[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

If you have any questions/wanna learn or wanna come hangout, I stream on https://www.twitch.tv/gr0bbs
and also put out PoE guides and stuff at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZS3wbA6a_z5gPz2Usq9Irw

31.3 update, We got slight nerfs but nothing game breaking. Around 10-15% dmg and 13% movespeed loss. We won't even notice it IMO. new PoB here: https://pastebin.com/dsK42Ug4

JOIN DISCORD - Hey everyone, because of the amount of response/questions the build is getting, im updating the PoB and answering questions on discord and twitch mainly. Much easier to maintain. Please join the discord and twitch, we have a ridiculously awesome community on my discord server, feel free to join and chat/ask questions. There is almost always someone willing to help or just chat about the game: https://discord.gg/uR68UDA

Changes in 3.10
13/4/2020 3.10 Dual Cluster endgame setup - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXxwnozceZA
3.10 Common Questions/FAQ -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9sot513r-o&feature=youtu.be
Cluster Jewels - There are some crazy options for us endgame. Check out the Cluster Jewel Section Below and see the PoB
Slight single target buff - via Opportunistic buff
Slight Elusive nerf - we should still be able to hit dodge cap, so no big deal

Much love <3

Quick update 23/1/20 - New video out explaining changes made, over 5k life now with similar DPS. Much more survivability and different gear options.[/spoiler]

23/03/2020 Updated FaQ video regarding 3.10 and Poison BV build https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9sot513r-o
23/1/2020 Updated version with 5.1k life and similar DPS- https://youtu.be/bw6IFAzAGWM
Build intro - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD0IH3CpWiI (Basically no gear, early mapping)
Undergeared T15 - https://youtu.be/j8MVAXfDfYQ
Mid level gear T16 Metamorph with no VAAL BV - https://youtu.be/0164qub8Tcw
tier 16 poison Conqueror kill - https://youtu.be/cOSb_3do81Q
tier 15 decent mods full clear - https://youtu.be/9QVFl7_lSHA

Path of Building
3.13 PoB| https://pastebin.com/dsK42Ug4 (Check multiple trees for progression). Be sure to use the PoB fork for actual poison calculations. You can get it here (https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases)

3.13 PoB| https://pastebin.com/dsK42Ug4

IMPORTANT! - There are multiple trees and gear sets within the PoB. Make sure you look through all of them and choose what is right for you and your budget =).

Change log

December 27, 2019 - Build Posted
December 28, 2019 - Gear Section Added
December 29, 2019 - Updated PoB, Added GEMS Section
December 30, 2019 - Posted Final Update Video & updated PoB with a pathing optimization (Thanks HBarnett99 on Twitch!)
March 12, 2020 - Updated guide with Cluster Jewel theory Crafting and expanded leveling section a bit
March 13, 2020 - Updated Guide and PoB with relevant info for 3.10
March 25, 2020 - Updated Pob with Cluster Jewels
March 26, 2020 - Updated forum guide, adding full cluster jewel section.

About this Build

+ Insanely Fast mapping - whirling blades for movement and unleash support for smooth mapping
+ Single Target GOD - demolishes metamorphs in seconds
+ Tons of dodge and evasion
+ Good regen via Diadem

- Scales with some uniques and high end gear
- It's a dodge build
- Some map mods feel bad.
Try avoid running 60% chance to avoid bleed and poison maps, as the damage on bosses and metamorphs just isn't great. Phys reflect is doable but slow, same as 90% chance to avoid ailments.

Main Mechanics in this Build
POISON - Blade Vortex is the best way to stack a high number of poisons on a target. With no limits in how many poisons you can apply at one time, you can expect some very strong damage ramp up (If your target has enough life to withstand more than a few seconds of the damage)

ELUSIVE - Increases your dodge and movement speed. This keeps you alive. If you feel you need 100% uptime you can easily integrate Withering step to gain permanent elusive. I don't feel I need it at this stage, but it's an option.

Leveling this Build

Full Leveling Section
Leveling Gear + Gems

League Start

Level as Elemental Blade Vortex. Find and use Wands/Daggers with flat added Damage to spells (See this video for reference:https://youtu.be/kUSltx2INl0) Get Blade Blast in Act 2 alongside Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder. If you are really struggling for damage you can spec into some spell damage nodes and unspec them later. Nodes like 'Arcane Expanse'. Make sure you get unleash at 38, it will make playing BV so much smoother.

Save up and get 2x Axiom Perpetuum as early as you can and if you can, they will carry you till early maps if you haven't swapped to poison. IF you do swap to poison early, use ANYTHING with spell damage and cast speed, it does not matter. Early maps, just use what you can get your hands on. Be it Binos, Obliterations, or Cold Iron Points

We only swap to poison once we have a Coralitos flask and all the poison nodes on the tree including Noxious strikes (ascendancy point).

