Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Opti_87 เขียน:
Zeratul_PL เขียน:
Opti_87 เขียน:
Guys I have a problem with fitting Immortal call and other 2 red support gems? PoB shows those slotted in a weapon, but getting 3 red sockets on, for instance, dagger, has been pretty difficult. Any ideas?

Easiest way - use 150 chromas (if i remember the price corectly) in your crafting bench to have "at least 3 red sockets" :) Issue solved without any complications ;)

Only problem is I don't have that recipe. It's in Delve: Ruined Chamber and I haven't been there ( I also think it's a bit over my level). I only have "at least 2 colors" recipe.:/

If so - PM me this evening when i will be online :) Provide the chromas and, few Chaos orbs as a fee, and i will craft it for you :)

As i mentioned few times in this thread - i can create bases for sugested daggers, and even meta craft it all if anyone have problems with that :) Just contact me in game and we can make a deal for sure :)
Proletariate1984 เขียน:
Pegglea เขียน:
Proletariate1984 เขียน:

Any thoughts on what I should upgrade first from here? I am torn because nothing seems like an across the board improvement without losing something. How much chaos res can I get away with? I have 1ex and about 150 chaos orbs to give an idea of my budget.

What are you struggling with? First of all I'd ask why your not using 2x daggers and instead have opted for a mace and shield?

I am struggling with killing Izaro in the eternal lab. I am using the cere/lions shield for tankyness, and mostly because I haven't found a better dagger combo that offers more dps that makes sense. Any help is very appreciated.

Luckily, there is a LOT you can do with your budget. Generally speaking, you are having trouble because most of your equipment is missing any kind of added life, which is really important to this build. Also, you do not need to worry about chaos resistance at this point! Other stats are more important.

I see you have already upgraded your boots and gloves since your post, and those are both solid choices, though you are sacrificing defensive stats in exchange for the LST-boosting mods on your gloves.

Here is what I would do right now, if I were you:
1. Buy a shroud of the lightless, devouring diadem, and 2 Heartbreakers. This should leave you with about 100 chaos or so.

Use the refunded passive skill points devouring diadem provides to get the two jewel socket nodes on either side of the starting point and get some jewels in there, ones with increased life and, ideally, increased attack and cast speed. I'm on a phone at the moment, so I can't see your whole passive tree, but if you're near any +% to maximum life nodes, invest the remaining skill points in those.

You want to get better daggers ASAP, but Heartbreakers are extremely cheap and will allow you to start running whirling blades instead of shield charge. WB is decidedly better for this build because it is faster when moving smaller, more incremental distances (which is what you want to be doing all the time against most bosses).

2. Replace all of your jewelry except for pain eye. The vortex eye ring is particularly bad, as the only real value it's providing is about 45% elemental resistance. You want a ring with at least +50 life and a belt and amulet with at least +70 life each. This will make up for the lost life from the shield. You should be able to get all of this for less than 50 chaos, easily. Try for increased cast speed and % energy shield on the amulet if you can.

3. Max out the quality on your flasks, starting with the life flask. You might consider scouring it first and crafting it again if you don't have enough glassblower's baubles.

These changes should provide you more damage, maneuverability, and life. Next steps are getting high-end daggers for more damage and, ideally, an Inpulsa's.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย WorderMostFoul#7154 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2019 15:51:07
Hey guys!

I followed this build and had a great time finishing the leveling content, But now when I'm trying to map and do some end game content I'm getting wiped out without even seeing the mobs, which leads to major frustration.
Mostly due to the fact that I don't have capped res etc and this one being my first character ever in POE.


I would love some helping comments on where should I go from here. cause I do not have a lot of currency to buy better gear (from searches I've made).
Thanks in advance.

I've seen the Enki arc witch upgrade order tutorial, And yes I know I should get a 5L and some better daggers, but I have no Idea where and how and what content should I play rn to get them.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย darkwolf004#2690 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2019 16:55:43
Hello! I am sorry, I do not understand English very well, but I am trying to understand your build.Is this build suitable for starting?

Hello from Russia btw:)
Hi, really enjoying the build so far. New to the game and I've been using your guide. In act 3 you mention getting Zealotry/Wrath and levelling them up. When are we supposed to start using this? I couldn't find it in levelling progression in the acts. Thanks in advance.
Xarda_ เขียน:
Hello! I am sorry, I do not understand English very well, but I am trying to understand your build.Is this build suitable for starting?

Hello from Russia btw:)

Yes the build is fine for a league start or a first character. The build will function until endgame with cheap budget gear and then by late maps you should have enough currency to upgrade what you need.

Thank you very much for reading through my build, and spending the time to give me some pointers. I just traded for the items you mentioned. LEt's see how this goes. You rock.

This thread has a lot of very cool ppl on it. I really appreciate the community vibe we have going on here. Thank's to Enki as well man, you have put in some serious hours over the years.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Proletariate1984#7990 เมื่อ 17 เม.ย. 2019 23:49:22
Well I got to say, after some time using this version of the build, it seems to me pretty clear that it surpasses last leagues' version.
I accomplished all the challenges I set up for myself this league:
Did Shaper, Elder and Uber Elder with it.
Altough it's not the best single target build out there (and it's not intended to be), it can do a lot of damage with the right items.
As far as clearing goes, it's a wonderful build. I can say I noticed last leagues' clearing speed was a little bit higher, but nothing that would make me rage. The survivability, on the other side, had a huge improvement with this build.
Had a blast with this build this league. Maybe I'll start next league with it again.
For now I'll just fiddle around with Divine Ire just to test it out.
If anyone is interested in highend items for this build, contact me in private.

Thanks @enki91 for the time u spent on this build, one of the first builds I did since I'm playing this game, and had a awesome time with it.
Hi guys, can someone explain to me Immortal Call setup in this build? It says it releases Endurance charges, but what skill does generate them?

edit: Nvm, I realized it has base duration even without charges.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Opti_87#9819 เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2019 06:23:34
So, playing on console (PS4), how do you equip 9+ spells?

3 auras, lightning and flame golem, arc, decoy totem, lightning trap and whirlwind blade.

Switching to second set of weapons cancels any golem or aura I have active.



