[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions
" I struggled with leveling too until about 32ish... then I got myself a Tabula and ran Flame Totem + Incinerate and have been creaming content ever since... now level 50 and about to swap int EA. In 6L tabula, go Flame Totem + Incinerate + LMP/GMP + Fire Penetration + Added Chaos Damage + Mana Leech. If you decide to go Firestorm you can swap out LMP/GMP and Mana Leech for something more useful. Also, get 2x one-handed maces/scepters with added or increased damage. Then... you will CREAM everything and your enjoyment factor will skyrocket while leveling :) |
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" Yeah you are right , not sure where I got that from , but I think it did in the past I am sorry for the wrong information . Thanks for correcting me mate ! EDIT: I know from where I got the information , armour doesn't in fact reduce the degen damage but endurance charges will , so if you have 5 (20% ) you will get 0,8% less degen , not much but eh its something. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ryuri_yamamoto#0566 เมื่อ 9 มี.ค. 2016 17:12:07
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Can someone please explain to me frenzy charges with this build? Where are we getting them from and why are they so useful?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย brunowa#6253 เมื่อ 9 มี.ค. 2016 19:15:10
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" Thanks. When I was levelling the gems, I stopped so they wouldn't overlevel and I forgot :p. My jewels: One does have fire res, but I am at 106 fireres. I switched my belt to this My tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAADBA3UDlgSzBg4J9gthDF8OPBBiFCAUcRZvGFYaOBo-GmwcpxzcHOch0CSqJbwnLyftKPo26TpSOyg8BTwtPfxBh0bXU6VYY1h3WfNfBF8_YENj_WZUaGVodGjyah5uPXGFcg9yqXaseuZ7bnvDfNmCB4KbgseDCYNfg8yEU4zPjxqQVZErlG-UoJchmK2aO5tdna6f36IApwiomqyqrY2vbLc-uJO-gMBmwXzE9sauz37SIdR82E3Yvdl82mLbT9-_4MPjauoY6-7vDu987_3wH_Iv8kHyl_Pd9kj3Mvjr-ej-Cg== I switched my boot links around for optimal laziness. I I never really have to cast things, aside from rain of arrows on tougher enemies. I think Blood Rage is needed if you drop Blood Dance. At the minimum, it makes the build a TON smoother. I can definitely feel the difference in speed and how often I lose onslaught without it. Side Note: For single target, is chance to ignite really better than conc effect? IGN: dwreckedarc แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย dwrecked#5218 เมื่อ 10 มี.ค. 2016 01:27:06
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I've been tweaking my version a bit again:
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAAAANhNlKDaYmh0GFb56ILHQYco-rc-mK24k_4Kg8wc3Ni9PC3r7o8aNZKDX8aumuCnCDLRtfLE9gxfRZ2drtgkRUd4DSftcqkcp1NSA3VWSMBmwBoGDqyq9zJTpZErBLM8BalubzvUfFnz6hhYd6IAn9_vfHfjeWgJ9ho4cg_463asXwTwH5o7AdzBBJBVcYWUb_PdFHHPfmjygpuE2V8_Jy965vMRZlRoZdl8DjxHfvZIFCBj_bFCggffv702jM_EWO8ORtfbT2VNPfzgw76nWGMlvHXLt7bqYo1-QzHDM9rBWhouU3Tt028FLa-nHM4rUA3N_lQ= Look at Ryuri_yamamoto calculations in an earlier post I am thinking of dropping Purity of Flesh for Tireless. He posted them here (bit down the thread) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1461017/page/44 . The build above would give me 11.8% life regen and another 1.4% life regen from Tireless (8k life, 6L). Other options: - Fire damage nodes on left side (24 > 6% dmg) and quick recovery (0.8% life regen). - Life and armor wheel at marauder loosing me some regen and armor. |
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" This is the real question: "Is it needed". The answer is most likely no. BUT i think this is a greater damage increase than the 4 ele nodes into celestial judgement, so those could simply be swapped. 40% MORE vs 50% INCREASED (dont forget: those 4 pts into "40% more" also include the other stats that come with Versatility and Precision, while the 50% bring only just that). Someone do the math, im to lazy, but by my understanding of the difference between more and increased, it should be better. 