[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Hieroimos เขียน:
Thank you Sovyn for this excellent guide, i just started playing after briefly trying the game last year and it has helped me quite a lot

I would like to play a similar build in the invasion league so i've been pondering how to customize this one more to my liking, i just got to be a duelist you see :)

I hope you dont mind me asking in your thread but id appreciate if anyone willing to help me would critique what i came up with so far

I doubt ill ever reach such a high level but its fun trying to get there

Thank you for any input

You are welcome, Hieroimos.

Your build:

+273 to Strength
+183 to Dexterity
+74 to Intelligence
+77 to maximum Mana
+230.5 to maximum Life
Evasion Rating: 53
+4 Maximum Endurance Charge
+3 Maximum Frenzy Charge
+3 Maximum Power Charge
4% Additional Elemental Resistance per Endurance Charge
4% Physical Damage Reduction per Endurance Charge
5% Attack Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge
5% Cast Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge
50% Critical Strike Chance Increase per Power Charge
4.5% of Life Regenerated per Second
258% increased maximum Life
+12% to Chaos Resistance
Enemies Cannot Leech Life From You
31% additional Chance to Block with Shields
12% of Block Chance applied to Spells
4% additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding or holding a Shield
55% increased Melee Physical Damage
52% increased Armour
4% increased Attack Speed with Axes
4% increased Attack Speed with Swords
86% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons
155% increased Defences from equipped Shield
9% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons
+2% to maximum Lightning Resistance
+8% to Lightning Resistance
+20% Elemental Resistances while holding a Shield
You take 20% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
+23% to Fire Resistance
+2% to maximum Cold Resistance
+8% to Cold Resistance
8% increased maximum Mana
Your hits can't be Evaded
Never deal Critical Strikes
40% increased Physical Damage with Axes
40% increased Physical Damage with Swords
+2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range
+22% to all Elemental Resistances
15% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
+2% to maximum Fire Resistance
0.2% of maximum Life Regenerated per second per Endurance Charge
12% increased Attack Speed
32% increased Evasion Rating and Armour
Ignore all Movement Penalties from Armour
3% increased Effect of Buffs on You
40% increased Block Recovery
2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
+14.8% Energy Shield
+54.6% increased Melee Physical Damage
+366 Accuracy Rating
36.6% increased Evasion Rating

Mine, @ 110:

+293 to Strength
+194 to Dexterity
+93 to Intelligence
+86.5 to maximum Mana
+228.5 to maximum Life
Evasion Rating: 53
+3 Maximum Endurance Charge
+3 Maximum Frenzy Charge
+3 Maximum Power Charge
4% Additional Elemental Resistance per Endurance Charge
4% Physical Damage Reduction per Endurance Charge
5% Attack Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge
5% Cast Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge
50% Critical Strike Chance Increase per Power Charge
50% increased Melee Physical Damage
144% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons
224% increased maximum Life
96% increased Armour
34% increased maximum Energy Shield
1% of Life Regenerated per Second
12% increased Radius of Area Skills
8% increased Area Damage
+18% to all Elemental Resistances
31% additional Chance to Block with Shields
115% increased Defences from equipped Shield
Your hits can't be Evaded
Never deal Critical Strikes
+20% Elemental Resistances while holding a Shield
3% increased Effect of Buffs on You
6% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons
+8% to Chaos Resistance
Enemies Cannot Leech Life From You
30% increased Attack Speed
56% increased Evasion Rating and Armour
+2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range
8% increased maximum Mana
Ignore all Movement Penalties from Armour
Doubles chance to Evade Projectile Attacks
4% additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding or holding a Shield
+18.6% Energy Shield
+58.6% increased Melee Physical Damage
+388 Accuracy Rating
38.8% increased Evasion Rating

Yours ends up with a bit lower str/dex/int. Might be minor though, just depends what gear you want to use.

Yours has around 30% higher max life mod, which should be good for an extra few hundred life.

Mine has Ondar's, making me much tougher vs. projectile-based attacks.

Mine has 44% higher increased armor mod, making me slightly tougher vs. small and medium melee hits.

Yours has a little life leech, but easily made up on gear.

Mine has 24% higher increased Evasion Rating and Armour, making me a bit harder to hit and a little more resistant to small and medium hits that get through.

Yours has 20% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes, but this was nerfed a while back and barely does anything now.

Mine has 12% increased Radius of Area Skills and 8% increased Area Damage, which improve my clearing efficiency incrementally.

Mine has 13% higher damage and I'm not restricted to axes and swords as you would be.

Mine has 11% higher attack speed and I'm not restricted to axes and swords as you would be.

Yours has +2% max resists, which is not a bad thing to have.

As you can see, pros and cons. I'd take mine. :)
No offense, but dude why are you going into Marauderland lol. And why are you spending a lot of Dex travel nodes at the bottom instead of going through the travel pathway to the north and getting stuff like Life, Block, Damage from them?

