Build suggestion for massive damage with shadow

Hi there,

I just resumed after >5 years of absence.
* goal:
I need tips on how to complete a shadow/ Death's Oath/ chaos aura build

* situation:
I'm a dad now, with little time available for play but,
- I have a lot of stuff left in my stash from past grind sessions
- I can go grind a bit to complete this stash if this leads me to a great DD build.

* my current gear is

* what I have in stash is:

Remark: I remember allelopathy was part of an old high DD build.

As for gems I think I got pretty much all and if not, I can farm for it.

Thank you for your suggestions.
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 23 พ.ย. 2022 00:31:52



