[3.9] A Burning Hot Bladefall Totem Build
![]() Hey everyone, I decided that this would be the league I stop being a meta slave and try to create my own build. This is a very rough estimate of the build I will be attempting at league start. If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments section so I can hopefully improve this! Path of Building (with leveling trees, ascendancy, links, and gear.):
How this all works
Our build will be scaling heavily into fire damage conversion with high crit and a mix of clear and boss damage in order to work with the current league mechanics. Could stand to go either way.
We go for Heirophant in order to scale AoE and Spell damage off of keeping up arcane surge as well as the increased totems. Late game rotation will focus on keeping up the arcane surge as well as self curses using Soul Mantle for the highest possible DPS. Estimated Pros and Cons
Pros: High clear, Decent Survivability, Fairly cheap to build making it perfect for league start, High totem count (4, more if you build into it)
Cons: Cannot do Physical or Elemental reflect maps, Slow to level, Probably not the optimal build as this was just made for fun. As always if you believe i'm doing something wrong or missing something please comment below with advice or anything else you'd like to say. Stay sane, Exile. ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2019 07:26:29
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Not to be mean but this skill tree and items are really bad and if you are a new player do not copy this build. Quick glance at your path of building I see many glaring issues.
+3 fire staff while using Bladefall which is a physical gem and doesn't get a bonus from +fire gems staff. Damage nodes: You went overboard with generic +% damage nodes and did not get enough survivability: 3k life and 1200 es at level 99 is too squishy. This build will have ~2k life when you hit maps. For a totem build at the minimum you need 5-6k max pool and most builds run more especially if you want to not die in harder content. If you are using soul mantle + kikizaru you should get Sanctum of Thought so you are 100% immune to curses as they are dangerous and frees up a curse flask and allows you to use self flagellation for more damage. If you really wanted to play bladefall because you hate your graphics card and want to play a spell which is probably significantly worse than the meta spells like freezing pulse, glacial cascade, arc, divine ire, etc maybe try a setup similar to below. It has double the damage and ~3x more survivability. https://poe.ninja/challengehc/builds/char/Koskialho/Koirapata?i=0&search=class%3DHierophant%26skill%3DBladefall |
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" Hey man thanks for the reply. This is my first build so I expected there to be glaring issues like you mentioned. I thank you for putting in the time to explain why things were wrong and giving an example of what could be improved. This should help me out a lot with making better builds in the long run. I mainly made this build so that I could try something out of the meta as i've been running meta gems for quite a while and wanting to bust out of that habit. I understand bladefall kinda sucks compared to everything else but I definitely want it to work. I'll be giving your build a try today when league drops though. Thank you |
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