[3.7] Trickster Burning Arrow - Launch Burning Sticks at Your Enemies!

I am Updating this build for the new 3.9 Improvements. Please visit this page for the Chieftain version: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2681831


There are a few required uniques to get this build off the ground. Luckily, most are very cheap. Our lategame items in the PoB should be considering the build at it's min/max stage and is not indicative of how the build will feel and cost to level. Rare armor will do well enough to get us to lategame. I suggest picking up a blackgleam and Belly for early to mid levels. Upgrade to a Kaom's as soon as you have the strength and currency. Also, leveling with a CwDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration setup helps increase survivability until you get gear and levels.

----------HOW THIS BUILD WORKS-------------

It's important to note that we do not deal any physical damage because of Dyadian Dawn. Because of this, it is crucial that we have 100% conversion to Fire. We accomplish this through Burning Arrow and The Signal Fire. This means our physical damage directly contributes to our Fire damage and subsequently our burn damage. Items with added Fire damage will contribute most efficiently to our dps.

POB DOES NOT SHOW CALC DPS WITH SIMULTANEOUS IGNITES. this means we are doing twice as much burn DPS than what PoB shows. (Depending of course on how well you rolled both ignites and how focused your attacks are.)

You can read more on how ignite/burn duration works here: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ignite


* Core uniques: Dyadian Dawn, Signal Fire, Pitch Darkness, Sudden Ignition
* Items with added or extra Fire damage are best
* Don't trust PoB DPS with complex mechanics. Always double check.



- Relatively high Burn DPS
- Med to high clearspeed with good gear
- Required gear is budget and important uniques are reasonably priced. (Tombfist can be run as a 1 socket ver. until you have currency)
- You get to play S H A D O W



- No Ele Reflect maps (Burn is not reflected but our initial dmg is)
- Can feel slow to level until you get good added fire damage and unique jewels.
- Isn't Cyclone (can be nice if you like a challenge and trying something new)
- You will occasionally need more pockets



- Updated Skill tree to have level progression
- Crafted new rare bow for the build (higher DPS)
- Updated PoB Link

- Added ASCENDANCY section to build page
- Updated PoB Link
- Updated GEMS section on build page

- Updated PoB Link (Tombfist is now the Legion variant and not legacy)

- Updated PoB Link
- Added credits to build that I used for inspiration



*A rare bow is the best option for us here. Specifically, with a high base crit chance. The harder we hit with our initial Fire damage, the higher our ignite damage/the happier we are.

*The Signal Fire is easily best in slot. If you can manage to get a double corrupted version with added Fire and extra Fire, you'll hit even harder.

*(For damage) Crown of the Tyrant - Lots of added Fire damage (with red socket) and good stats. Taking this over Devoto's will get you up to 1 mil dps easy. This is my personal preference.

*(For utility) Devoto's devotion - Increased attack spd and move speed always helps map clear feel good. Damage sucks compared to CotT, but you have more sockets to work with.

Body Armor (listed in order of preference):
*Kaom's Heart gives us Fire damage and an insane amount of HP. Best choice for lategame.

*Go Belly of the Beast if you favor all resistances and increased health. since we're using a lot of uniques, this isn't a bad choice to tide you over until a Kaom's. There is also the benefit of a second possible 6-link. you could use this for a more advanced Flammability setup.

*Loreweave - If you can get a Loreweave with a high roll to physical and elemental dmg, you will increase your DPS. this pick would help with -max resist map mods and low strength stat issue. Unfortunately, this drops our health into the 5k range and provides no resistance buffs.

*We go Tombfist to raise our damage and life significantly. 1 socket ver. is ok for leveling. 2 socket is best case scenario and allows us to fit more damage/life/resists onto the build. Our Abyss jewels are ideally of the "Searching" variety.

*A pair of rare boots is ideal. All resist and move speed. The usual stuff.

*A good rare amulet will go a long way with this build. Two resists, increase ele dmg, life, increase Fire dmg and added Fire damage are our choice mods. See PoB for example.

*The Taming and Stormfire are the best fit here. Sibyl's Lament is a decent stand-in for Taming until you can afford it. Emberwake seems to drop our dps too hard to seem worth taking.

*Dyadian Dawn is amazing here and is best in slot. We burn faster and get high resist buffs.



Searching jewels with:

- Adds # to # Lightning OR Fire Damage to Bow Attacks
- Adds # to # Fire Damage to Attacks
- +#% to all Elemental Resistances
- +# to maximum life
- strength or dex (depending on need. Kaom's requires high str and bow requires high dex)



I've put together three Burning Arrow setups for you to choose from. Elemental Damage with Attacks is very important to our damage and should be picked up ASAP.

[Balanced Clear Setup]
Vaal Burning Arrow > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Greater Multiple Projectiles > Swift Affliction > Deadly Ailments > Burning Damage

[Single Target DPS]
Vaal Burning Arrow > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Deadly Ailments > Swift Affliction > Burning Damage > Combustion

[Extra Thicc Clear]
Vaal Burning Arrow > Greater Multiple Projectiles > Mirage Archer > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Ignite Proliferation > Combustion


-Flame Dash
-Faster Casting

-Flammability > Curse On Hit > Storm Brand > Empower


Order here is mostly dependant on what you feel you need as you play through this build. IMO, you should always take {Reaper > Prolonged} first. If you are having mana problems, then take weave as your third choice.

