[3.7] DW Cospri CoC Cyclone Vaal Ice Nova - Easy End Game / MF Setup / All in One Build
First of all, i'm aware there're so much more optimized Cospri CoC Cyclone builds around and pretty sure they know what they're doing better than me. What i claim here is; Other builds mostly focus on 1 thing. They might have more Shaper dps. Also they might kill all monolith monsters with just 1 click. But none of them can do both in same build as far as i see. Also turning into a MF build without any resist or damage compromise. As a result, i just tried to make the build High Tier for every content. And pretty sure i achieved it. Note: We need to be carefull with our "Attacks Per Second". Exceeding 7.49 attacks per second means dps decreasion due to CoC and Cospri's cast on critical trigger cooldown. It doesn't ruin the build entirely but that's the maximazed way to play it. Also you need to have at least 14% increased cooldown recovery speed suffix mod from your boots or belt. More then 14% means nothing but 13% or lower ruins it. Detailed explaination is here; https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ab2g9n/updated_cyclone_coc_discharge_proc_rate_now_with/ As you can instantly realise, i didn't create this build from nothing. This is a combination of few builds that i liked and tried before i get here. I started Glacier Monolith farm with a very few currencies using Tarke Cat's budget vaal ice nova build. That helped me a lot. Great build to start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjOFJnyUuLs After gathered some currencies, i realised i can make this build better so i kept searching other builds to understand how to improve it and came across to mbXtreme's MF Cospri CoC Cyclone build. mbXtreme is a veteran and this build is as good as almost all of his other builds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtFPK3ZoM6c Since i didn't want to loose benefits of Area of Effect for Monolith farming and clear speed, i took the parts that i liked from both builds and started to fuse them into one. They didn't fit perfectly so i made some adjustments and improvements since i had currency to spend. Aaaand here we are. Thanks to both Tarke Cat and mbXtreme so much for their great builds and making it posible to create this one. And the biggest thanks go to Zeichne for every great idea he gave during the development process.
Shaper Kill; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0oB7JZXk5E Uber Atziri Kill (Died once to chaos guys, feelsbadman) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89f5yU4W1iI&feature=youtu.be Retarded Uber Elder Kill (First Time on Uber Elder) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dz99PUmDBo Hydra Kill; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1p11rhWUwA Phoenix Kill; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJvDydcmTeo MF version for Glacier or Burial Chambers farm with Inspired Learning Jewel and Vaal Breach (It's really fun); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4R7ZyBN9ys Standard MF Version on Glacier Monolith Farm; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSR5W5Ga_L0 Tier 15 Caldera Map with MF Setup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J5kef-aSTc
My Gears (Updated 25.07.2019)
PROS -All content viable. Your damage is more then enough to melt any boss including Uber Elder. Since this is not a face tank build, all you need to do is dodge attacks. Build has enough movement,cast and attack speed to do it. -League starter. Our skill tree doesn't begin with useless nodes. Go for dps nodes first. Find a Tabula Rasa or even a random 4-5 link item and you're good to go. Using CoC and Cyclone before finding your mandatory items is a mistake. Support an active skill that you like. A basic setup even with 3 links like Freezing Pulse supported with Added Lightning Damage, Added Cold Damage while you wear First Snow Cobalt Jewel on closest jewel socket will be fine. -Stun immune thanks to Cyclone itself. (Don't forget to keep spinning) -Absolutely a great Glacier, Burial Chambers etc. Monolith farmer with high dps and aoe. -Fits perfect for 5 key Legion farm thing with Inspired Learning Jewels and Headhunter. -No annoying mechanics like "Use this first then wait for debuff and now click this before this." You just use your flasks and keep spinning. -Enough attack and cast speed. Viable for Flame Dash, Whirling Blades and Leap Slam. Make your own choice. CONS -Around 5k HP, a little squishy but freezes everything and hits really hard so it's not a big deal. -Not a budget build. But if you're patient and kinda lucky with buying rares, this build doesn't cost that much. The good thing is expensive part is min/maxing it. So when you buy a 5 link Carcass, 2x Cospri's, a Starkonja and mandatory unique jewels then you're ready to farm. They cost max 110 chaos (24.07.2019). -This build has lots of spells flying around and explosions caused by Herald of Ice and Ice Novas so if your pc is not strong enough to handle it, you will probably have fps problems. Especially when you use your Vaal Ice Nova for Monoliths. Also it will be hard to dodge attacks and won't be much fun to play. "Fun" is the key word for a game, right? -Bleeding is pain in the ass. Since we move so fast around the map if you miss that you affected by bleeding, you're dead. You need to keep your Bleed Immunity life flask always ready.
