Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

The Eternity Shroud could be a good gear for our build I think. Does anyone agree?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย JGonzaga#2211 เมื่อ 5 เม.ย. 2019 12:58:02
LysergicDiethylamide เขียน:
So I finally got my 3rd exalted orb today, sitting at probably around 4 ex total if i traded for another. Wondering if it is worth it to spend most of that on an Inpulsa's? And what rolls should I be looking for optimally? Thanks in advance!

unless its a great inpulsa or you dont have anything else to upgrade (take a look at enki's what to upgrade tips), sure. a more budget-friendly option, however is to get a cheap inpulsa and use https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Jeweller%27s_Touch (You will create a fully-linked five-socket item with a single Jeweller's Orb)

you will spend less than 1exal for a 5link inpulsa, and lets you upgrade other things until it is time to get that 6L
menides เขียน:
LysergicDiethylamide เขียน:
So I finally got my 3rd exalted orb today, sitting at probably around 4 ex total if i traded for another. Wondering if it is worth it to spend most of that on an Inpulsa's? And what rolls should I be looking for optimally? Thanks in advance!

unless its a great inpulsa or you dont have anything else to upgrade (take a look at enki's what to upgrade tips), sure. a more budget-friendly option, however is to get a cheap inpulsa and use https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Jeweller%27s_Touch (You will create a fully-linked five-socket item with a single Jeweller's Orb)

you will spend less than 1exal for a 5link inpulsa, and lets you upgrade other things until it is time to get that 6L
Oh damn, I didn't know about this prophecy! I will most likely end up doing this then when I get off work if I can get a low socket Inpulsa, and I'm assuming this prophecy is somewhat expensive. Still probably a lot cheaper than an already 5 or 6L one though. Do I just need to buy the prophecy then add it to one of my 6 prophecy slots and then the first jewlers I use with it active it will work?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LysergicDiethylamide#0253 เมื่อ 5 เม.ย. 2019 14:11:15
LysergicDiethylamide เขียน:
menides เขียน:
LysergicDiethylamide เขียน:
So I finally got my 3rd exalted orb today, sitting at probably around 4 ex total if i traded for another. Wondering if it is worth it to spend most of that on an Inpulsa's? And what rolls should I be looking for optimally? Thanks in advance!

unless its a great inpulsa or you dont have anything else to upgrade (take a look at enki's what to upgrade tips), sure. a more budget-friendly option, however is to get a cheap inpulsa and use https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Jeweller%27s_Touch (You will create a fully-linked five-socket item with a single Jeweller's Orb)

you will spend less than 1exal for a 5link inpulsa, and lets you upgrade other things until it is time to get that 6L
Oh damn, I didn't know about this prophecy! I will most likely end up doing this then when I get off work if I can get a low socket Inpulsa, and I'm assuming this prophecy is somewhat expensive. Still probably a lot cheaper than an already 5 or 6L one though. Do I just need to buy the prophecy then add it to one of my 6 prophecy slots and then the first jewlers I use with it active it will work?

The prophecy is like, 10c atm.
Yes, you need to do just that.
Hi all , do we need 20% quality on Lv21 Arc, Lv21 Lightning Spire Trap and Lv21 Discipline?
Zeratul_PL เขียน:
pachathelazyone เขียน:
hi i'm following this build and i'm lvl 50, i have a few questions : why in lvl 6 take another dash ? do we cast out flame dash ? is whirling blade better ? it forces me to take a dagger instead of wand and doesnt seem to do a lot of damage after a liitle bit of use. also i got zealotry and wrath early to lvl them but will i ever be able to use them ? all my mana is taken already. if so when ? cant seem to see it in the rest of the levelling part of your guide. awesome guide though, i'm enjoying it ! (also why do you tell us to try to get attack speed in act6 ?) lots of things to learn in this game

It's like that:
1) Whirlwind blades are our movement skill - we use it whole the time to move around the map faster than "by foot"
2) Flame Dash is only to jump over opstances, kile rivers etc, as whirlwind will not cross them
Non of those 2 is in any terms, our sourve of dmg.