[1] Patient Reaper
[2] Prolonged Pain
[3] Swift Killer
[4] Weave the Arcane


Kill all.

Bandit buffs are outlined here, but I can assure you they are not worth: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Deal_with_the_Bandits

----------POB LINK-------------


JAY'S [3.3] Burning Arrow Trickster https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2166593

----------MY OTHER BUILD(S)-------------

[3.7] Facebreaker Cyclone

Come closer child, I have secrets you must know...



⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣣⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⡙⠛⠛⠛⢛⣺⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⣼⢫⣵⣿⣿⣿ Source:copypasta
Uh oh, Stinky
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย BDZLE#3985 เมื่อ 16 ธ.ค. 2019 07:31:27
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 16 ธ.ค. 2019 03:01:13
Uh oh, Stinky
Which order do you take for ascendancy.
I added a section to the build for Ascendancy order. Let me know if there's any other info I can provide. :)
Uh oh, Stinky
You're wrong about quality on BA, just so you know. It's not important but it's not bad. You should re-read that wiki page you linked. Ignite does 50% of the hit damage per second over 4 seconds at base. As the wiki article states, that 50% of the hit damage per second is static. So if you hit for 100 damage, at base duration, your ignite does 200 total damage (50 per second times 4 seconds). If you increase the duration to 5 seconds, your ignite will do 250 total damage (50 per second times 5 seconds). So duration doesn't increase dps, but it doesn't lower it either. At worst, duration doesn't change your dps. At best, however, duration gives you better dps uptime when fighting bosses such as Uber elder. It also arguably increases the consistency of your dps by allowing higher ignite damage rolls to last longer so you don't have to reapply as often to get high rolls.
Zankaa เขียน:
You're wrong about quality on BA, just so you know. It's not important but it's not bad. You should re-read that wiki page you linked. Ignite does 50% of the hit damage per second over 4 seconds at base. As the wiki article states, that 50% of the hit damage per second is static. So if you hit for 100 damage, at base duration, your ignite does 200 total damage (50 per second times 4 seconds). If you increase the duration to 5 seconds, your ignite will do 250 total damage (50 per second times 5 seconds). So duration doesn't increase dps, but it doesn't lower it either. At worst, duration doesn't change your dps. At best, however, duration gives you better dps uptime when fighting bosses such as Uber elder. It also arguably increases the consistency of your dps by allowing higher ignite damage rolls to last longer so you don't have to reapply as often to get high rolls.

Thank you for clarifying this! Sometimes I wish this game wasn't so complicated, but i guess that's half of the appeal. I removed that little bit in the beginning of the build page. When I was reading through all this information originally I thought that you would want super short burn times for clear speed, but I understand that on bossing there will be overhang time that they are not ignited while you're running around dodging shaper balls and stuff.

I guess moral of the story is that burn duration is somewhat personal preference.
Uh oh, Stinky
I love it! Been looking for a burning arrow build for a while. :)

Could you upload a video though?
Spiattalo เขียน:
I love it! Been looking for a burning arrow build for a while. :)

Could you upload a video though?

I plan on adding a video soon. Unfortunately the build is still in progress and my friend is leveling it. Will work on this ASAP though! I know I definitely prefer to run builds that I can see how they preform before I run them.
Uh oh, Stinky
So i have leveled up to 73 using this guide and its amazing. I'm tinkering with immolate rightnow, but will so how it compares later once i get storm fire. My damage show right under 100k for shaper, is that going to be enough? This is my first build pushing that far honestly. Could you wake a look at my gear and let me know where i can improve? Characters name is "Acidplasher"
kikiodead เขียน:
So i have leveled up to 73 using this guide and its amazing. I'm tinkering with immolate rightnow, but will so how it compares later once i get storm fire. My damage show right under 100k for shaper, is that going to be enough? This is my first build pushing that far honestly. Could you wake a look at my gear and let me know where i can improve? Characters name is "Acidplasher"

If you can afford Kaom's Heart or one of the other chest armor option's on the build, it will push your dps higher for sure. I didn't see a chest piece when I viewed your character but I'm sure it may have been temporarily unequipped or something.

Abyss jewels made a big difference for damage. I would definitely start there if you're short on cash. Cinderswallow will help a lot as well. Gives you a little extra survivability and DPS. Dying Sun if your clear feels lacking.

I would suggest picking up a instant recovery flask while leveling to help with any big hits you take. My friend said it's really been helping him out.

As far as I can tell, PoB is not smart enough to calc dps for 2 ignites. You're likely doing somewhere around 200k dmg to shaper. Hopefully that answers some questions.

P.S. When you uncheck Sudden Ignition on PoB it only drops dps by 10-20k. Definitely not what our projected dps is with 2 simultaneous ignites. Just wanted to give some thought process on why I thought PoB wasn't calcing correctly.
Uh oh, Stinky



