💡 Item Filter Syntax improvments - Introducing BlockEnd for Continue

Introduce an End of Block - BlockStart - BlockEnd or only End operator to terminate some block code. With the Continue, it will terminate the syntax processing for the corresponding group items and display it or not depending on the match in hole block.

The End block must have at least one argument to indicate what is closing. For example Class should be the best for its generality.

For example:

Start "Stackable Currency"

Class "Stackable Currency"
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Chaos Orb"

Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Mirror of Kalandra"
SetFontSize 40
PlayAlertSound 5 300
PlayEffect Green
MinimapIcon 0 Green Cross

End "Stackable Currency"

It cold be work with logic operators like == etc. The Class argument should be the best for terminating the Block.
🌞 Designer of SimpleFilter see My Item Filters 🌞
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย koszmarnica เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2024 06:14:56
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 23 ก.ย. 2024 17:34:17
- identify affixes tiers and unique items skins
- variables (for anything like colors, fontsize etc).

With variables scripts would be alot easier to tweak for those who make their own or to build UI.

Btw you always show first and hide all at the end of the script, but a "goto", "jumpto", or "call-like" could be interesting too.
In my case, first there are sections setting colors etc. and then showing items depending on the need. Logically, how do you want to configure colors if you want to show them first ? :). The order is reversed.

This idea concerns another operator thanks to which the processing for the entire group of items will end and thus also speed up the execution of the script. It would also work well with the Continue operator.
🌞 Designer of SimpleFilter see My Item Filters 🌞
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย koszmarnica เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024 17:03:56



