[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Yoff เขียน:
daish0 เขียน:
Why not?

Well, because there is no way to replenish your HP anymore?


Actually ... as long as you are attacking it is even an improvement as the biggest leech counts. You can't leech in down-times now, ok ... but this build doesn't incorporate Vaal Pact, so ... even if you are on low life THERE ARE STILL FLASKS!
Rawnur เขียน:
Lost about 300 health somewhere in there but blocks are same, dmg seems a lil higher

Yes, life nodes took a bit of a nerf in 1.1.0, luckily we don't rely on them exclusively for our defenses. :) The final build is pretty close to the old one though, only lost 14% max life.
Hi all,

i'm trying to do a viable templar on the new ambush league.
I'm very interested by this build, but a bit worry about the lack of dps (sry i come from duelist blender build :P)
So i tried to modify it a bit to increase (by 100%)the dps and in the same time keeping the philosophy of the build that is to say very tanky.
If some of you guys could take few minutes to coment it i would be very grateful.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย gilgameshsan#6006 เมื่อ 6 มี.ค. 2014 20:13:42
Is the evasion worth it? I was looking to reallocate passives since the patch. I tend to maximize armor and block, and specialize in maces for damage. I found Unwavering Stance necessary, since I'd get stunlocked through block animations, but it's harder to get now. I'm interested in this build, but I just don't have the gear stashed to switch over. I suppose with a good track record, it must be worth it, but I'm kind of surprised.

Here's what I would normally go with (and might still):

gilgameshsan เขียน:
Hi all,

i'm trying to do a viable templar on the new ambush league.
I'm very interested by this build, but a bit worry about the lack of dps (sry i come from duelist blender build :P)
So i tried to modify it a bit to increase (by 100%)the dps and in the same time keeping the philosophy of the build that is to say very tanky.
If some of you guys could take few minutes to coment it i would be very grateful.


Hi gilgameshsan. :) Looks all right, but please know that with any non-crit-centric melee build, the damage is limited by gear and gems rather than the passive tree.

For example, a 10% damage node gains you around 100 DPS and a 20% node gains you around 200 DPS with typical items -- totally minor when we are already in the thousands. That's why we focus on defenses on the tree, there is just not much point to damage nodes, unless you are really into glass cannons and load up on crit.

Actually, attack speed nodes are more useful than damage nodes, especially with Reave, as your AOE size increases faster and thus you hit more targets more quickly. It's all about how efficient you are. I did notice you passed on Berserking, which is one of the better 'damage' nodes on the tree and is included in the guide build.

Also, what would you do if you found a nice mace or claw that was better than your sword or axe? Just a rhetorical question.

You are also giving up 26% maximum life, 10% elemental resistances that you would have to find somehow on gear, 16% evasion and armour relative to the guide 110 point build.
Thanks a lot Sovyn for your remarks.
Berserking have been nerfed that's why i passed it. However, i can take it instead of the four nodes "Ace and sword".

You are also giving up 26% maximum life, 10% elemental resistances that you would have to find somehow on gear, 16% evasion and armour relative to the guide 110 point build.

You 're right, i was looking for a long time to keep maximum of life nodes, without really succeed. The elemental resistance nodes is not a problem i think, considering the fact that i never see a build with so many ele res nodes :).

I'm surprised that the guide doesn't mention the using of tempest shield gem which offer additionnal chance to block plus light dmg...is it useless on end game ?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย gilgameshsan#6006 เมื่อ 6 มี.ค. 2014 20:35:03
Taemon32 เขียน:
Is the evasion worth it? I was looking to reallocate passives since the patch. I tend to maximize armor and block, and specialize in maces for damage. I found Unwavering Stance necessary, since I'd get stunlocked through block animations, but it's harder to get now. I'm interested in this build, but I just don't have the gear stashed to switch over. I suppose with a good track record, it must be worth it, but I'm kind of surprised.

Here's what I would normally go with (and might still):


Hi Taemon. :) Evasion is huge with max block and Ondar's. It pretty much removes a major source of incoming damage entirely as even a factor. Evasion is nice with melee too, but it's just one prong of our defenses there.

The dex we get over toward the Ranger area helps you use essential endgame gems as well.

Also, your suggested build is unfortunately a little bit short on life and there is not enough block to max it unless you have certain uniques.

You are also missing Amplify, which helps with clearing efficiency.

All that for a couple damage nodes. See my response to gilgameshsan just above this post for my opinion on damage nodes.

Finally, allow me to debunk that myth about "stunlock through block animations". I know this is a factor in many games, and so folks assume is also in PoE. The reality in PoE is that it does not matter if you are wearing a shield or not. Stun functions exactly the same. The only difference is the animation that plays, only we don't take the actual damage (most of the time). The majority of hits are not stunning and all of those blocks are free and play no animation. If you have high life, you are less likely to get stunned. I don't find it to be an issue.
gilgameshsan เขียน:
Thanks a lot Sovyn for your remarks.
Berserking have been nerfed that's why i passed it. However, i can take it instead of the four nodes "Ace and sword".

You are also giving up 26% maximum life, 10% elemental resistances that you would have to find somehow on gear, 16% evasion and armour relative to the guide 110 point build.

You 're right, i was looking for a long time to keep maximum of life nodes, without really succeed. The elemental resistance nodes is not a problem i think, considering the fact that i never see a build with so many ele res nodes :).

I'm surprised that the guide doesn't mention the using of tempest shield gem which offer additionnal chance to block plus light dmg...is it useless on end game ?

I know it lost 3%, but Berserking is still good. I would stick with the guide build, obviously. But, if you want to try your variation, I would recommend getting berserking and then respecing out of it and getting your axe and sword cluster and compare by running, say, Merciless Archives over and over (6 times at least) with a stopwatch with each, averaging the run times, and let us know which is best.

I used Tempest early on in the game (until level 60 or so, before I had max block) and it was all right. I do mention it in the guide. It's not endgame material as the damage is unnoticeable and it takes only 2 nodes on the passive skill tree to replace its 4% block. Then you can run an aura that is useful instead.
So, in the beginning of the tree, next to Discipline and Training there is a missed 8% life node?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย rhds#6502 เมื่อ 7 ธ.ค. 2016 14:26:15
rhds เขียน:
So, in the beginning of the tree, next to Discipline and Training there is a missed 8% life node, could someone please explain why? Is the build more efficient without it?

Early on it is important to get some block and resolute technique, so I put off getting that 8% node as it is unnecessary for the routing. It is taken when we go up and get Amplify later. It won't hurt anything if you want to get the 8% node earlier.