2% penetration can be considered as 2% MORE? I actually dont know how the calculation for that would look like. This would probably also justify dropping the jewel there, giving us another 3 pts to play with. (3 pts for a jewel? idk man..) Right now im thinking about dropping those 7 nodes and going for Vaal Pact which costs me 6 +1 for the jewel on the way. This however would require some more build adjustments, since all the liferegen would be worthless. About that EO uptime. It's very very very close to 100%. I dont like to say 100% when it's not, cause it is not. During a bossfight however it should never drop out, since you are constantly shooting. Only during map clears inbetween packs you might have an unlucky noncrit streak. 80% hitchance for me. One way or another, the damage is plenty, it's EA right? :) --- " Raider is enough to sustain frenzy charges. You gotta work for em tho, no slacking during map clears. You always have frenzy if your timer drops low tho, so it's no problem (or use blood rage, problem solved.) Blood Dance is still good for this build and makes it a bit smoother, but they are by no means required anymore. --- " Right, you got the resist nodes in the Marauder tree. Im using the Armor there, that explains why i couldnt see you being capped. -- Im really liking the changes they brought with Ascendancy however. I play a sort of EA build almost every temp league, but this league we actually got some real options to play around with. Marauder/Berserker, Duelist/Champion or Scion/Berserker/Raider? - just to name the most obvious ones. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย panisch#2821 เมื่อ 10 มี.ค. 2016 03:13:26
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" Fire dmg is mandatority on jewels, inc. aoe second option or life. Seems to me, conc effect better to me, but need to full level up chance to iginte and will try again. ------------ Yesterday killed regular atziri (with conc effect) super easy (all gems 18-19lv, 5L), and now, waiting to give a chance C to iginte gem. Or maybe 6L - EA, GMP, Fire p., Reduce, Aoe/conc, chance to iginite? (empower4lv/slower got space?) |
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So.. i made my Vaal Pact tree. Using my current tree and the same amount of points i currently have on level 86.
current non Vaal Pact: poeurl.com/ziE with Vaal Pact: poeurl.com/ziF Breakdown from the VP perspective: -25 STR //not an issue //except Life, listed below +65 DEX //also not relevant //except ACC+EV, listed below -30 INT //maxed enfeeble is 155 INT. being left with 150 INT allows enfeeble level 18. none of our other gems have high INT requirements -7 max Life +6% max Life +10% Armour +24% Evasion Rating //Devoto's is giving alot of EV and evade is a thing +13% EV Rating from DEX //total increase of EV Rating by 37% -3% increased effect of Auras //about 1% effective phys reduction from determination +10% all Elemental Resistances +20 Life gained on Kill -15% Mana Cost of Skills -24% increased damage //taking proj, aoe and fire damage into account -2% Fire Penetration +130 Accuracy -- NO LIFE REGEN!!! INSTANT LIFE LEECH!!! -- level up options from here: jewel for 2 points, being at 6 jewels direct access to 8x 5% life nodes +15% all ele res for overcapping (had issues with elemental weakness + ele damage maps) +4% life +3% ele res +1 endurance charge for 2 points (if enduring cry or warlords mark) Now.. i never went Vaal Pact with EA.. any suggestions? |
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Hi thx a lot for this build.
I use Elemental Overload, i use acc in itens, now i has 89% acc. i would to take more in jewels, but i think it's sufficient, Apparently. note: I use Concentrade effect for bosses and Insc. area of effect for mobs. |
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" Interesting, I am curious how this would work out: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAAAAPKXOyibXQOWqJpuPVpSe8NgQ76ASsiDCW6qb5618spKNZJfsNi9m7X-CsM6hMW3Pio4Iuoki4PM6NYPqzwtBbUWv4Nfxq6NvyaVC2HE9lFH1CNh4q9sr6cn7XKpMHw31D7PMHFVS2jyHM4GDqyq9zKNfe0_vebdqIw28B887ytQ1HxZ8-oYI_ZLeKIAGF0NzQn2GjhyD_jrdqxNkjpCBLP-VJBVcYWUb_PdFHHPfsBmJy965mZUaGXZfA48PAVFR2P9ggffv5_f73wy0UbX20-aO-vu4MOCm6cIHNwlvJ2u2CS4k48aA3VWSCj6kSuYrVh3XwQ= However I do feel Vaal Pact gives up allot in term of sync with other stuff the build has. Life regen syncs nicely with blood dance boots (since they also give life regen) and this tree is naturally going close to allot of regen nodes. My latest tree has 11.8% from tree, 1.4% (with 8k life, 6L) from tireless and another 2.5% with 5 frenzy charges from blood dance boots. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย foojin#2576 เมื่อ 10 มี.ค. 2016 08:28:29
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