[3.12] [Hierophant] Frostblink Totems | Totems Flicker Strike Simulator
![]() "We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes, the DNA of the soul." - Monsoon Welcome to my Frostblink Totems guide! Disclaimer! This is a meme build. I’ve created it to explore mechanics, synergies and just to see if I could make it work. I would strongly discourage replicating it for any reason other than curiosity. | 1. Overview | This build uses [Frostblink] with [Spell Totems Support] as it’s main skill. This results in totems jumping all over the screen at random directions and distances while dealing surprising amounts of damage and freezing pretty much everything they touch. | 2. Links | Showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNukhjRBol4 T16 Canyon (A6): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ0pO17bJr8 PoB: https://pastebin.com/5DXZDas3 Skill tree: https://tinyurl.com/y8ctrlap | 3. Build |
Skill tree: https://tinyurl.com/y8ctrlap Bandits: Alira - everything she grants is very useful => Main Tree For damage we are focused on Crit, Crit Multi and Power Charges. For survivability we want to get as much life as possible. - Most important keystone is [Ancestral Bond] and should be taken asap. - After that [Inner Conviction] for a huge dps boost. - [Pain Attunement] should be taken when Coward’s Legacy and Atziri’s Reflection are equipped. => Ascendancy We are going Hierophant due to very strong totems synergy. We also want mana regen and aliment immunity from the [Arcane Blessing] branch. Priorities: [Pursuit of Faith] -> [Ritual of Awakening] -> [Illuminated Devotion] -> [Arcane Blessing] => DPS Calculation PoB will only calculate damage from a single, average hit of Frostblink. To get accurate dps we need to account for cooldown and how many totems there are. This is the formula: Average Hit / Cooldown x Totem Count = DPS For current PoB calculations would look like this: 1000000 / 0.97 x 4 = 4123711 DPS Keep in mind that this does not account for cooldown reduction from [Frostblink]'s effect. It also does not account for [High-Impact Mine Support] debuff, which can be very substantial, especially on bosses. | 4. Gem links |
Gem links
Main 7-link: [Frostblink] + [Spell Totem Support] (from Soul Mantle) + [Inspiration Support] + [Hypothermia Support] + [Concentrated Effect Support] + [Controlled Destruction Support] Last link can be ether [Second Wind Support] (if you need it to push [Frostblink]'s cooldown below 1s) or [Added Cold Damage Support] Mines 4-link: [Wave of Conviction] (lvl 1) + [High-Impact Mine Support] + [Swift Assembly Support] + [Charged Mines Support] Auras 3-link: [Hatred] + [Haste] + [Enlighten] (at least lvl 3) Auras 3-link: [Vaal Grace] + [Vaal Righteous Fire] + [Increased Duration Support] Survivability 3-link: [Immortal Call] (lvl 3) + [CwDT] (lvl 7) + [Increased Duration Support] Movement 2-link: [Lightning Warp] + [Less Duration Support] Curse: [Frostbite] | 5. My gear |
My gear
Weapon: Void Battery - Required due to strong synergy with crit and Power Charge scaling. Shield: Atziri’s Reflection - Required due to Soul Mantle setup. Helm: Any good helm with [Frostblink] cooldown reduction enhancement. Body armour: Soul Mantle - Required, this is core of spell-based totem builds. Belt: Coward’s Legacy - Highly recommended due to synergy with Atziri’s Reflection. Boots: The Stampede - Required due to [Frostblink] cooldown reduction. Gloves: Any gloves with good life and resistances is fine. Amulet: The Pandemonius - Highly recommended due to huge dps increase and blind. Rings: Any ring with good life and resistances is good. This is also a good slot to get Dexterity. Jewels: Militant Faith - Required, as it will grant us [Inner Conviction]. Watcher's Eye - Required due cooldown reduction from “50% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Movement Skills used while affected by Haste” mod. Self-Flagellation - Required due to Soul Mantle Setup. Flasks: Only required flasks are Life and Diamond. Rest is highly recommended due to big dps and survivability increases, but can be replaced. | 6. Mechanics |
Totems + Frostblink interactions
=> [Frostblink] has a base cooldown of 2.6s and can store 1 charge. Skills supported by [Spell Totems Support] retain their cooldown. This means that without cooldown reduction you can spawn only one totem every 2.6s. => When a totem is created it has its own internal cooldown for [Frostblink] independent from you or other totems. This means that each totem will teleport whenever possible with base frequency of 2.6s. => [Frostblink] is an instant skill, which means that [Second Wind Support] will not grant it a second charge. This changes when we put it on a totem (since totems are non-instant). This means that we can store 2 charges of [Frostblink] totems. => If there are 2 charges available and we are using [Multiple Totems Support] or [Ritual of Awakening] we will summon 2 totems and expend both charges. => [Frostblink] has a mechanic where if it hits any mobs it will have it’s cooldown reduced. When a totem hits with Frostblink it will have its own internal cooldown reduced, but this cooldown reduction will not affect you or other totems.
