[3.11] Spellslinger VD Necromancer. All content. Easy and fast Sirus A8 kill. Wave 20 Simulacrum.
3.12 UPDATE: Build got hard nerfed in almost every possible way. Divine flesh, Glancing blows, offering, spellslinger itself. My suggestion is to play a different build, levelling is especially harder now with the reservation increases.
Below is the guide as it was for 3.11 Pob: https://pastebin.com/3dGRdNGq There are preference choices in the notes. In the notes there is very important information regarding a specific keystone. You can see the passive skill tree progression below. Important note, the mandatory craft "Trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill" is relatively hard to find, i can craft it for free (craft costs 3c) if you happen to catch me online. So far I've done 20+ crafts for people. Passive skill tree:
High Level poeurl.com/cWbs Mid level poeurl.com/cWbt Low level poeurl.com/cWbu Kill all bandits. Ascendancy with priority: Commander of darkness > Plaguebringer > Corpse pact > Mistress of sacrifice You put glorious vanity xibaqua in the jewel slot leading the the life wheel, where Agnostic is taken. If you do not understand how this jewel works, do not take agnostic. YOU NEED 85 CHAOS RESISTANCE BEFORE THE JEWEL CAN TAKE EFFECT It literally makes 50% of fire/cold/lightning damage taken as chaos damage, so if chaos resistance is 85%, and fire/cold/lightning is 75%, it is like you have 80% resistance (85+75) / 2 = 80%. Large cluster's priority is Doryanis lesson, then whatever else you get, medium you don't need, small is Fettle. Explanation of certain things: Minion damage gets affected by the notable : Spiritual aid Agnostic gets turned into the timeless jewel notable "Divine Flesh". Do not allocate agnostic before you have the timeless jewel Glorious vanity with Xibaqua. And do not go for that route unless you have 85% chaos resistence. So as a new player, just do NOT take Agnostic For annointment, you can probably annoint the new Undertaker notable instead of Deflection, since you are capped on block anyway Endgame gem setup:
Wand: Bone offering, Wave of conviction, Elemental Weakness Note that you NEED Trigger a socketeds spell when you use a skill I can craft it for free when I am online, the cost of the craft itself is 3 chaos. Chest: Spellslinger, detonate dead, volatile dead, spellcascade 5th and 6th link are either Inspiration, Hypothermia, Awakened Elemental Focus or Concentrated Effect, use Inspiration when struggling on mana and whatever you want after that. Helmet/boots/gloves/: Shield charge, fortify, faster attacks||||enduring cry (unlinked if you want). Spellslinger, desecrate and spell cascade|||| UNLINKED flame dash (has to be unlinked) Frenzy, Barrage Support, Combustion, Inspiration OR Frenzy, Inspiration, Barrage support, Combustion. In which case, you drop Combustion from the wand and you put in whatever you want (Like Cold Snap) Shield: High level cast when damage taken, increased duration, high level steel skin Once you have allocated "Call to Arms" keystone, put Enduring cry on your Left Click so it Triggers Automatically without any cast time. Note that if you have too high mana reserve when using a 6 link, make sure to craft -mana cost of skills on your Jewellery, it is a prefix. These are veiled modifiers that only drop from Elreon and can go up to -9. The gear:
This is my current gear in Harvest, it is pretty bad but everything costs less than 5.5 exalt(- the corrupted blood jewel). I can clear t16 maps easily and t14 Conquerors and Elder Guardians. Havent died yet :D. Flasks of my choice:
The wand, when buying/making, aim for 100% fire spell damage, around 100 fire damage added to spells+attacks(so can be 50 to attacks, 50 to spells for example or 100 to 1). The crit is just quality of life, not needed. You need open suffix for the craft, it is mandatory. Basic gearing up process is filling up my chaos resist to 85 asap so i can use Divine flesh, if you aren't going this route or don't even know what divine flesh is, then just get your chaos resistence only up to 10-20%, and get damage on your belt/boots via cdr. The boots linked above are redeemer boots and they give like 6% more damage due to our shock from Corpse pact, so you can opt for that too. For the shield, an itemlvl 68 shaper shield with Recover 3-5% of life when you block with 70+ life and some misc stats like spell block/spelldamage is better than the surrender. https://i.imgur.com/o8yTrPj.png example shield BiS helmet: This helmet is crafted by buying an ilvl85+ base with volatile dead enchant, then using a warlord's exalted orb, then spamming 2 socket resonators with scorched + pristine till you get -9 res to nearby enemies and Life and an open prefix to craft "damage taken as fire" from Korrel's (Betrayal red guy) helmet Unveil. In this example, i got lucky and hit the Damage taken as fire naturally without relying on a lower value craft for it , CDR boots/belt: CDR IS NOT NEEDED. They are