As you will progress futher on, you will be able to run
1) Enefable+blasthemy (sorry for wrong spelling, can't check now) - curs + support with transform it to debuff aura
2) Discipline - increased ES
3) Wrath OR Zealotry - you will not be able to run both of them (unless you would like to remove both 1 and 2)

According to Attack Speed (AS) - this is to modify your whirlwind skill. The more AS you have - the faster Whirlwind will work = you will be able to move around faster. Early on, this skill doesn't seems to be usefull, as it's not much faster than walking. But alter on, you will noticed that you are almost always using this, and now walking anymore :)

If you would like to see the difference, write to me ingame (Arc_bringer_pl), i should be online areound 5 or 6PM until ~12pm (+1 time zone, EU eastern). I'm will give you a little show, how it's with Whrilwind lvl 1 and no tieams, and then with lvl 20 + faster attack + my inventory (while i still have almost nothing to AS at all)

ok thanks for your reply, so i should also keep flame dash ? but i'm kinda running out of sockets and spells (you can only have 8 spells in your spell book at the same time right ?) i found it troublesome to get a 3 linked red socket item in my stuff and a 2 green 1 red linked item for whirlwind / immortall call setup also when should i replace herald of thunder with wrath / zealotry for now i'm running the curse aura and discipline + herald of thunder. also i took mind over matter quite earlier than the guide said (30% of damage taken goes to energy shield) is it a problem or is ok ?) i'm pretty ahead in levels since i did some memory nexus and other stuff during the early acts
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย pachathelazyone#0818 เมื่อ 5 เม.ย. 2019 20:35:05
pachathelazyone เขียน:

ok thanks for your reply, so i should also keep flame dash ? but i'm kinda running out of sockets and spells (you can only have 8 spells in your spell book at the same time right ?) i found it troublesome to get a 3 linked red socket item in my stuff and a 2 green 1 red linked item for whirlwind / immortall call setup also when should i replace herald of thunder with wrath / zealotry for now i'm running the curse aura and discipline + herald of thunder. also i took mind over matter quite earlier than the guide said (30% of damage taken goes to energy shield) is it a problem or is ok ?) i'm pretty ahead in levels since i did some memory nexus and other stuff during the early acts

You replace Herald of Thunder with Wrath/Zealotry when you have taken all the "Reduced Mana Reserved" nodes. There's a cluster of it just below Zealot's Oath to the left, and one node near the right of Eldritch Battery.

Mind Over Matter is usually taken after Act 10 and you need decent energy shield for it to work, people says to have energy shield equal or more than 43% of your life. Also, you'll want to take Zealot's Oath so that when your energy shield runs empty from getting hit you're not a sitting duck and be able to use Whirling Blades away.

2 green 1 socket in daggers is possible with a few chromatic orbs. For 3 red sockets best way is to use the socket recipe that you can get from delving. It costs 120 chromatic orbs for 3 sockets of the same color.
Are the videos in the guide before the major nerf to arc?
Thank You for the detailed guide.

For someone who has never played PoE before, it helps me a lot on the way to Level 100

Nevertheless, I have a Question that is still very unclear to me:

How do I use all The spells when I only have 8 slots?

Do I See that correctly, that you summon your Golems once and then change skills again? Would be very nice if someone could explain that to me in relation to this build. I am playing on Playstation btw.

Thank you very much.
titan015 เขียน:
Are the videos in the guide before the major nerf to arc?

The videos in the guide are from this version of the build, in 3.6.
They are after the "major nerf" (It's not that big of a deal tbh)

Centhro เขียน:
Thank You for the detailed guide.

For someone who has never played PoE before, it helps me a lot on the way to Level 100

Nevertheless, I have a Question that is still very unclear to me:

How do I use all The spells when I only have 8 slots?

Do I See that correctly, that you summon your Golems once and then change skills again? Would be very nice if someone could explain that to me in relation to this build. I am playing on Playstation btw.

Thank you very much.

The only option you have, and that's what I, and most of the people do, is activate all 3 auras, both golems, and then just change to the skills you want to use.
You don't have any other option.