Wave of Conviction + Ancestral Bond
To boost our DPS we want to use [Wave of Conviction] to instantly apply -25% Cold Resistance. But since we are using [Ancestral Bond] we cannot deal damage ourselves and that prevents [Wave of Conviction] from working. To work around this issue we can use mines. In this case [High-Impact Mine Support] is best, as it also applies a very strong “chance to deal Double Damage” debuff.
Soul Mantle Setup
This is the standard high-end setup for totem builds. It works like this: => Soul Mantle provides a 7-link and +1 to max summoned totems (which is very strong), but it will also give us a curse whenever our totems die. => Self-Flagellation gives us up to 20% increased damage per curse on us (this is a huge dps boost since we are constantly under the effect of multiple curses from Soul Mantle). => Atziri’s Reflection gives us "Unaffected by Curses" status. This means that we will still get cursed and proc Self-Flagellation, but those curses will have no effect on us.
Pain Attunement Setup
This is the standard high-end setup for spell-based builds. It works like this: => Pain Attunement keystone gives us 30% more spell damage if we are on low life. => Coward’s Legacy belt permanently curses us with Vulnerability. It also makes it so that we are considered as “low life” while cursed by Vulnerability, which triggers Pain Attunement. => Atziri’s Reflection gives us "Unaffected by Curses" status. This causes Vulnerability to have no effect on us.
Frostblink cooldown reduction
[Frostblink] is a very strong skill - it has 140% effectiveness of added damage and very high base damage. Only thing holding it back is it’s huge 2.6s cooldown. To make this build feel decent we need to push it below 1s. To achieve that we can use: => The Stampede boots - they can grant up to 80% increased recovery rate. => Watcher's Eye - with mod “50% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Movement Skills used while affected by Haste” => Helm enchant - “Frostblink has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate” => Avatar of the Hunt anoint - 20% increased recovery rate. => [Second Wind Support] - up to 29% increased recovery rate.
Chill, Freeze and Blind
=> [Frostblink] is a cold skill which means it can apply chill and freeze ailments. It also has a base 5% crit chance, which means we can easily scale crit and guarantee chill or freeze effects on most mobs (since elemental skills apply their respective ailments whenever they crit). We can also use [Hypothermia Support] to boost those ailments and dps. => [Frostblink] also leaves chilled ground at the start and end of it’s teleport, which applies chill to everything that stands in it. => The Pandemonius amulet makes it so that you blind everything that is chilled. This works with totems and mines, making it so that everything hit by [Frostblink] and [Wave of Conviction] will be blinded. Full-screen blind, chill and freeze on t16 map: ![]()
Auras + Totems interaction
Auras apply to “nearby allies” - that includes totems. This means that for example [Vaal Grace] will give our totems in range increased Evasion Rating. That's why we use [Vaal Grace] and [Vaal Righteous Fire]. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ank993#2248 เมื่อ 3 ม.ค. 2021 16:34:07 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 4 ม.ค. 2021 04:40:54
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can i ask somethin? is this league start viable?
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" Most definitely not. You need many sources of cooldown reduction for Frostblink before this build even starts to work. Most of those sources won't be available at the start of a league. |
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