only used for single target dps and offer like 30-40% more damage there. Only go for CDR on belt/boots once you have inpulsa and the shaper shield. CDR gives a good increase in damage and is a damage upgrade you go for after covering everything else, this is only available on your BOOTS and BELT. Good damage boost on Amulet: Ignore the min. endurance charge in this example, just focus on the 10% Fire Penetration part. This is basically like 10% more damage vs Metamorphs and Bosses. This value can be boosted with Turbulent Catalysts to 12%. The rest of the stats just fill resistances and stat requirements. This league, with like 5-5.5 exalt investment, i managed to kill A6 Sirus in 4-4:30 minutes and a bunch of other bosses high tier bosses without a sweat, with the gear linked above and the gem setup. Sirus specifically was easy as the build is one of the best at taking him down. It is an incredibly strong build for endgame bossing. With more currency investment and levels, i should scale immensely. -------------------------------------------------- Self promotion: I am streaming on twitch.tv, I'd appreciate a follow :D I am answering all questions on the stream below
-------------------------------------------------- Levelling early guide
Level with freezing pulse and frostbomb to lvl 24, Freezing pulse is available to you at lvl 2 from Tarkleigh. During this process, your goal is to rush to 24 because thats really when the build starts. There are NO gear requirements, it is literally good to go with white(normal) gear at lvl 24.
You can level a detonate dead in your off hand if you want or you can just buy it after reaching lvl 24, detonate dead can be bought after entering the Submerged passage. After entering the cavern of wrath, you pick up the skill gem VOLATILE DEAD and level it in your off hand (so pick up any weapon on the ground with a green socket, press X while your inventory is open and equip it, this equips it to the 2nd weapon swap. After you've done that, press X again to go back to your main weapon set, this ensures you having your main wand/scepter in use, while on your 2nd set, which is not functional, the gem levels up normally as if it were put on your armor. After killing Fidelitas in The chamber of sins 2, talk to Greust and take DESECRATE (lvl 16 gem). The last gem you need is Spellslinger itself, the support the build is based upon. After freeing Clarissa and getting the bracelet/band from Tolman in the crematorium, talk to Maramoa and get Spellslinger (lvl 24) Then buy another copy of spellslinger from Clarissa in her 2nd tab. At this point the build is ready to go. You need 1 2 link and 1 3 link links as a base for this setup to work. So link spellslinger + desecrate alone. Then link spellslinger + volatile dead+detonate dead. This means that when you attack, you trigger desecrate, on the 2nd attack you start the volatile dead. You use your NORMAL BASIC ATTACK TO TRIGGER THIS. I should mention that your mouse 1(left click) should have "move only" as a standard for playing the game, and any other button, either on mouse or keyboard should be the normal attack button. At around lvl 35-38, do the Fixture of Fate quest which is located in act 3's Library, which is in the Imperial gardens, the quest giver is Syosa. After you do the quest, buy from him Barrage. Now replace your NORMAL ATTACK with Barrage, and DO NOT LEVEL BARRAGE as you will have too high of a dexterity requirement. The reason we use barrage is because due to the influx of attacks, we are casting triggering more than one spell per attack, so now whenever you press right click, you detonate corpses AND can create volatile dead orbs, instead of having to attack a 2nd time. When you are comfortable, make the switch to Frenzy+barrage support (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH REGULAR BARRAGE) +Curse on hit support + elemental weakness as a 4th link. This is a better setup and allows you to have more potential damage. Since you will struggle with the reservation in the start, i can also suggest going for Barrage+curse on hit support+elemental weakness + inspiration support as a 4th link. This means that you will also put Inspiration support in your Spellslinger+Volatile dead setup. For the main damage setup, 4th link is spell cascade, 5th and 6th are between Elemental focus, Inspiration and then the other one. Remember to put Inspiration in your Barrage/Frenzy setup!!! Pantheon is the Soul of the brine king as soon as you get it, due to the lower life pool/mitigation you need stun resistance. Gear is just getting a wand with ANY of the 2 following combinations. Increased spell damage, increased fire damage, fire(or cold/lightning) damage added to spells. Gear is just getting life/resists everywhere else since there is nothing the build really needs at this point. Inpulsa is very important for clearspeed 3.10 notes and stats. These stats are lower than the 3.11 stats, in 3.11 we are much tankier and do more damage.
