awakened) Chain Support - (Awakened) Elemental Damage with Attacks) - DoFL Barrage - ST with Opus (Please try and get the extra 25% cold conversion craft on gloves if using Barrage) Barrage - Increased Critical Strikes (Crit Damage if having 1.8% Hatred and/or Bottled Faith) - (Awakened) Added Cold Damage - (Awakened) Chain Support - (Awakened) Elemental Damage with Attacks) - Inspiration ***************Auras and Spells*************** Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassins Mark - Frost Bomb Immortal Call (10) / Steelskin - Cast When Damage Taken (8) - Blink Arrow - Dread Banner Hatred - Dash - Vaal Grace - Enlighten
Level 18 Roth's Reach is so useful it allows you to have only one active skill and do content fine, Ice Shot even with +1 Chain makes levelling feel nice. From level 33 you want Death's Harp, it's a 2c unique, but try and get one with a 125% phys roll, who cares about the crit chance, you can blessed orb that later. (You'll go back to pierce till Level 38) Bowstring's Music is the prophecy to upgrade and 9/10 it works out cheaper especially when going for max rolls. It's how I ended up with the highest pDPS Opus in the game that isn't corrupted. Well unless someone has 28% quality'd a perfect rolled one. Hyrri's Bite is a great quiver to use from Level 10, I wouldn't upgrade to Demise unless it's ilvl80 though as it requires ilvl80 to get a chance to corrupt to +1 chain. (Prophecy; A Dishonourable Death) Ring's it's pretty simple Le Heup of All / Lightning or Cold Berek's for levelling, Praxis for mana. Elder Ring is your first stop, as I mention a LOT it's necessary for Gloomfang to not An Hero you. If you can't get 18-20 Life Gained for Each Enemy Hit By Your Attacks, DO NOT FUCKING USE GLOOMFANG Amulet: Yoke of Suffering is king, getting Adder's Touch annointed on beats Throatseeker due to the poison being an ailment that Yoke procs Boots: League I start with Wanderlusts, Wake of Destruction is great if you level with Scourge Arrow, or Seven-League Steps if you got the dollah, eventually settle into a rare set of boots with Move Speed / Dodge / Res / Life, Enchantment is any of the damage ones or ele pen. Move Speed if you feel you're going too slowly. Helm: So I use Starkonja's just due to how fucking good it is, it can be beaten out by a rare with nearby enemies have reduced Cold & Chaos resist, but that's majorly difficult to attain so I say fuck it. Rat's Nest is a viable alternative until Watcher's Eye for the 75% crit roll. Enchants to look for: 40% Ice Shot / Scourge Arrow additional Pod / Scourge Arrow Damage / Frost Bomb Debuff Duration for Bosses / Hatred Reservation if you wanna crank Precision up all the way Gloves: I level with Lochtonials for Charges, otherwise Hrimburn for the Cold can Ignite or Ondar's for Attack Speed, to me charges are better though. Later on you want gloves with Attack Speed, Life, Res, Phys/Cold Damage to Attacks, and "of Fury" enchantment. With all the added cold we have Fury is fucking broken. Belt: HH Is King, but it's expensive as fuck so. Levelling it goes, Prismweave or Rare, Bisco's for Rampage, Rare Elder belt or whatever the Conqueror version that gives proj damage is. Bandits: Alira ******************************************** Path of Building: Made with Community Fork Note: The gear listed is like the perfect end game gear, but everything is in the right place it needs to be. Work from there. I'm not your mother. " Levelling Tree Video, from 3.09 but it's changes to 3.11 only matter if you have Cluster Jewels, otherwise IT'S THE SAME! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vMop83tj6M Daily Build Log Videos: [OLD] [3.11 Harvest] Day One - Invisible Monsters, Farming Midgets and Starting Leagues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2vsdxZNkJs [3.11 Harvest] Day Two - Spanking Innocence, Freezing Hunger and Gaining Crit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LfV2Zl1K-4& ******************************************** ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ******************************************** Questions and FAQ
Pro's & Cons - + Can do all content (so far, I've usually died due to not knowing the mechanics) + 70% Evasion (or capped with one extra defensive flask) + 54/40 Dodge (More with Vectors or Quartz Flask) (capped with Vaal Grace) + Up to +6/7 Chain with 10 arrows, insane clear. + Can use Vaal Breach to make Bossing charges easier + Nice 20-30 mill Deeps (PoB cant do Mirage Archer) - Uses Gloomfang so needs Elder Ring or Thief's Torment to not an hero - Ranger so squishy when actually hit - Requires hit and run and piano flasks - Is a 100% crit build so really needs 1.8% Hatred Watchers Eye to feel great (alternative is Diamond Flask of the Order and Rat's Nest So first things first, the mandatory items for the build Death's Opus - The build is centered around this bow, for it's clear and crit multi and two arrow potential. Easiest way in my opinion is to buy a 121-125% Increased Phys Death's Harp and use Bowstring's Music Prophecy to upgrade at level 44. I've had a lot of questions about single target and there are three options with pros and cons 1. Barrage / Ice Shot setup Ice Shot's clear is bonkers good so that'll remain the same throughout Barrage, this is the easiest one to get started with but has the most min-maxing, Barrage