Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Quickcatobackup#2821 เมื่อ 26 มี.ค. 2019 14:04:29
Yeah there's a downside to Cerberus vs. Daggers other than the movement - their DPS is equal/worse to daggers that you can find for as low as 1 chaos in Synthesis (+ a few chaos for benchcraft). If you compare it to the basic daggers provided in my PoB, it takes two 100% perfect Cerberus Limb to get the same DPS.

Does this count to standard? Cuz every single dagger i see on poe.trade lowers my dps in pob

edit: obviously i'm using 2 cerberus i bought for 15 and 25c, and i'm looking for daggers using the method posted in the guide
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MKU_Nirvana#3689 เมื่อ 25 มี.ค. 2019 19:15:54
GamerDad410 เขียน:
I'm having trouble understanding how penetration is better than adding elemental damage. I understand the concept, but when I try to input the items/data into POB I get conflicting results. It seems in most cases it is better to use add damage rather than penetration. I don't know if I am setting up POB wrong or what? I have adjusted all gems to level 20, and in configuration I have changed to the boss options and even manually adjusted the enemy lightning resistance. It seems that right around 65-68 resistance is the break even point where they both do about the same damage. Less than 65 adding damage is better, and above 65 penetration is better. Same goes for when you adjust for a boss and lower the additional resistance until the boss caps at the max of 75. The break even point is around 65-70 there.

Am I not setting POB up correctly or what? I have tested this with the provided completed POB pastebin and with my imported currently level 40 character and I get roughly the same results.

Has this changed in the most recent patch and adding is better now?

Enki91 เขียน:

This depends what specifically you compared Lightning Penetration with. Controlled Destruction for example lowers our crit chance with Arc, which means you need to proc Elemental Overload with a different skill or else it will be a huge damage loss at bosses. If you compared it with Elemental Focus, that one is even worse as it completely prevents your Arc from applying any elemental status ailments, which renders half of our Ascendancy, many passives and Hypothermia useless.

In the Leveling Guide - Act 3 you state to replace Added Lighting Damage and Controlled Destruction with Lighting Penetration and Energy Leech.

If I take your end build and make a new socket set copying your Arc skill set and get rid of penetration and leech and put added dmg and controlled destruction back in, and leave everything else the same, then I can switch back and forth between the two skills sets. Doing so I still get higher damage in PoB with added dmg and controlled destruction. I even see that the Inc Crit Chance has dropped dramatically, but according to the number crunching in PoB penetration/leech does less DPS than added dmg/controlled destruction.

Again unless I'm doing something wrong in PoB or not reading it right. Even if I turn Elemental Overload off, I get higher DPS with added dmg/controlled compared to penetration/leech with Elemental Overload on.

Again all I changed was to create a new socket set copying your Arc set and swapping out the two gems.

Thank you for your time and build. I am having a lot of fun with it so far. I'm level 43 now and I enjoy this much more than my previous Toxic Rain Ranger. I also like how you wrote this up from a new leveling perspective, that helps a lot. I appreciate your time and effort. I'm not trying to be argumentative I'm just not understanding if PoB is not calculating this right or if it is a hidden stat that isn't calculated in PoB or if I'm doing something wrong. Just trying to understand the numbers is all. Thanks again.
Enki91 เขียน:
[...] Command of the Pits issue is their really low ES, and if you also use Devouring Diadem, this means you'll be limited to a 4L LS Trap or use yet another resistance-less unique for a 5L LS Trap. I'd rather use Zealotry + the Watcher's Eye mod for Arcane Surge and get other gloves. [...]

Thank you for your reply.
Concerning CotP gloves. Even if I get 2 jewels like this?

Should be 100 life, 6% life, ~115 es, 10% cast speed, perma arcane surge, some flat lightning dmg or pen or resistances or whatever I can get or need to get.
To address resistance issue. I'm planning to use "Ash, frost and storm" node as it provides 40 ele dmg and 12% all res. For just 3 passives.
Also planning to use +1 minimum endu charge ring crafts for 8% phys mitigation and another 8% all res in alva temple rings for more life:

I know I'm limiting myself to one less 4L. I'm OK with that.
Planning on crafting two ilvl85 shaper daggers with Aetheric+Metallic+Prismatic fossils which should yield some great results for Arc.

I find whirling blades unreliable as they require too much attack speed stacking on gear/jewels/tree to feel remotely good. Trying to work out a "Phase Run" variation with "Quicksilver of Adrenaline" for delving side rooms with ease.
Thinking of "Dark Arts" node cluster to make Flame Dash a more reliable movement skill and it will also benefit Phase Run greatly. It should provide tons of cast speed (27%), cdr for movement skills (30% for both phase run and flamedash), mana regen (30%) and 10 dex+int.
Do you think phase run setup could ba a viable option if I plan to delve alot?

edit: Also since we stack ES a lot now. Is skin of the loyal an option for 100% increased defences, which in my understanding theoreticaly should double our ES from gear? Skins +1 socketed gems and empo4 would allow to reach lvl 26 Arc with 21 lvl gem. Would almost double Arcs minimum base dmg and add 50% more max base dmg. Comparing lvl 21 (145 to 824) to 26 (224 to 1271). On top of that lvl 26 is another breakpoint for additional chain which is another 15% more multiplier. Additional level on supp gems should yield another 5% more multiplier. Guess could achieve the same in corrupted +1 Inpulsa. Am I going somewhere with this idea or am I totally off the target? ;)

edit2: The Eternity Shroud viable?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย yakoob#0215 เมื่อ 27 มี.ค. 2019 05:18:54
Hey guys can someone take a look at my gear/tree and tell me what I can improve? Currency not a problem atm.
In the static blows circle taking the damage and crit strike side shows higher dps in PoB then the shock chance side. Is it more effective this way? I have enemy is shocked clicked in configuration. thanks
Jomosmo เขียน:
DEagleEye007 เขียน:
tgstudio เขียน:
2ex;) There is only one left on entire league when i last checked:) Probably it's worth a little more now;)

Just managed to negotiate with a guy to get one for 1.7ex
cant wait to finish lvling up my lightnign spire supports, shame ill lose out on the qual ive got on them but worth i think

Just as information, I bought one 50c at the beginning of the league. it sound like it was a good deal, seeing actual price...