Defensive stats without doing anything: https://i.imgur.com/bpvFcrB.png
When i use any spell, i triggered bone Offering and tempest shield, this has 100% uptime. So my block chance 100% of the time in maps is : https://i.imgur.com/3WytNlN.png. This is why i can block so many of Sirus' hits and why Simulacrum isn't that deadly to me. Endgame pantheon of choice is upgraded Solaris and whatever minor one I've done deathless Simulacrum like 3 times now, Kosis is incredibly easy, Omniphobia is a joke. Kosis' problem with a lot of builds is that he 1 shots, but he can't 1 shot us and we have enough block/mitigation/regen to never take 3 quick hits in a row, so we can face tank him even with dangerous mods. His ONLY 1 shot attack is the slam on balls, but i've learned to stay away from his balls. I got 8091 HP as a lvl 100 character with a ton of mitigation. And i kill conquerors in like 20 seconds. If you can't reach my damage/tankyness, just level up, you just need to copy my gear, gems, clusters and level and you will be at the same strength. My last note: do not buy expensive stuff too soon, do not craft anything till you know exactly what you need. Just buy an inpulsa, the surrender and get the -mana cost bench and do regular maps till you know the build, then start making the improvements you can see from my gear. Videos of gameplay: Deathless Simulacrum: https://streamable.com/esh6ho Sirus A8 last phase(1st 3 phases are a literal joke, he actually can't kill you) : https://streamable.com/9tnrb Minotaur face tanking: https://streamable.com/e5x2z Purifier t16 face tanking: https://streamable.com/w27h7 T16 map, deep in the delirium, regular gameplay: https://streamable.com/l5rg7 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ancine#4913 เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2020 08:23:57 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 31 มี.ค. 2021 03:52:35
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you are trying to re-think my ES based build or what?:O I can get around 8.5k ES+ with LL shaws and additional aura. DPS wise i can get higher and ES leech is not a problem either. I assume I could do actually better and probs put in enfeeble or temp chains instead of anger for less dmg but higher survivability.
your thoughts on ES block build? i could get 75% phys and like 60+ spell block which seems very nice. also since I dont have to rush south for more life nodes i can grab more dmg nodes or ES. |
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" i currently have 7900 hp and i will have 8k at lvl 100, so the ehp is around the same, considering the fact i have soul. Your damage is probably higher per ball, idk how cdr factors in the single target dps to say if i have more damage or not. I just know that the life based version is cheaper and if i can still so Sirus and the content relatively easily, i shouldn't think if ES would be better, even though it probably is but also more expensive. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ancine#4913 เมื่อ 25 มี.ค. 2020 16:09:22
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im interested with this build how is its map clear speed ?
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i'm interested in this build. its a good boss killer? Currently ab out to respec my level 90.
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" you can see in the videos that all the bosses are done fast and safely. Also did cortex solo before i got some upgrades. |
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" you press right click once and the pack explodes cause of Inpulsa. Clear is very good, takes me like 1-2 minutes to do the map, but then i backtrack to pick up stuff. |
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so the only requirement for this build is to have -9% mana cost to skills, and Volatile dead consumes up to x corpse on helmet? I'm fine with dumping currency in it just wanna make sure I don't fuck up. I'm very bad at builds
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" you don't need either of those, i said you can use inspiration till you get it. I got the helmet at 96 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ancine#4913 เมื่อ 25 มี.ค. 2020 19:38:15
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" Wonderful. I couldn't find a cluster with all three but found one with doryanis and sadist. Just respec'd my level 90 to copy this. Pretty much the impulsa + shield is the first items like you said? I'll get those first. Also the awakened gems. |
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