is multiplied by amount of arrows, meaning getting additional arrow from Quiver and +1 enchant is 20% more damage than without, but it is the easiest to set up if you have the bow and enough crit. (Be warned, because it's lots of little hits, the Freeze and Shock potential is much lower) 2. Scourge Arrow / Ice Shot / Ice Shot Culling Strike Weapon Swap This setup makes use of Weapon Swap with Chin Sol and a Hyrri's corrupted with flat ele damage on it, using Scourge Arrows stupidly OP multiplier and Chin Sol for the 100% more damage when nearby we get a nice 20 million plus DPS hit for bossing. Having Ice Shot with Culling Strike and Cold Penetration in the bow on weapon swap helps with the end of boss fights, if in standard add in IIQ too. Main Downside: Amulet swapping to Yoke of Suffering 3. Ice Shot / Ice Shot This one has Ice shot for Clear and Single Target Not much change but has about 3x damage of the clear version with the setup Ice Shot - Ele Damage - Added Cold - Damage on Full Life - Hypothermia - Cold Pen This setups only downside is having quarter the maximum DPS of Scourge Arrow, but has the advantage of no weapon swap or gear swap. ************************* Cheaper Items; The only things mandatory is Opus and Demise, if you only have Hyrri's Bite then Taming isn't needed and focus on freeze only. This build is adaptive it's a phys to cold with added flat ele on top build, the complexity only comes from Life Gained For Each Enemy Hit By Your Attacks being higher than Gloomfangs loss. If you do not have that, use anything else.
Personally I go in this order Harp with a 125% phys roll and 50% crit implicit, then get the prophecy and upgrade. Hyrri's second to upgrade. The added flat damage from stats begins to mount up by about level 70 Lioneye's Fall Elder Ring with 18-20 Life Gained For Each Enemy Hit By Your Attacks. Do NOT use Gloomfang until Elder ring is done Then get Gloomfang, if you don't have the Elder, skip this till you do Taming next to get the 120% increased ele from Demise and upto 40% res. Green Dream / Nightmare next Watcher's Eye ^ Ire last.
Can I League Start with this? Yes, I have done for many leagues, especially with how cheap some of the items get (most are never considered meta even if they're way stronger than a lot of meta stuff How do I generate Frenzy charges? Green Dream / Green Nightmare is the final way to generate, but before that you can use Ice Bite support in your Ice Shot instead of Added Cold, just be sure to take Frenzy Charges earlier on to get the most from the support gem. As Level 21 Ice Bite does more damage than Level 21 Added Cold when you have 7 Charges and is about on par when you have 6. So them Glove Corruptions can be handy, (and is the only one better than the projectile damage implicit) What defences does this build have? Near max Evasion 10-20% Blind Chance 50/40 Dodge, with 75/75 Dodge when using Vaal Grace 4.2-5K HP Fully upgraded pantheon means Immune to Poison, can't be hit by chain proj and 10% chance to avoid projectiles FUCKING FREEZES EVERYTHING! What's the maximum damage potential? At most I've got my scourge arrow setup to about 30million DPS, with a mirror bow it becomes about 42million Ice Shot you can get to about 4million on clear, 9million on single target. Why Deadeye? Ricochet Node gives 10% more damage per remaining chain, this means with fully specced gear you get a 50% more multiplier on your damage which is bonkers. Where's the leech from? Lioneye's Fall Gem causes Claw nodes to become Bow nodes when placed in the jewel socket above Acrobatics. Nuff sed Do I need a 1.8% Crit Watchers Eye? No, but it will make the build feel a lot nicer, if you do not have one, take King of the Hill earlier. You wanna have 60-70% base crit without Watchers eye, 85-95% with. Why not Voidfletcher? So Voidfletcher only adds Flat cold and ES (which is Halved from having Acrobatics, so it's defensive gain is also weak, as we're clearing entire screens the enemies are dead before the void shot's have a chance to go off. For bosses it's true that they can pack a punch with Barrage but, and a big but, you lose out on a tonne of ele damage from The Taming and it's Shock as well (due to having little to no lightning damage) this does not offset the amount of damage Void Shot gives, especially not compared to a stacked Scourge Arrow shot which can peak over 35million DPS. What about the Cold Damage Changes Currently level 21/20 Added Cold Damage is 187 to 280 added cold damage, the upgrade to Added Cold Damage Plus will more than pick up the slack for the nerfing of Abyss Jewels from previous league and also team up better with the Scourge Arrow Plus at Level 5 is equivalent to Level 23 Added Cold so a Level 6 is gonna be manic (if a +1 socketed gems on chest to make Level 7 it's gonna be fucking nuts) This will make up for Hyrri's Ire's minor nerf. How Far Can It Delve I've gotten down to 600 without any issues, if I min maxed my gear I could easily pass 1000 I'm looking to play with a friend who's playing aura bot, would this build gain anything from that? Yeah, Anger and Wrath both add a fuck tonne of damage to Scourge and Ice Shot, Haste and Grace are lovely too, Flesh and Stone is good for defense and crit, Purity's for deep delving are nice too. How yoke of suffering procs poison? So through Lioneye's Fall it extend's over Adder's Touch changing it from Daggers to Bow. Then through the Annointment it adds Adder's Touch onto your amulet, giving you the poison chance and crit multi (which with Yoke is an additional ailment, stacking that increased damage taken) Pantheon Lunaris / Shakari I make odd builds and sometimes write guides. My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SynixProcessing#1351 เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2020 23:34:00 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2020 23:31:01
