[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions

Foojin, would you recommend the Vaal Pact version over the build you are currently running (posted a few pages back)? Also, have you checked out Panisch's scion build (He posted his gear with some info about Marauder EA in page 60)? He didn't post a link but you can see it on his character, lots of armour without some life and evasion with no vaal pact, they seem to both have some pros and cons but since EA relies on life for everything, life leech being instant sounds like a more defensive option that stacking armour.

Right now I'm still leveling but with all this different options I'm just not sure which one is the best all around.
so im leveling as this build and some arrows dont go off they just sit there anyone else seen this
Makiabel เขียน:
Foojin, would you recommend the Vaal Pact version over the build you are currently running (posted a few pages back)? Also, have you checked out Panisch's scion build (He posted his gear with some info about Marauder EA in page 60)? He didn't post a link but you can see it on his character, lots of armour without some life and evasion with no vaal pact, they seem to both have some pros and cons but since EA relies on life for everything, life leech being instant sounds like a more defensive option that stacking armour.

Right now I'm still leveling but with all this different options I'm just not sure which one is the best all around.

I actually talked to Panisch before posting the vaal pact build. He said that it probably allows you to do ele reflect maps and also get more bangs for your buck with the other nodes. I am still specced into the duelist area though, don't have vaal pact or any nodes on that side.

He currently specs very defensive as he doesn't need damage, dying above 90 is shitty because you loose so much xp.

Btw I currently get up to 1050 life/sec regen with my build/gear.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย foojin#2576 เมื่อ 18 มี.ค. 2016 07:00:10
EO is most likely gonna be the new EA meta, unless they nerf it, it's really good.
I do not recommend it for leveling tho, you pretty much want RT for that.

Level 93 now.
I dont have a 2nd 6L for aoe/single optimization but single target damage is good enough, tho not amazing.
Dont have a 21 EA yet, failed to vaal 2x 20/20 gems so far, nor do i have empower 4.
Since damage is nothing i worry about anymore (20q / ~level19 support gems), i specced out of celestial judgement to pick up more life nodes (9142 life right now).
I died 2 times 90+ and it hurts. I didnt die because of lack of tankiness, but overestimating myself / not paying attention. After you faceroll 20 T13+ maps in a row, you kinda stop paying attention to not standing next to a whole bunch of corpses for detonate dead and stuff like that.

Essence Worm is amazing, because so versatile. Determination, Haste, Arctic Armour, any Purity aura, whatever you like. Currently i run Purity of Fire. Only downside: no iir and no life.

The more i play with the Reflection enchant on gloves the more i like it. Spite's chill doesnt sound amazing to me. If Light were on being hit and not crit (with only 1,5% regen), that would interest me alot more. Reflection summons a mirror image of yourself (like blink arrow). It's passive and without delay, it gets summoned while you walk around in between EA charges and distracts enemies - amazing. I would probably not roll over a Light enchant tho.

Lion's Roar is a great way to increase your burst on single target.

I was thinking about going dual curse with doedre's but i decided not to for several reasons. To keep it short: The benefits are not enough to outweight messing up the links - no flammability on frenzy, no stone golem on cwdt (golems die too often. If not on cwdt, you could just aswell drop em alltogether). Also: no iir and no life.

However there would be room for 2 additional (curse)gems, since we have one 3L to spare. First i used low level cwdt + immortal call + inc duration. Then played around with 2x vaal haste + inc duration, which is pretty fun. Right now i put a portal gem in there, cause i ran out of scrolls. This is what i would call our gimmicky link - find your own setup youd like. It's the link on my gloves.

To Vaal Pact or not to Vaal Pact? I still havent done it. I will probably once i level up.

You can see my current tree and gear here:
I`m definetly going to try Poacher`s Mark instead of Flamability. Ok flam is our top curse for making them less resistant to fire damage and giving fire damage a chance to burn, but hitting mobs cursed with poacher`s mark will grant life , and killing them will result in more flask charges and a chance to gain a frenzy charge. Also (BIG THING FOR EO) poachers will make mobs loose 45%++ (depending on lvl and quality) evasion, so our hit chance against cursed targets will be over 93-95%.

But with this, we`ll need to adjust our play style, always curse first then stack EA. I doubt it will be better than Flam, but will give it a try.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย djokosrb#3790 เมื่อ 18 มี.ค. 2016 09:14:04
djokosrb เขียน:
I`m definetly going to try Poacher`s Mark instead of Flamability. Ok flam is our top curse for making them less resistant to fire damage and giving fire damage a chance to burn, but hitting mobs cursed with poacher`s mark will grant life , and killing them will result in more flask charges and a chance to gain a frenzy charge. Also (BIG THING FOR EO) poachers will make mobs loose 45%++ (depending on lvl and quality) evasion, so our hit chance against cursed targets will be over 93-95%.

But with this, we`ll need to adjust our play style, always curse first then stack EA. I doubt it will be better than Flam, but will give it a try.

Burn is important vs some tougher mobs, most easy stuff dies already so you want the burn. Also you shoot so fast it doesn't matter how much evasion mobs have, combined with the aoe of EA in packs it's even less of an issue. Furthermore reducing fire resistance really helps dps allot. Lastly I'll say we don't need flask charges or frenzy from a curse.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย foojin#2576 เมื่อ 18 มี.ค. 2016 10:22:10
Hi if i change with raider from blood dance to rare boots, do you think its better to wear an amulet with frenzy charge or a talisman with 25+ increased firedamage ?
I'm just wondering how are you going to keep frenzy charges up if not with blood dance?

Also, If you deal fire dmg and ignite enemies, they will become resistant to fire because of the elemental equilibrium. Not sure if it's worth to have that node at all then. Otherwise I tried with elemental focus, dmg is great and EA will not ignite which is good for EE but it lacks the dmg output from ignite to single target.
Raider's overrated... you don't need to waste your ascendency points on it if you're just after frenzy charges.

Instead of raider or blood dance, just use a Frenzy Gem + GMP... link it with your Curse on Hit and you're all set!

I went Beserker + Elementist and it rocks... I maintain full frenzy charges and constant curse with this setup:

Means you get the benefit of another ascendency class and benefit of boots other than blood dance (i.e. more life and resistance)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย brunowa#6253 เมื่อ 19 มี.ค. 2016 06:10:11
brunowa เขียน:
Raider's overrated... you don't need to waste your ascendency points on it if you're just after frenzy charges.

Instead of raider or blood dance, just use a Frenzy Gem + GMP... link it with your Curse on Hit and you're all set!

I went Beserker + Elementist and it rocks... I maintain full frenzy charges and constant curse with this setup:

Means you get the benefit of another ascendency class and benefit of boots other than blood dance (i.e. more life and resistance)

helo i use frenzy with gmp also but rain of arrow let you to runn ee with 100% since hit whole pack .Anyway from raider you have onsl. ofc 10 % to gain frenzy its nothink i make it manualy its 1 hit in pack , elementalist seems solid but i think its some more nice sub like slayer nobady say aboute slayer i am wonder why ?? its so good option 30 % inc dmg against rare and uniq since this build have only weeknes with boss kiling its should be realy nice bost