Twink Leveling Gear Options

Gems - When and where to get them

Gems - This is mainly if you are leveling as Poison BV with access to some twink gear
Any spell (Freezing pulse, Fireball, Explosive trap, etc)

Flame Dash
Spell Totem - Wither
Whirling Blades

Blade Vortex - Lesser poison - Void Manipulation - Unbound Ailments - Increased Crit Strikes

Herald of Agony

Deadly Ailments
Faster Attacks for your Whirling Blades


Replace Lesser poison with Poison (Poison gem no longer needed after getting Noxious Strikes Ascendancy - replace with another damage gem)
Blasphemy with Despair
Fortify for your whirling blades

Unleash - Amazing QoL
Vile Toxins - put this in asap
Add multiple totems to your wither setup
CWDT - Steelskin

Uniques to aim for asap

Devouring Diadem (for auras - check PoB)

Equip Cold Iron point Dagger for single target

Equip Binos for the clear

Passive Tree, Ascendancy & Pantheon
Passive tree:
See the PoB above for a breakdown of multiple trees (Leveling, and Endgame with Offensive and Defensive versions. Or just view the final DPS tree on the official skill tree planner: http://poeurl.com/cGB0

Ascendancy: Assassin
1. Noxious Strike (Phat Poison DPS)
2. Mistwalker (Grants Elusive, one of the nicest defensive buffs in the game right now)
3. Toxic Delivery (Scales our crits and gives even more Poison DPS)
4. Opportunistic (Nice QoL for Mapping with the mvspeed and rounds out our damage against tougher unique enemies)

Kill all

Major: Soul of Lunaris - Run the upgraded version of this to cap your dodge chance
Minor: Soul of Ryslatha - Very nice defensive choice, helps with upkeep of life flasks

Gem Setup

Early game into maps

Either have a +2 Duration /AoE Gems Tabula or Skin of the loyal
Vaal Blade Vortex . Unleash . Deadly Ailments . Vile Toxins . Unbound Ailments . Poison

Auras before we have Impresence with Despair reservation Amulet
Herald of Agony . Malevolence . Blasphemy . Despair

Cast when damage taken level 1 . Steelskin level 10 . Stone Golem MAX LEVEL . Blood Rage

Whirling blades . Fortify . Faster Attacks

Wither . Spell totem . Multiple totems

More geared maps and endgame (acquired impresence amulet)

Vaal Blade vortex . Unleash . Awakened Deadly Ailments . Awakened Unbound Ailments . Poison . Vile Toxins

Malevolence . Enlighten 4 . Herald of Agony . Skitterbots

Blasphemy . Despair . Plague Bearer

Beastcraft or buy a belt/ring with Apsect of the spider

Gear, Flask, Cluster Jewels



Cold Iron Point Dagger

These are very affordable without a corruption. There are several corruptions to choose from, but the "Increased Damage over Time" mod is just too strong.

For the most insane Single target you would run two Cold Iron Point daggers, but this isn't necessary in 99% of situations

Bino's Kitchen Knife

Bino's is just super nice for making your clear that little bit smoother. It spread poisons across the pack, and the prolif easily kills straglers on the edge of packs.


Devouring Diadem

Get this on as soon as you hit 54. This is where you socket your most important Auras (Malevolence - Herald of Agony - Despair - Blasphemy). This helmet also lets you reserve all of your mana as it gives Eldritch Battery.


Budget Chest (15-20C)
Tabula with either a +2 Duration or +2 AoE Gems corruption.

Expensive DPS only option
Skin of the Loyal

BiS if you are only chasing damage. Offers little in terms of defense, this is only for the very rich. Our damage is so big without this chest, it's almost overkill.

Mid range defensive and offensive chest

This chest offers some life, chaos res, and utility with the fungal ground, but you only really feel it when fighting bosses, as Asenath's gloves still do most of the work when clearing packs. Also nice because you can annoint a skill tree point with oils.

Endgame Setup
Rare Chest with Life, +1 Curse, and Explosions

Additional curse on chest means you can drop the annointed 'Whispers of Doom' and replace it with 'Corruption'. The explosions also make the clear super buttery smooth, but isn't completely necessary while still running Asenath's


Impresence Onyx Amulet

This is a huge DPS boost. It means we can take the despair out of the Diadem and add some more Auras into the helmet. Once you have this your new helm aura setup will be (Malevolence - Herald of Agony - Enlighten - Summon Skitterbots)


Circle of Nostalgia

You ideally want one with both "(40-60)% increased Chaos Damage while affected by Herald of Agony" AND "Herald of Agony has (70-100)% increased Buff Effect". To start, just buy a ring with one or the other, they do provide the same DPS boost

Rare ring to cap res

Mine is currently trash, lots of room to upgrade here.


