[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Kamina100 เขียน:
Good idea. Btw, apropos of the Corrupted Blood discussion above, I find that to be a potential killer because your health can drop so fast when you're coasting along and not focusing much.

I actually remembered that earlier tonight and added it to the FAQ :)
lpcinder เขียน:
Hello Sovyn, I am enjoying your build so far. Quick question though, I checked your Malachai static strike video, and I was wondering how you attack so quickly. You seem to be on steroids ;-).

I'm glad you are enjoying, lpcinder :)

I have 50% attack speed on the tree, plus a 4% jewel and 14% on gloves but the biggest thing would be level 20 Multistrike with "94% more Melee Attack Speed" and in that vid I was also using level 20/20 faster attacks with '54% increased Attack Speed'. Note that 'more' is better than 'increased'. I switched faster attacks to added fire when I got all red sockets on my chest as the tooltip DPS is a little higher and theoretically easier to keep mana up. Still hit plenty fast. :)
Thanks for the info. One more question. I crafted my own chestplate with 5 sockets. Which gems should I prioritize? Static strike/melee dmg/multistrike/weapon elemental dmg and? Is fortify > added fire? It seems to be more important for survival or should I go for more dmg instead?
Sovyn เขียน:
Today's guide update:

08-03-2015 -- Added 'What kinds of things can kill me?' to FAQ

I'm glad I inspired the 'How not to die' list haha! Seriously though, thanks for the detailed reply. :)
Hey everyone,

I'm looking to get some feedback on my gear. I've been looking at it and I feel like I'm still a little low on cold resist (with diamond skin, I'm at 143fire, 129cold, 159lightning, 117chaos)
I'd love capped resists and more dps, so maybe you guys have an idea on where I could start.


level 84, 3714 life, 343 energy shield
601 mana

further character stats

hideout dps. It goes up to about 25-26k in combat

Pin_Cracker เขียน:
Hey everyone,

I'm looking to get some feedback on my gear. I've been looking at it and I feel like I'm still a little low on cold resist (with diamond skin, I'm at 143fire, 129cold, 159lightning, 117chaos)
I'd love capped resists and more dps, so maybe you guys have an idea on where I could start.


I thought I can give you some suggestions.

1. Reroll your chest until you get some decent life and two resist... Armor and energy shield rolls is not so important since we get most of our armor from the shield.

2. Resolve your mana leech issue with another ring or with some jewels and get rid of wurm bolt and buy a rustic with life, resist, armour and open prefix to master craft elemental dmg on it.

3. Gloves and rings do not have decent life rolls either, you should change them I think.

Your helmet is really good so no need to upgrade there. And lastly, you should reread Sovyn's item suggestions in the first page... He really tells everything there ;)

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย NicholaiHell#4808 เมื่อ 4 ส.ค. 2015 11:59:04
lpcinder เขียน:
Thanks for the info. One more question. I crafted my own chestplate with 5 sockets. Which gems should I prioritize? Static strike/melee dmg/multistrike/weapon elemental dmg and? Is fortify > added fire? It seems to be more important for survival or should I go for more dmg instead?

Up to you. Fortify can go on your movement skill instead but it's very high maintenance that way. High quality of life route is to put it on the attack skill which is what I did.
Pin_Cracker เขียน:
Hey everyone,

I'm looking to get some feedback on my gear. I've been looking at it and I feel like I'm still a little low on cold resist (with diamond skin, I'm at 143fire, 129cold, 159lightning, 117chaos)
I'd love capped resists and more dps, so maybe you guys have an idea on where I could start.

Hi Pin_Cracker :)

NicholaiHell covered some good stuff (thanks).

I'd just add that your DPS will go up next level when you get Blunt Instrument.

Yes, I'd re-roll that chest with some chaos but if you wanted you can at least master craft either life or a resist on it (hard to tell if the stun recovery is a prefix or suffix so you'll just have to see what's available on the bench).

A third option on the mana front other than a leech ring or jewel would be to switch to warlord's mark instead of enfeeble.

Could be more physical damage on rings.

You will also need a 2% block Lazhwar eventually.
boss i dont think anemina minara is still a problem...
i have face her around 5-6 times and the summons does not explode anymore...
sockgr เขียน:
boss i dont think anemina minara is still a problem...
i have face her around 5-6 times and the summons does not explode anymore...

Really? No explosions??
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Kamina100#1846 เมื่อ 4 ส.ค. 2015 21:09:55



