◀▶ WOOZEL'S HIDEOUTS ◀▶ personal fav's Aug '22
![]() Thanks for visiting! I usually make one or two new hideouts per league for changes of scenery and prompts from competitions. Hideouts have become an important part of the game for me, and I hope we continue to see more support and new features. This is a less than complete list versus what I have on HideoutShowcase, but these are the ones I'm particularly happy with. I think I'll just do new posts after this one when I feel compelled to share, rather than updating old threads. Special thanks to all those who go above and beyond for the hideout building community, from providing sharing tools, to running competitions, and everything in between! ![]() Celestial HideoutShowcase Perhaps otherwise known as 'Valdo's Library', I felt the need for a spacious (hah!) hideout that could comfortably fit a full party, plus all the NPCs and functional stash items, with room for more. ![]() PRIMEVAL HideoutShowcase Competition entry following a 'Wonderland' theme (forum post). Binge watching Star Trek leads to different things for different people. Like hideout building. ![]() PRIMEVAL HideoutShowcase A tribute to the location of the same name in Last Epoch. ![]() CORAL HideoutShowcase Pastebin Competition entry with a 'Village' theme (forum post). If this was a real life place, I would happily spend a vacation here. Taking inspiration from photos of villages and hamlets from wikipedia, this was the first hideout I made without consideration for its utility. I do think I captured my vision overall, despite reaching the object limit much sooner than I'd hoped. ![]() CARTOGRAPHER HideoutShowcase Pastebin Competition entry (forum post). A tribute to Kurgal's arena. I've long wanted to make something Abyss themed. My PoE addiction started during Abyss league, so my nostalgia is strong in this one (even though Kurgal is a Delve boss). ![]() EXCAVATED Video HideoutShowcase Pastebin While delving one league, I went through a fungal caverns area and was struck by how neatly the mushrooms and azurite were arranged in that instance. So, I took a bunch of screenshots and made my own. ![]() SKELETAL Video HideoutShowcase Pastebin Competition entry following a 'Hidden Haven' theme (forum post). 'Boat League' was an ongoing meme, so I made a boat, and a place to park it. ![]() CELESTIAL HideoutShowcase Pastebin The RNG gods saw fit to grant me this base, and this was my first creation with it. I challenged myself to prioritize utility and theme equally. I'm quite happy with the result and use this as my hideout quite often. ![]() DESERT Video HideoutShowcase Pastebin Competition entry (forum post and GGG video showcase). One of my exercises for seeking inspiration is to experiment with building what I call 'monuments.' I'll pick some decorations that might stack into an interesting shape and see what new thing it makes. When I started making little buildings this time, I decided to scale it up and make a neighborhood of them. ![]() RITUALIST HideoutShowcase Pastebin I like the low light setting and wanted to see what it would take to fully reskin the main hut. Finished with a very compact layout that works well if you don't feel the need to have every stash and NPC in one place, as it might get a bit cramped. ![]() BRUTAL Video HideoutShowcase Pastebin Competition entry following a 'Castle' theme (forum post and GGG video showcase). I had previously created a few steampunk monuments that I wanted to give a better home, and who better than Tane to be their crazy inventor. The GGG showcase had some great camera angles and pans that made me rather proud of my work. ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 16 ส.ค. 2022 20:38:40
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