[3.8] GC mines, a lot of deeeeps
Hi and welcome to another generic mine buld
I will not tell you why you should choose this particular build and let you decide whether you want to stay here or not. POB:
Uber Elder(s) by me:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28trR6G7zbE Shaper by my friend(we are playing and testing same build): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I7_cIBZaQM Phoenix map(also by him): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f2t8NprqAI Pros/Cons:
+Clear everything (including such boys as Aul on 400+ depth) +Fast clear (thanks to reworked flamedash and mines changes) +Freezing everything (with ~100% crit chance and no lucky crits) +Any map mods (Porcupine are annoyng with 90% avoid elements) +Easy leveling and cheap start gear (20c to chill t15 farming) /// -A bit expensive endgame gear (~25ex) -Lack of HP (4000-4500, 50%/40% dodge) -More than one button play!(bruhhh) Bandits, Ascendancy, Pantheons:
Solaris\Lunaris Gruthkul\Abberath Ascendancy: Born in the Shadows - Pyromaniac - Bomb Specialist - Demolition Specialist Bandits: Alira Gear:
Dont forget that build requires all items to be SHAPED
Keep in mind mandatory uniques: Eternity shroud, Watcher's Eye(+% crit while affected by Hatred), 2 jewels The Long Winter, Atziri's Promise Helmet:
![]() Any shaped rare with this three mods: Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trap And Mine Damage Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Hypothermia Socketed Spells have +2%\3% to Critical Strike Chance Do not buy helm with 1% crit chance Make sure that you have free Prefix for crafted +1 to aoe gems. Pseudo 7-l for juicy damage. 3% crit will guarantee 100% crit chance even againts shaper\elder. At least 1 white socket for future if you want to change gems. As for me - before this helm im just running with tabula Body Armour:
![]() Eternity shroud. Dont know if I really have to explain this, a lot of additional chaos(our main damage in endgame!) with full chaos penetration. No reason in +gem corruption or links - main link in pseudo-helm Necessarily 5% gain roll. You can use any chest of your choice before ES, for me it was tabula. Weapons:
![]() Rapier! Wait what? In fact, wand with Phys->Lightning gain and Elemental->Chaos gain will be a bit better(~2.5% per each) than rapier. Soooo why not wands then? Well, main reason is - rapier is much cheaper at start of the league. Like 2-3 times cheaper and easier to find than wand with 40% implicit. As extra - we have a bit(70%+) of additional %increased fire damage. And as extra-extra(just my opinion): its easier to get %increased elemental than additional %critmulti About crafted mods: {Increased spell with additional gain}, nothing to compare to. {crit multi}, but surely it will be better to have t1\t2 critmulti {increased critical strike chance for spells}: With 3% helm in endgame, with %inc-crit-chance on rings and amulet - sure, you can remove this mod, but... ugh, what you can change it for? Mine throwing speed is only good option, so I do not reccomend to change anything in this setup. But if you get elemental penetration - replace this mod. Short conclusion: Its yours choice what to prefer, but main thing that required is 2 t1 "gain"s. Amulet:
![]() I prefer amulet with strength implicit. Any rare with 2 t1 physcal->elemental "gain"s. Not "Non-chaos to elemental". Sure you can pick it up if it much cheaper, but this mod does lesser dmg that any of phys->elemental. Mine throwing speed is priority(after "gain"s) Good additional mods is %critmulti, life. Other mods of your choice, it can be %inc-crit-chance, speed, or resistances. Rings:
Any rare shaped rings. I prefer Opal.
Assassin's Mark Curse on one of the rings. Other mods of your choice(%critmulti, life, resistances, %increased damage(all damage -> spell -> global phys -> cold -> fire)) Belts, Gloves, Boots:
Any rare shaped belt. You can choose between global phys, strength or +life
Any rare shaped gloves, Fingerless Silk Gloves or evasion-based is priority. Any rare shaped boots, Two-Toned Boots or evasion-based is priority. Jewels:
Wathcer's Eye 1)+#% to Critical Srkike Chance while Affected by Hatred is mandatory. Additional(with first mod) variations are: 2)#% increased Cold Damage while Affected by Hatred 3)Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance while Affected by Hatred Keep in mind that I'm using Cold to Fire support, so its better to use #%cold than penetration 4)+#% to critial Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision With Enlighten 4 we can use Precision with no difficulties 2x The Long Winter You can easily get corrupted implicits like anti-Corrupted blood and such Rare jewels: #% increased life, #%critmulti, resistances, mine throwing speed Flasks:
Eternal life flask
Atziri's Promise Quartz flask Eterntal Mana flask Quicksilver flask Atziri's Promise - mandatory item(big dps boost), you can swap any flask but not this one. It's my setup; you always can sawp Qucksilver or Quartz for something like Taste of Hate, Wise Oak, Bottled Faith Gems setup:
So, our main gem is Glacial Cascade. It was good ages ago and still, with all nerfs and others things like new mines, I think that its best spell for mines. Ridicilous amounts of damage and huuuge aoe along with radius.
6-l setup: Glacial Cascade - High-Impact mine - Trap and Mine damage - Swift Assembly - Increased Critical Strikes - Hypotherima For 5-l take out Swift Assembly. Pseudo 7-l setup: Glacial Cascade - High-Impact mine - Cold to Fire - Swift Assembly Replace Swift Assembly for Concentrated Effect if you want to boost deeeps(used this only on aul 460 and for demonstration, build has a lot of damage even without it). One white socket in helm to easy swap. Steelskin lvl16 - CWDT lvl11 - Increased Duration You can add Empower for higer Steelskin absorbed damage. Elnighten - Summon Skitterbots - Hatred You can add Precision here(see "Jewels" section) Arcane Surge - Flame Dash As addition: Enhance OR\AND Smoke mine Vaal RF, Vaal Grace Flame golem It's my first shared build; sorry for mistakes; feel free to contribute แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LehranEpsilon#3870 เมื่อ 2 ต.ค. 2019 17:06:17 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2019 16:05:36
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Hi, are you going to update the build for 3.9?
if yes, any plans for the much more expensive shaper items and multi mod nerf? ty |
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