IMO your main issue is that this build already has some issues with efficiency because you have to get the Templar's block nodes and Resolute Technique on the left side, and Ondar's Guile and the Ranger's block nodes on the right side. That's a lot of travel nodes! So you don't want to spend some more on low-yield nodes trying to get the good stuff in Marauderland haha.

Here's the Duelist tree I came up with at 110 points. Ondar's Guile (and Resolute Technique, as I found out) are key to this build, and you want them both! I've changed this tree to be able to use all weapons, but you can easily adapt it to particular ones if you want. I have a really low Armor multiplier because I prefer running Eva-heavy gear, and I don't run Grace/Determination (Grace/Hatred instead :) ).


Now I'm back to making my Spectral Throw Duelist.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย K0rrupted#5191 เมื่อ 30 มี.ค. 2014 21:46:58
Ishkabibble เขียน:
Hey Sovyn, I'm back for another run at face tanking with your build.

To everyone playing a Lazy Pally, your playing a great build designed by a player with character.

Welcome back to the fray, Ishkabibble! Thanks for your kind words and advice to newer posters, I appreciate it.

PS Nice mace for ground slam.

Whenever I get gear drops like this, it makes me tempted to start a lazy pally again. If a very good 1h sword drops for me, it's probably time for me to level a new templar again.
The ground slam idea with that mace is a good one, thanks. I will tell my brother because he will be using the Mace due to my nephew and his uncanny ability to get great drops, he got this in the docks testing various build adjustments. 203 IR on his build. He has now found 3 great 1 hand weapons in the last 6 days. (2-siege ax's-dps 300+ on both) and that mace was his find also.

I have 167 IR on my Lazy - LiverLip_Louie currently, long way to go on the gear though.

This ax is a great start and now for the belt. Meginord's Girdle (sorry spelling)


For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

USMC - Vietnam 1967 - 1968 - 1969
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ishkabibble#7519 เมื่อ 31 มี.ค. 2014 01:28:27
Ishkabibble เขียน:
The ground slam idea with that mace is a good one, thanks. I will tell my brother because he will be using the Mace due to my nephew and his uncanny ability to get great drops, he got this in the docks testing various build adjustments. 203 IR on his build. He has now found 3 great 1 hand weapons in the last 6 days. (2-siege ax's-dps 300+ on both) and that mace was his find also.

I have 167 IR on my Lazy - LiverLip_Louie currently, long way to go on the gear though.

This ax is a great start and now for the belt. Meginord's Girdle (sorry spelling)


Meginord is kind of a weird belt. I used this last season, and I also owned a Meginord (dropped from Piety). But the DPS and health increase couldn't be beat by this rare belt.
K0rrupted เขียน:
Tbh, I think you should only use swords if you plan to spec into the sword nodes, which are more powerful than the nodes of any other weapon type. Or if you're interested in PvP for some reason and want to grab the "Reduce Enemy Block" nodes. But the Accuracy and Crit from Swords/Rapiers/Daggers are wasted in Resolute Technique builds, when you could be using a Claw imo.

I'm still figuring out what skills I'm going to use for an Axe build: Cleave and Heavy Strike, just Heavy Strike with a Melee Splash, or just Cleave?

Also I was trying to figure out how this build could work for a Marauder and a Scion, but I think Templar and Duelist are our only options.

It's pretty hard to beat the efficiency of the damage nodes we do take, such as Seasoned Sinew and Weapon Artistry. Not much point getting weapon-specific nodes before these at least. I figure, why narrow down your choices for no reason. Not much point to damage nodes period actually.... I carefully logged my recent respec for 1.1 and gained all of 100 DPS for a 10%/12% damage node and even the 24% node only gives around 200. Barely worth bothering with, considering I'm already doing thousands...... damage nodes are a very small, incremental improvement at best. That's why I'm pretty selective about damage nodes.

It will be much easier for you to maintain mana with cleave vs. melee splash. You can also consider cyclone with blood magic and life leech supports.

Any class except shadow and witch works fine, but Templar is slightly better due to proximity to key nodes early on.
Ishkabibble เขียน:

Very nice! Don't forget to hit it with 20 blacksmith's whetstones! :)
I just wanted to drop in and talk about this build from a new players perspective. Ive tried and failed with a few different builds before but this is the first one where I took it to the end of normal and beat dominus. The end fight was mostly a war of attrition but just about every other fight in the game I felt tanky enough to be effective and felt like I had enough damage that I was making reasonable progress in the fight. On the plus side for boss fights (except dominus) I was tanky enough that I never had to go back to town mid fight as long as I did proper flask management.

That said, I think Im going to experiment with some other builds again and replay the game but Im looking forward to taking this build into Cruel difficulty down the road.

All that said, thanks for the build Sovyn. I enjoyed it and found it pretty effective (as well as pretty newbie friendly)
Thanks going to give this a shot on my first playthrough.



