[3.11]No one expected the ARC inquisition//30kk Sirus DPS Arc MoM Inquisitor//
With this build, I want to provide complex end-game caster build for veterans. It is fun and easy build to play with fast clear speed and with awesome damage on bosses. To be fair, I think its the strongest ARC build in this league(top 1 Poe.ninja DPS). In the next steps, I'm gonna showcase my build with an almost complex explanation of build. If you have any questions, please ask them in this thread. ![]() P.S. it is over 30kk sirus dps :) poe.ninja doesn't count alira and some other passives like fork do.
‣ 17th July 2020: First steps of making a build
_________________________________________________________________________ Contents " _________________________________________________________________________ Videos Drox a8 kill
TBA _________________________________________________________________________ Path of Building
_________________________________________________________________________ About this Build
+ smooth gameplay, almost everything dies in one shot + with Arcane cloak over 12k EHP + capable to do all bossfights - your friends could be jealous of your's DPS - can't run reflect map, no regen maps are hard - expensive endgame build
Main Mechanics in this Build
‣ Chaining: Arc is a lightning-based spell with the ability to chain from monsters and destroyable objects, even around corners and out of your line of sight! Each time it chains, it will also split to a second nearby enemy from where it can't chain further. The amount of times Arc can chain depends on its gem level and can be increased by enchantments. ‣ Mana: By default, mana is used to cover skill costs and -reservation. This build however couples heavy mana investment with several gems and keystones for various offensive and defensive purposes. Mind over Matter redirects 30% of the damage we take to our life to mana instead while the Agnostic spends mana to heal our life back to full, the gems will be covered later in the guide. This makes our mana investment very efficient and augments the value of the base 6 mana we gain per level, but it also creates a high demand for sustain beyond the base 1.8% of mana being regenerated per second which we mostly cover through our ascendancy, flasks and passives. ‣ Block: Another defensive layer which comes in two ways, Chance to Block Attacks and Chance to Block Spells, each with a base cap of 75%. Blocking hits prevents all damage and status effects except for stun, however, non-hit based damage over time can't be blocked. While we won't reach the block cap, it's still enough to damage prevention coupled with some ways to heal us on the block. Next to be added _________________________________________________________________________ Ascendancy & Pantheon Ascendancy
‣ Sanctuary: The main reason why we're taking it is additional damage to enemies. ‣ Pious Path : Our early survi and damage buff. Immunity to elementals(immune to freeze,ignite,shocked etc) and awesome energy shield regen. ‣ Righterous Providence : The second reason why we're taking Inquisitor. This passive buffs our crit chance on minions and crit multiplier for bosses. ‣ Inevitable Judgement: The main reason why we choose Inquisitor. Provides ignore to enemies' resistance, thanks to which we can get additional damage support gem to our arc. Pantheon
‣ Soul of the Lunaris (Major): I took it mostly to avoid projectiles that have chained ‣ Soul of the Abberath (Minor): I took it because Shakari got nerfed and I always liked being unaffected by burning ground. feel free to change. _________________________________________________________________________ Gem Setup
Arc is our main skill - it has high base damage, decent cast time, and a more damage modifier for each remaining chain. This simply means that if for example your Arc can chain 7x and there's nothing to chain to, it will get a 120% (8*15%) more damage multiplier for that hit. Archmage* increases our mana cost and adds flat lightning damage based on mana cost at 80% value because of Arcs Spell Echo* substantially boosts our cast speed and repeats each skill use without consuming mana for the repeated cast, all at the cost of a minimal damage penalty. Great synch with Greater Spell Echo Elemental Focus* provides a huge damage multiplier but removes the ability to inflict ailments with the linked skill, but not other sources such as from Corpse Pact. Controlled Destruction* gives another damage multiplier with a crit chance penalty. The distinction between "less" and "reduced" is important, 100% less would mean we'd lose all crit chance while 100% reduced means it's additive with all "increased crit chance" multipliers. Arcane Surge* gives us Arcane Sarge buff and buffs our skill damage. Must have. Storm brand* I use it mostly cause it "sticks" to the enemy. Archmage* Additional damage support. Can be changed Power Charge on critical support* As name says. Main source of power charge's on bosses Innervate* Shock chance increase Elemental Prolifetation*Shock,ignite,freeze chance increase Culling strike* Till u didn't get gloves with it. Arcane Cloak* Our EHP source and damage buff. it gives almost 6k shield on endgame Increase Duration* As name says Vaal Righteous Fire* Damage buff for hard enemies like bosses Summon Lightning Golem Cast speed support I use Lightning Warp with linked support skills to make this skill viable. Feel free to change it to flame dash+second wind if u prefer it. Wrath* Our main and only aura. Must have for lightning builds Empower Additional levels which gives little additional dmg. Wave of conviction with Spell totem support Is our exposure lightning resistance source for bosses. _________________________________________________________________________ Gear, Jewels & Flasks Current Gear, completed
Cheaper alternatives