Dex Problem
You have 293 int and 143 dex from skill tree and Cospri's Malice needs 257 int, 212 dex to equip. We have enough int from skill tree. So we wear Starkonja to take dexterity up to 70. Missing dex is 69 so you can solve it by having a high dex Starkonja.
Must Have Mods
"- to total mana cost of skills" is a must. A great side of using Cyclone is, having a very low mana usage per skill. Cyclone uses that low cost mana more frequently then other skill while we keep spinning and dumping that mana. Which means "% reduced mana use" or a stat like that doesn't help that much on 6 link Cyclone setup. In the other hand, "- to total mana cost of skills" is perfectly fits. Because this craft reduces skills mana costs as flat. -5 means -5 literally. So even if you craft a tier 1 - mana cost on it (I mean -5, it's how much we need on this setup), it will be fine and this means SPINNING FOR FREE even if you prefer to reserve all of your mana! Who cares about no regen map? You can craft this mod on your elder ring or your amulet, make your own choice. Note: "- to total mana cost of skills" craft is a veiled mod which means you can only unlock it by unveiling amulets or rings and getting lucky about it few times. But i can craft it for you if you pm me in game, costs just 3 chaos to craft it so it's not a big deal. "0.x% of cold damage leeched as life" suffix mod. It always comes together with x% increased cold resistance so it's helpfull for us. Because we use The Wise Oak Bismuth Flask and it gives elemental damage penetration to your highest uncapped elemental resistance.
Pastebin (Updated 25.07.2019)
Unlike most of other builds, we don't have only 1 source of damage. 1) 4 link Ice Nova triggered by CoC while hitting with Cyclone. 2) 3 Link Herald of Ice. 3) Frostbolt supported by Cold Pen triggered by Cospri with every critical hit. 4) Ice Nova linked with Frostbolt on Cospri which creates 2 explosions from 3 Frostbolt projectiles continously. 5) 3 Link Freezing Pulse triggered by Cospri with every critical hit. So it's impossible to see billions and zillions tons of damages on PoB but here's the good part; you can actually hit that much in game when all of these damages are combined. Also there're some situational mechanics like Crit chances and increased damages on full life or low life etc. comes from our ascendancy. So don't be a PoB dps slave, just enjoy the build.
Mandatory Items
Dual Cospri's Malice is our main dps source. Don't forget we can't exceed 7.49 attacks per second and be carefull about your weapons attack speeds.
Starkonja is best choice because it gives almost everything we need but of course other helmets are fine too but never forget that you need a lot of dex.
Body Armour
Carcass Jack Varnished Coat is only good option here. We get life, resist and most importantly increased area of effect and area damage.
I know there are great body armours out there like Loreweave, Queen of the Forest etc. But if we go for them, this means we give up from our AOE advantage for especially monolith farming.
Mark of the Shaper and an Elder Ring is a must.
Mark of the Shaper gives huge dps boost along with increased % life and Elder Ring as it's activator. Poacher's Mark might look fancy but we don't want to ruin our optimized attack speed. So buy any Elder Ring without curse enemies with level # Poacher's Mark on hit suffix.
Our mandatory jewels are First Snow Cobalt Jewel, Frozen Trail Cobalt Jewel and Tempered Mind Cobalt Jewel.