Ye things inflate as league goes on, I didnt even know an elder version was possible or I wldve looked for it earlier, 50c one hell of a bargain

NiDerLander เขียน:

Just got one for 1c

With Controlled Destruction, Elemental Focus and Advanced Traps which 4th support gem is better to add for 5L Lightning Spire Trap setup?

Mine and trap damage I reckon

Or you can throw in 4 supports for storm brand and make a 5L stormbrand, also works
Slogexile เขียน:

Zeratul_PL, I have been playing a week and out of that I have spent maybe 15-20 hours reading up on all sorts of stuff and watching youtube videos while trying to progress.. Sorry if I didn't read ALL of the guide as I was reading up on how to get materials and items and everything else about this incredibly indepth game. The fact you think I am lazy about reading up and stuff is just coming from a really bad place in you. Maybe you read this whole thing and have been playing for ages but I am literally just learning the game. Maybe chill out a bit on a brand new player or are you the type that just tries to drive away new people? Its attitudes like this that make it hard for anyone new to play any game. I haven't had the benefit of reading this guide from the start and reading every update etc. Literally I started this guide 3 days ago while learning lots of other things about the game and working full time.

I have spent countless hours helping people in games since 1993 when I first started online. Patience and understanding is what it takes and just bashing someone right off the bat and making assumptions that I understand EVERYTHING I'm reading here as I learn the terminology and people speak in acronyms and whatnot makes the process very time consuming. Sorry I want to play the game some of the time too.

Hope you can find some sort of peace in your life as this must make you miserable to have such a crap attitude.

Oh boy... You've spent 15-20h reading and watching? And wasn't able to read the guide you've decided to play? Seems like some wasted time...
You don't get the point - you were looking for information, some support, advises etc, right? Enki spent at least 7 hours only UPDATING this build and all sections to patch 3.6 from 3.5. I can't even imagine, how long he was testing and calculating everything... and then, after around a week, he added a lot of improvement. So i assume, he spend 15-20h or even more just to update the guide, not to create it. He pointed out EVERYTHING, except some very detailed and "deeper" stuff, that have no meaning for new players like you, and i admit, me as well (played very long ago only Bestiary league, came back in the middle of Betrayal) .

I'm just really upset, when i see constantly the same questions on this threat, when it's even written in BOLD most of the time in the guide.

Not only you are learning this game, not only you have family, work etc - same situation here. I've just printed the guide, and was reading it in tram during my way back home from work - to let my eyes rest from sitting 8h in front of the screen. Also, you probably have similar time to play as me - around 3h per day (sometimes hour more or less), as new player you are not speed runing etc - so you need let's say - 1 day per 1 act. In such case, you have to read just few sentence daily, to follow the guide and be constantly aware what you should expect later on. I'm frustrated when someone is using HUGE amount of time to provide support (and a lot of feedback every few days), and the other guys is not even reading it.

I've also started playing PoE with this build. Even more - now i've got 4th character - all 4 based on this amazing guide. So i'm very inexperience, whole the time looking for some info (how the hell make currency to buy crafting components and get some crazy stuff by myself), but when i'm makeing a decision to follow someone's idea - no matter if it's according to build, some crafting tools, delve farming etc - i'm reading it from A to Z, to understand, what/ why/ when. I'm not reading like from A to C - ok, seems nice, let's jump straigth to R and Z...

In adult life (when you need to work, have family etc), planing your time to use it efficient is even more crucial than planing you time playing PoE :) Don't waste it to just "take a look and ignore details". here are some advice:
1) Take a deeper look into the guide. Most of cases are there, depends on section. If you can't find something which isn't clear iin the guide - then feel free to ask - i'm 100% sure that Enki, other users and even me will try our best to point out what and why is usefull or useless
2) Don't rush yourself. PoE, especially now with some HUGE league mechanics added to core game, is terribly complex. And this game have 1 pretty large "mental" difference - there are a lot of "end game contest", but not for all. What i mean is - long ago, my top achivment was when i finnaly killed Atziri (special boss, lvl 70). Previous league, i was able to face Shaper and Elder 1st time in my life (both are pretty stronger than atziri) and i've even deafeted both of them (uber elder was too much). But that's the point - you need to learn, practise etc before you will be able to do some really creazy stuff. Don't force yourself if you won't be able to do something this league - next league you probably will be able to :)
3) Making currecy - In Enki's guide, there are mentioned 2 programs - TradeMacro and MercuryTrade. Take a closer look on those, same a for Item Filter. Those 3 should really help you out to not wasting time picking garbage from map + getting at least some small amount of currecy.
4) Try to find a guild. I'm inexperience in this mater, but i've heard that playing with a guild is even more funny than stand alone + much more experienced players will be glad to support you with their knowledge.
Does the labyrinth enchantment +25% fire golem damage increase our damage because of spiritual aid?
Sorry, noob question.
How important is chaos resistance in the economy of this build? The goal is to reach 0%? I see that this affix appears just in 1 slot in the guide. Is it related to DPS or clearing speed?




