Looking for a Toxic Rain Build

Hey guys, i played a Toxic Rain Build on Ultimatum league and now im coming back to the game after a pause, im playing a Cyclone build but got borred and decided to try again a Toxic Rain build, altough i have some experience on the game i still consider myself a noob and always follow a guide, but im having trouble finding a Toxic Rain build thats up to date, the only thing that i did not like whem i was playing ultimatum was the random one shot that i got here or there, it's there a build someone can share that kinda fixes some of that problems and still keeps a good damage??

i have a budget of around 40 div to spend.
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 2 ม.ค. 2023 06:48:24