Frozen Trail buffs our Frostbolt and makes it throw 3 projectiles. 2 of 3 projectiles also activates our linked Ice Nova on every triggered attack by Cospri's Malice which gives us extra damage and area clear. First Snow buffs our Freezing Pulse on other Cospri's Malice with 2 additional projectile. Since we use Cyclone to trigger our skills on Cospri's Malices which means every projectile goes out from us. This makes every projectile to hit bosses so it increase our single target damage along with area clear. Tempered Mind is a must for this build because we don't take Resolute Technique from skill tree or wear a Lycosidae Rawhide Tower Shield. So we need accuracy to hit monsters and this jewel solves all of our problems with +1500 accuracy.
You need to get " 0.x% cold damage leeched as life" from your amulet. You might also prefer to use The Pandemonius Jade Amulet. I tried it but having life leech only from linking Life Leech Support on Cospri's Malice with Frostbolt and Ice Nova didn't satisfy me. Build feels so much safer this way.
Rare Items
Our free slots are very limited. Rare items we can equip are; belt, amulet, boots and elder ring.
As i explained before, you need a rare amulet with "0.x% cold damage leeched as life" suffix mod on it. Don't forget that you you need to craft "- to total mana cost of skill" prefix mod on your amulet or ring. Other stats you need are flat life, resistances and critical multiplier if you have currency to spend.
Flat life, movement speed and resistances. But don't forget to get "14% increased cooldown recovery speed" we need. Only posible options are boots and belt.
Flat life and resistances. But don't forget to get "14% increased cooldown recovery speed" we need. Only posible options are boots and belt.
Elder Ring
Already explained why you need and Elder Ring but you don't need a spesific Elder mod. Flat life, resistances and some damage or critical modifiers if you're rich. Don't forget that you need to craft "- to total mana cost of skills" prefix mod on your amulet or ring.
We have 2 free jewel sockets. If you have a spesific Unique jewel on your mind, you can go for it. Otherwise, we always look for "x% increased maximum life" first. Then you can look for critical strike multiplier as global, cold, elemental, spell, while dual-wielding etc. and increased damage as cold, spell, elemental etc. Also you can look for elemental resistances if you wish to.
Note: Don't equip a jewel with attack speed modifiers on it unless you're doing it intentionally for optimizing your attack per second to 7.49 max.
Skill Tree
Since it's a critical demanding build because of Cast on Critical and Cospri's Malice, Assassin is what we get.
Unstable Infusion -> Makes us gain Power Charges. Deadly Infusion -> +1 Power Charge, Critical Strike Muliplier per Power Charge, 2% Critical Strike Chance at max power charge. Opportunistic -> 20% movement speed if you've killed recently, 100% increased damage while there's only one enemy near by (means bosses) along with other crit buffs. Ambush and Assasinate -> Gives a huge first hit crit chance boost and your crit hits have culling strike (which means almost every hit).
Alira is best option with Crit multi + All ele res. +2 skill points is always an option but i don't recommend for this build.
Skill Gems and Links
6 Link Body Armour -> Cyclone - Cast on Critical - Vaal Ice Nova - Increased Critical Strikes - Hypothermia - Concentrated Effect/İncreased Area of Effect. Note: If you're lucky like me and have white socket on your 6 link, i suggest Cold Penetration Support instead of Concentrated Effect Support for boss setup. 4 Socket Item -> Herald of Ice - Zealotry - Precision - Enlighten(LVL3) This setup grants us # to # Cold Damage to Spells, % Increase Cold Damage, x% increased Spell Damage, x% Increased Spell Critical Strike Chance, x% Increased Critical Strike Chance and # to accuracy rating. Also 10% chance to creat Consecrated Ground on hitting a rare or unique enemy. Still have 13% unreserved mana to move around easily with our mobility skill. You can check "x" rates from Poe Wiki for learn how they scale with gem levels. With Tempered Mind Cobalt Jewel and Precision, we have 99% hit chance without taking a single accuracy from any item. 4 Link CWDT -> Cast When Damage Taken(LVL9) - Stellskin(LVL14)/Immortal Call(LVL10) - Frost Bomb(LVL14) - Golem(LVL10) My setup is CWDT + Stellskin + Ice Golem + Frost Bomb. Level 14 Frost Bomb aplies -25 Cold Resist which means a good damage boost on hard bosses. 3 Link Cospri's Malices Frosbolt - Cold Penetration - Ice Nova and Cold Penetration - Freezing Pulse - Added Cold Damage / or any damage support you desire. 2 Socket Gloves -> Flame Dash - Vaal Breach Since i use Command of the Pit, i only have 2 gem sockets on it along with 2 abyssal sockets. Vaal Breach skill also grants Portal. Vaal Breach skill helps us to gain more Rampage, gain lots of rare monster buffs while wearing Headhunter and Inspired Learning jewels, recharge our flasks and better spread effect for our Vaal Ice Nova. If you prefer to use a rare gloves with 4 sockets, you can make your own 4 link setup. Also you can use other movement skills like Whirling Blades and Leap Slam with Faster Attacks and Fortify support gems.