Rare boots to cap Res


Asenath's Gentle Touch

These are your endgame gloves for the built in temp chains. THe blind and corpse explosions are also nice.

Rare gloves to cap resistance

user rare gloves in the meantime. Insanity gloves are also a nice QoL for your Whirling Blades, but not needed.


Rare belt to cap Res


Atziri's Promise

Really nice Flask. Gives big DPS, and provides access to more than enough leech to keep you going. Drop this for Sin's rebirth later and pickup an extra life flask.

Coralito's Signature

One of our biggest DPS boost, makes our poisons last for a very long time. Perfect Agony is also a DPS boost, and having it on the flask is enough (Although you can spec into the point if you need more consistent damage).

Sin's Rebirth

Grants Unholy might, which is a nice boost to our poison damage. (Can replace this once you get 'Overwhelming Malice' on a Cluster Jewel. See below)

Utility Flask

The last two slots are up to you. Aim for freeze and bleed removal on whatever you have in these slots. Can also use a life flask if you want, but I didn't find it necessary ever. Your Diadem keeps you topped up on health, and it was more valuable for me to have phasing and some extra dodge chance.

Cluster Jewels

Generally, it's better to buy the cluster jewel bases and craft them to have your desired mods. Make sure when buying cluster jewels you are getting the correct number of added passive skills and meet the minimum iLvl requirements for the notables you are aiming for. (The wiki is your friend!)

1x Large Cluster Jewel
Implicit: 12% increased Chaos Damage
Number of added Passive Skills: 8
iLvl: MINIMUM iLvl 75 for 2 Jewel Sockets. iLvl 84+ will give you a chance for the highest defensive affixes. (not needed unless min-maxing)

Notables to aim for on a large cluster jewel:
- 2 Jewel Sockets [Mandatory]
- Overwhelming Malice [Mandatory] (Gives us access to basically permanent Unholy might and means we can drop Sin's Rebirth flask)
- Grim Oath (Basically free 10% more Damage)
- Wicked Pall (Lots of Skill effect duration and some damage)

2x Medium Cluster Jewels
Implicit: +5% Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
Number of added Passive Skills: 4-6 (I prefer 6)
iLvl: No minimum, but 84+ will give you a chance for the highest defensive affixes

Notables to aim for on a medium cluster jewel:
- 1 Jewel Socket [Mandatory]
- Circling Oblivion [Mandatory] (Single biggest damage node on a medium cluster notable for us. This node has perfect synergy with Poison BV.)
- Wasting Affliction (Dealing our poison damage 10% faster is very powerful, this is a great node)
- Haemorrhage (Good damage multi on crit. Scales with the more crit you have)
- Wicked Pall (Lots of Skill effect duration and some damage)
- Low Tolerance (Nice boost for clearing faster. Negligible damage boost for single target
- Brush with Death (If you are struggling to survive in Delirium, this can help)

2x Small Cluster Jewels
Implicit: 4% increased Maximum Life
Number of added notables: 3
iLvl: No minimum, but 78+ will give you a chance a higher defensive affixes, and 84+ for the highest defensive affixes

Notables to aim for on a small cluster jewel:
- Fettle (Biggest % life increase on a jewel, very nice)
- Surging Vitality (Slightly less %, but gives you a nice regen boost every 5 seconds)

Extreme Endgame Gear (For the rich bois)

Watcher's Eye with Malevolence Auras (15ex approximately)

Mapping & Bossfights

GENERAL MAPPING - Mapping is super smooth. Simply charge up you BV and start whirling around. Everything melts the second

1. Pre-place wither totems
2. Pre-cast Max Blade Vortex Stacks (10)
3. Pop Plague Bearer
4. Pop Flasks
5. Pop Vaal Blade Vortex
6. Profit

Despite the 6 steps, they all happen basically at once, and once you do the rotation a few times, you get used to it and it becomes second nature
(3.9) | Poison BV Assassin (Crush T15 Metamorphs on a budget)

(3.9) | Burning Arrow Starter build
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Gr0bbs#6456 เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2021 00:13:15
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 14 ม.ค. 2022 15:06:41
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Q -When should I switch to poison?
A - After your second lab, it's fine to switch to poison. Somewhere around level 55. (Make sure your chance to poison on BV is as close to 100% as possible)

Q -What should I get first?
A - Farm a Tabula, or get Embalmer's gloves. Then Coralito's Flask. Then a Binos. Then save up for a Cold Iron Point.

Q -What Auras should I run till I can get a Diadem Helmt?
A - Herald of Agony is Mandatory. Your choice between Malevolence and Blasphemy+Despair. Running Blasphemy+Despair leaves you with more mana for casting BV, so it might feel nicer.