In Jewelry we focus on hp and mana. Ofc we need to cap our resistances. If we want a cheaper version, we need to take atziri and essence worm for no mana reserved on aura. Ah, and don't look at Cold damage increase on this ring. It should have mana increased :) Its just placeholder for you. Jewels
One and only abyss jewel for our belt. focus on hp,mana and crit chance. Watcher's Eye: We focus on additional crit chance, then crit and lightning damage(my current goal) Clear Mind: spell damage buff. Since we don't have reserved mana it boosts damage and mana regeneration:) Healthy Mind: Most good archmage based build has it. It boost our mana greatly. Mana=damage. Searching jewel: Our crit multiplier source. current jewel list you can find here:https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Rozum354/Razgarc?i=0&search=name%3Drazgarc Flasks
_________________________________________________________________________ Mapping & Bossfights Map mods
‣ No Regeneration: Doable... but its hard. I advice skip this ‣ Elemental Reflect: Reroll map or keep for the correct sextant modifier ‣ all Curses: doesn't care. vulnerability or not, it always dies in one shot ‣ reduced Block Chance: Survivability loss. If it's not a juicy map I don't care ‣ Elemental Equilibrium/Resistance: Doesn't care. With spell block chance elemental damage is not a big deal for me... to make things easier, I Kill it first before it damages me. Map mods
I won't make u advice's like others do in their guides. There are two things which u need to know 1. Atziri isn't boss for us. Cause her 2% to reflect and our 30kk DPS we will one-shot ourselves. She's doable with some deaths but she's not worth our time. Better go farm Uber elder or Sirus for money. 2. Skill rotation on bosses
1. Cast golem(cast speed) 2. Pop arcane cloak (eats up 60% of mana) 3. Use mana flask to regen 4. Pop Vaal RF 5. Cast spell totem(wave of conviction) 6. Cast Storm brand(power charges) ------- If it's boss with dialogue, you should do it before the fight starts ------- 7. Use all your flask 8. Let your totem hit him once/twice 9. Use all your flask 10. Unleash your Super Omega DPS ARC power 11. Boss dead 12. If the boss left some life 13. Cast it again _________________________________________________________________________ Gear Crafting section To be fair, I don't have steam to do it today. I will focus on making some videos to build before I touch the crafting section. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Rozum354#0844 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 12:36:44 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2020 08:57:12
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Sick build. First. Gonna play it later this league!
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I think you could play with the Storm Brand setup a bit more to make it more efficient.
Pretty sure Ele Prolif is doing virtually nothing for you. Plus, you have Culling Strike on gloves, so no need on body 6L. You could add Awakened Curse on Hit and Enfeeble or Temp Chains in those slots, or simply increase your crit chance ability or average damage hit on Storm Brand and get much more than you're getting out of Ele Prolif, I think. There's a bit of a paradox adding ailments and getting the most out of Righteous Providence. And the main ailment you want is shock, which you get when you crit for > ailment threshold limits. For example, Conquerors have around ~35M life, and you only have +30% ailment effect on this build, so even to get the bare minimum 5% shock, your Storm Brand has to hit for at least ~80,000 on a single hit, which shouldn't be hard at all. ((0.0032 * .70) * 35M) But to get a 10% shock, it would have to hit for around 440,000, which is unlikely. ((0.0179 * .70) * 35M) +% chance from Ele Prolif doesn't help this. If you can't hit the target threshold limit, you aren't going to cause an ailment, period. And if you do cause a tiny ignite or chill, now you're taking +100% increased crit chance away from Arc (Righteous Providence), while shock is really what you want. Which again, you get if Storm Brand simply crits for above that threshold. And the more damage your Storm Brand does, the bigger the possible shock is for your Arc to take advantage of. If you can add more shock effectiveness anywhere, you can lower the amounts needed to hit higher thresholds and apply bigger shocks, too. I would also consider experimenting swapping out Ele Focus on Arc with Lightning Pen. PoB is very inaccurate with this. You would almost certainly hit for the max 50% shocks (go to config and bump shock up to 50 after taking out Ele Focus), while also penetrating into significant negative resistance with crits (thanks to Inevitable Judgement). PoB is certainly not accounting for this properly as it doesn't calculate hits below 0 resistance. You also need to be aware that on your Arc calculation with Pledge of Hands, PoB tries to average out the Greater Spell Echo more multiplier per echo effect. It adds a 52% more multiplier to each hit to create the "Average Hit", so it's a bit deceiving. Your first hit is actually -52% of that average hit number, the second one/first echo is really -17%, the third hit/second echo is really +18% more, and the forth/third echo is really +53% more. And each one of those, if you didn't have Ele Focus on your Arc setup, would have it's own shock threshold calculation. So that 3rd echo is the big one that would almost assuredly cause a max shock no matter what the target is. Maybe even the 2nd echo would too. And once you hit that once, every hit is probably re-applying a max shock from that point on. Which is just insane damage, especially if you're penetrating into negative resistance. Anyway, just some things to consider. Maybe play around with it some more and see if you can notice a difference. You very likely won't notice anything different on regular white trash mobs, or maybe even map bosses, as they all die too fast with either setup. But on endgame content like Conquerors to Sirus, I wouldn't be surprised if shocks and lightning pen > ele focus. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SkylerOG#3817 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 11:09:08