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***YABB 3.9 - Day One Build Log / Highlights*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_entr1C6wRs ***YABB 3.9 - Day Two Build Log / Highlights*** Apologies for the music in the first two clips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaLA-kPac-E ***YABB 3.9 - Day Three Build Log / Highlights*** Timestamps due to many more clips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcTe0TVXZk8 ***YABB 3.9 - Day Four Build Log / Highlights*** Didn't get as far into the atlas as i'd liked due to time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeexYi4Ll68 ***YABB 3.9 - Day Five Build Log / Highlights & Lowlights*** I done forgot about Detonate Dead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt_ZPRM8F4M ***YABB 3.9 - Day Six Build Log / Highlights & Lowlights*** Timestamps due to many more clips, sorry about the music for first 5 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWef0dMcAyM ***YABB 3.9 - Day Seven Build Log / Highlights & Lowlights*** More lowlights trundling along now, starts off with some good item gathering though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7i3VCFDKPI ***YABB 3.9 - Day Eight Build Log / Highlights*** This has music all the way throughout as I got tired of the normal OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4gjoEQGfpY ***YABB - Build Guide, Act 1 to Shaper in 4hrs with tips.*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjA6DOZJgI4 ******************** ******************** ***OLD 3.7 Videos*** Shaper 3.7 Tree Test: (Standard) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeC-SfSyaNU& 3.7 Ice Shot Only Test: (Standard) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gyASWPX8xc 3.7 Ice Shot / Frost Bomb Test: (Standard) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5EpMgJ6lwI& 3.7 Ice Shot / Scourge Arrow Uber Elder and UE Guardians (Not Deathless) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5JMP96-q3U (Down from 5 to 3 deaths) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fW8iRYdkkE Sleep Deprived Ice Shot Only, No HH No Scourge Shaper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh743v4cIz0 Clearing This is what happens when you put GMP in place of Added Cold, all the clears: Delve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01I4qaEGFFg& At this point getting the +1 chain Hyrri's a boss killing belt (essence crafted Stygian makes the most sense for the 5% pen and abyssal slot), the last jewel socket on the tree and the next Hatred Watcher's Eye the damage becomes ridiculous but that is major min-maxing I make odd builds and sometimes write guides. My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SynixProcessing#1351 เมื่อ 11 มี.ค. 2020 15:00:19
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Updated: Added 2 new videos to replace the purposefully annoying levelling videos to show the clear. (Still needs Hyrri's and was done with IIQ Gem in slot instead of Cold to Fire)
Updated: New PoB, way better now I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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Added: Delve level 320 Abyssal City test. Now I've got Uber Lab done all that's missing is Green Nightmare jewel and to 6L my Hyrri's for Single Target (Although Ice Shot is doing nicely)
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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Added: Main build compilation video
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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Hello, i've been following your build for the Flashback event, im still a new player overall, but how does the Claw node affect the Bow dmg/crit?
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" via "Lioneye's fall viridian jewel" placed in the closest jewel slot to the claw wheel. Lioneye's fall: melee and melee weapon type modifiers in radius are transformed to bow modifiers. |
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If you do not have that available to you drop those nodes and take the Vitality void nodes near duelist wheel and the mana leech.
Instead of the Green Nightmare cos it's gonna be expensive, swap in Blood Rage or Ice Bite for the Cold gem (and use Darkray Vectors) I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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Hi fairly new player here. Could you screen shot the rest of your tree? The 2 pics you have only have 60 points
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" The rest is available in either the PoB link or if you click my profile you can see my character Synix_ChaingunnerMkIV and look at the tree I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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