MF Setup
You can wear Goldwyrm, Dual Ventor's Gamble and Bisco's Leash. Also a Soul Catcher flask gives you huge boost for Vaal Ice Nova. Changing Concentrated Effect Support with İncreased Area Support on your six link chest is necessary to increase your Area of Effect. If you have problem with your resists, search for a rare gloves which has life and resists on it.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sypmoniar#7808 เมื่อ 30 ก.ค. 2019 01:31:39 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 24 ส.ค. 2019 16:57:19
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Nice work on the guide, very informative and clear to understand, and thanks for the quick help on my questions =)
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" Glad i could help mate. I'm completely new at making my own build, also this is my first time ever thread post. In short, i just tried to do my best. Hope you people like it and find this guide useful. |
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Cool build, and really fun to play!
Can't see where you'd put that inspired learning though. |
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" Thanks for your comment. I use it on jewel socket above the Blood Drinker. Inspired get things a little complicated. You need to sacrifice some skill point to take Frenetic and Mind Drinker to activate Inspired Learning. It's same for 2nd Inspired Learning that i plan to use on jewel socket above the Devotion. I recommend HH + 2x Inspired at the same time. That's when it becomes usefull actually. I'm trying to have most benefits from it by using vaal breach while farming monolith on Glacier as you can see on video. Because vaal breach monsters doesn't give exp or drop but sustains your rampage, helps to leech if you need, better spread effect for vaal ice nova and most importantly rare monsters from it still buffs us thanks to Inspired Learning. |
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" Thanks for your comment. I use it on jewel socket above the Blood Drinker. Inspired get things a little complicated. You need to sacrifice some skill point to take Frenetic and Mind Drinker to activate Inspired Learning. It's same for 2nd Inspired Learning that i plan to use on jewel socket above the Devotion. I recommend HH + 2x Inspired at the same time. That's when it becomes usefull actually. I'm trying to have most benefits from it by using vaal breach while farming monolith on Glacier as you can see on video. Because vaal breach monsters doesn't give exp or drop but sustains your rampage, helps to leech if you need, better spread effect for vaal ice nova and most importantly rare monsters from it still buffs us thanks to Inspired Learning. |
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Nice build! Have uber elder video?
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" Thanks! Actually there is one. I died 3 times in that boss fight because i admit that i'm completely noob at Uber Elder. That was my very first time and i didn't even watch a youtube video to learn about boss attacks. So i didn't want to put a lame video on showcase but Uber Elder can be killed easily. I'm going to upload that video to prove builds strenght. If i get lucky with Elder spread on Atlas, i can kill it again and upload a proper boss fight video afterwards. |
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Im testing this build right now
I only changed that belt for one that gives me 140 flat life, since i got max res from my other items |
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" I'm happy to hear someone testing, hope you like it. By the way if you have no problem with using flasks, 40% resist is enough to cap all your resistance with Wise Oak flask. Max quality one is up for 6 seconds and grants 42% all resists with Alchemist skill node. |
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