Help me improve my build

Hi everyone.

I play a BV ES leech assassin build on standard.
It is a fun fast build which i enjoy a lot, yet I'm facing a difficulty to scale it up. I'm doing easily content till map level 80, but then die very fast on bosses like Atziri and Catarina.

I think that my main problem is my defense and that I'm not tanky enough. I have a very nice DPS, and always kill boss easily (when i'm not one-shooted :( ).

I'll appreciate a lot your review/ideas regarding how can my build be improve to be end-game viable

My gear and gem set-up:

my passive tree (currently lvl 89)

my stats:

Thanks a lot!
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 24 ม.ค. 2020 06:23:47
Well good news, it's not hard...
You are a CI toon with 5k ES, no mitigation. Also, your tree is all over the place.

I would recommend to follow a guide. I seriously doubt someone who knows the game well enough can come up with a tree like that.

First things first:
- Drop force shaper and pickup doom cast pathing trough the crit multi nodes.
- Drop the left node in ethereal feat. Completely useless.
- Drop soul siphon cluster. Why do you even have that?
- Drop practical application cluster.
- Pick up heart and soul and cruel preparation clusters. Socket an ENERGY FROM WITHIN in the socket above to gain a massive ES boost.
- Drop the whole disintegration wheel. It doesn't work with spells, you are not attacking with your wand... You are using blade vortex. Not an attack.
- Drop mind drinker
- pick up the 58% es node near soul thief, and drop a power charge duration node near infused.
- Pick up written in blood for 2 points
- Pick up void barrier
- Drop ambush and assassinate, pick up opportunistic for more damage and tankyness
- Use a basalt flask instead of your 2nd atziri's promize. You can't stack flasks.
- drop this garbage chest and get a high ES vaal regalia. Try to get a 6link.
- get a high ES crystal belt
- Get a pair of boots with movement speed. How are you moving around? Try to stil get 200es on it tho.
- Get rings with increased enery shield. Make sure you are still capped.
- Get an amulet with energy shield, and craft %energy shield (prefix on it)
Oh my god. Change absolutely everything. Sorry. Emphasis on DROP your current ones. Most of them are useless, don't half ass these changes please:
- 6l your BV if possible. Remove arcane surge and life leech, they are useless. Your links should be:
VAAL bv (level21) - Energyleech - Unleash - CritDamage - ControlledDestruction - (6l intensify)
- CHange your CwdT setup to: cwdt - chaos golem - steelskin. DROP your current one.
- link arcane surge (lvl1) to flame dash.
- drop the warlord's mark (it's completely useless) and use assassin's mark.
- Add a flesh and stone (sand stance) somewhere.

With these changes you'll have 8k+ ES, and more damage. Should be way better.
Thanks very much for the detailed answer! I made the changes and i still have 6 passive points to spend, where to put them?
P.S what level CwDT gem should be?
Odnight เขียน:
P.S what level CwDT gem should be?

As high as you can, for steelskin.
Edit: we can't see your profile. Can"t see if it's fine or not.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Darkxellmc#0807 เมื่อ 22 ม.ค. 2020 06:40:59
Now you can see it, be happy to hear if there is anything i missed/can still improve (btw 30% movement speed 200es boots cost several exalts....)

My current es is around 8.3k


I haven't finished yet the setup
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Odnight#2758 เมื่อ 22 ม.ค. 2020 13:06:35
Odnight เขียน:
Now you can see it, be happy to hear if there is anything i missed/can still improve (btw 30% movement speed 200es boots cost several exalts....)

My current es is around 8.3k


I haven't finished yet the setup

This indeed looks much, much better.
Gl hf! ^^

Edit: your tree is still kinda all over the place, but it's still infinitely better than what it was.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Darkxellmc#0807 เมื่อ 24 ม.ค. 2020 06:24:27