Q -I'm dying a lot, what can I do?
A - Make sure you have a CWDT setup. Check your resistances are all 75% (Except Chaos). Make sure you never stop moving, Delirium leaves lots of ground effects and monster's corpses explode, so move away quickly.

Q -How do we sustain mana?
A - Unleash makes it so you barely have to cast Blade Vortex. You should be able to map with a minimum of 150 unreserved mana.

Q -Lots of the endgame items are expensive right now, what do I do?
A - Diadem, Impresence and Asenath's are all going to be a bit pricey for the first week of the league, But you will be able to clear most content on a Tabula, a Bino's and a Cold Iron Point.

Q -What about cluster jewels?
A - Cluster jewels are something you should consider once you reach a high enough level. Around 85 or 90, you can consider them. Will post an update soon with the exact mods you want. Right now Circling Oblivion, Low Tolerance, Septic Spells, and Brush with Death all look really good.

Q -AoE feels small, why don't we use Increased Area of Affect?
A - With a Bino's the poisons spread through a whole pack. Meaning you only need to run through the middle and all the mobs will be affected by poisons.

Q -What about The Golden Rule/Antivenom combination?
A - Not worth getting. Too much investment for the relatively small benefit we get out of it. It's too many points on the tree that can be used in more efficient ways with cluster jewels
(3.9) | Poison BV Assassin (Crush T15 Metamorphs on a budget)

(3.9) | Burning Arrow Starter build
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Gr0bbs#6456 เมื่อ 26 มี.ค. 2020 01:39:47
Time to attempt to build this stupid broken build on console where prices are 20x what they are on pc :D

Good stuff
Looks interesting, gonna go build this soon :D ran your last build (burning arrow elementalist) and it went well for me so hopefully this one treats me the same =)

"A build we made last night and bringing it to life"

Unless all those people were made last night I don't think it's something you came up with. let's be real it's something you saw that worked then made the most ridiculous pob about with the most retarded items possible.

Good luck with the watcher's eye & herald of agony ring in budget gear.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MrSigy#3154 เมื่อ 27 ธ.ค. 2019 03:38:19
MrSigy เขียน:

"A build we made last night and bringing it to life"

Unless all those people were made last night I don't think it's something you came up with. let's be real it's something you saw that worked then made the most ridiculous pob about with the most retarded items possible.

Good luck with the watcher's eye & herald of agony ring in budget gear.

Have you even looked at those people on Poe.Ninja you are comparing us to? They use 1 or 2 of the same items and the skill trees are completely different. They all scale Phys dmg and do on hit damage with a side of poison.. We scale only poison doing almost no on hit damage.. The builds are completely different.

As for the "Budget" section.. The build clearly states that the watchers eye and 2 line herald of agony ring aren't budget. Have you even read the PoB and the forum guide? We make it super clear that those are for the RICH people who can afford them. They are LUXURY items, not NEEDED for the build to be stupidly strong.

The POB and build guide also clearly have sections explaining the Damage numbers, Ofcourse I made a PoB version that does INSANE damage and it's even labelled unrealistic.. Do some research.

(3.9) | Poison BV Assassin (Crush T15 Metamorphs on a budget)

(3.9) | Burning Arrow Starter build
Build look really solid I might give it a try. What's your thoughts on Pathfinder instead of Assassin? The free poison prolif and flask uptime is really nice. I'd imagine the damage is much lower though.
Had a blast with your burning arrow build, i got that to level 90 with basicly max gear for me.

Attempting this now, looks great and i always loved blade vortex.
Darkith1546 เขียน:
Build look really solid I might give it a try. What's your thoughts on Pathfinder instead of Assassin? The free poison prolif and flask uptime is really nice. I'd imagine the damage is much lower though.

Hey! :) Thank you for the kind words. Pathfinder has awesome utility and better clear for sure but you lose about 50% damage overall. Assassin with Binos isnt bad at all for clear so i still think that's the better option.

Luukwa เขียน:
Had a blast with your burning arrow build, i got that to level 90 with basicly max gear for me.

Attempting this now, looks great and i always loved blade vortex.

Thanks man :) really appreciate the kind words. Glad you enjoyed the Burning arrow!
(3.9) | Poison BV Assassin (Crush T15 Metamorphs on a budget)

(3.9) | Burning Arrow Starter build
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Gr0bbs#6456 เมื่อ 27 ธ.ค. 2019 08:19:59
This build looks really fun man, nice job.

Quick suggestion:

You pass right by jewel nodes. If you got 2-3 jewel nodes for 2-5 passive points at most, you could get +25-30 life +%10 all res and possibly more resistances. Heck, 2 of those jewel slots for 2 skill points with 2 life/resist jewels could net you more than that ring, then you can double up on your Herald rings for MORE DAMAGES!

It's a nifty tip for unique heavy builds that I have found. Those rings are too good not to use two IMO :)