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" First of all, thank you for the comprehensive comment on my build. You have the right in many remarks. 1. Yes. After some minor changes Storm brand could be more efficient. I'm thinking about changing culling strike(cause gloves gives me them) but I didn't think of something good right now. 2. With Assasin's mark, I didn't feel to add additional curses. And, to be fair, I'm a bit lazy, cause I use storm brand only for bosses to gain power charges and shock. I know it has higher potential but... laziness :D 3. True, I sacrifice crit chance to crit multiplier. 77% crit chance + Aul buff is enough to kill bosses/uniques fast. 4. And that's where I think lightning pen will not work, cause on bosses I try to maximize my crit chance by maxing power charges and staying close(Aul buff) In that way I Ignore enemies Resistances. I'm not 100% sure but even if i "penetrate" resistances I am still ignoring them thanks for passive. What you say should work only for nonunique mobs in which resistances are low, which i can penetrate to negative resistances. Today or tomorrow I will send video which I kill guardian :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Rozum354#0844 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 11:39:50
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Also, you have it checked in config that your target is on consecrated ground, but you don't really have a great way of doing that, from what I can see.
The consecrated ground that follows you when you're stationary isn't that big of a radius. So unless you plan on standing stationary on top of every boss you fight, which is a death sentence, I don't see how you're going to keep them on consecrated ground very often. Maybe consider adding Holy Flame Totem or Purifying Flame to the build somewhere? Bottled Faith would help, too. You have slots to do this, just swap out the Lightning Warp stuff for Flame Dash. I'd also add Second Wind to Arcane Cloak and move golem, too. |
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While I'm casting my Arc I am always stationary, so there's no need to use it on the flask. Golem will be moved probably to the chest where storm brand is and I will use the second wind to boost arcane cloak.
@edit This whole idea is new and till I didn't have time to try it. @edit2, as I said on guide, swapping to flame dash, is a good idea ;) but this skill does not suit me well. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Rozum354#0844 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 11:44:44
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"Not sure this is correct. Inevitable Judgement will "ignore enemy monster elemental resistance", meaning if they have 75 lightning resistance, crits will act like they have 0 lightning resistance. But THEN, a level 5 awakened lightning pen, along with Inevitable Judgement's -10 penetration, will treat the crit like it's -52 lightning resist. On top of now adding shocks, because that lightning pen gem is in place of ele focus gem. The problem is, PoB doesn't show this properly. It still considers the boss mob as having 23 lightning resist (75-52=23). That's why it's very hard to figure this out just by looking at PoB. So the question is this... Is hitting targets with crits of -10 lightning res (Inevitable Judgement) and 54% more damage (Ele Focus) better than -52 lightning res (IJ + aLP) + 30-50% shocks? I'd venture to say if you were for sure getting anywhere from 30-50% shocks combined with high lightning pen, you'd be doing more damage than with Ele Focus. So again, if you could somehow add +shock effectiveness, or more +effectiveness of non-damaging ailments just to solidify the ability for max or near max shocks, as well as make sure you were critting with your Arcs as much as possible, I'm betting you could add at least 20% DPS to this build, or even more. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SkylerOG#3817 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 12:36:29
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Adding drox a8 kill https://youtu.be/jO9_NdJAMtI
@Edit probably, till I gather money to do juicy t20 maps with delirium I will not have how to check it. @edit2 about damage from spell echo, please read wiki about greater spell echo. you will change your mind. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Greater_Spell_Echo_Support แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Rozum354#0844 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 16:12:13
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Ignoring the elemental resistance does mean that penetration is useless. This is a well documented fact. Removing focus for woke chain is the play here. I also agree brands arent helpful here outside of utility.
"With Inevitable Judgment, a critical strike ignores the concept of elemental resistance altogether.[1] In practice, it is equal to overriding an enemy's elemental resistance to 0%. As a result, any elemental resistance reduction and penetration modifiers are ignored,[2] even if an enemy's resistance would be less than 0% otherwise." แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Gryntzy#5908 เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2020 14:06:13
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Hello ! bandit choice?
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