(3.9) CI 9.7k ES/Eva/Block Hybrid Flicker Strike/ Blade Flurry Trickster BUFFED
1. Lightning to proc HOT, survive phys. reflect and to Shock
2.Try to get that under your mana pool : https://poe.mikelat.com/ 3. Why not? You can get as many as you want, but i only took 2 of 6 Frenzy's just because i can. Mostly you need all of them if you hit a Tanky Mob/ Boss / Curse Immune Mobs. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Toma_Hawk#1634 เมื่อ 25 ก.ค. 2016 12:25:28
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I was thinking of:
Doedre's Voidheart Blood dance boots Elem resist belt elem resist shield alpha's howl helm (with -mana reservation enchant for hatred//discipline) crit gloves or crit/resist gloves I was thinking if you kept the mana reservation nodes you could then get in blasphemy for dual curses with the vulnerability//mark as well as the hatred, discipline, then use HoA (or maybe a chaos one if the release it) as another skill attached to the enlighten for the lesser mana reservation and up damage. Then use the blood dance for frenzy charges, or alternatively use skyforth and use the blasphemy +mark for the charges. You'd need to muck around with the nodes I'd think, and you'd probably lose some immediate dps... but it seems like you could really get some solid dps going with the bleeding and poison and would probably double your efficacy against bosses. Or even doing a quick switch from flicker over to viper strike might make the whole thing viable against aztiri and the like. If you stick with blooddance you can also free up 2 additional ascendancy points and do the DoT route instead of the frenzy charges. Edit: Blasphemy doesn't work the way i thought it did... too mana mana reserved... would HoA work with cast on crit? Or even have both HoT and HoA going simultaneously? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย fi_icgeese#6935 เมื่อ 25 ก.ค. 2016 21:17:12
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Drop like 70%+ increased Phys. Damage (and more) to be able to get another ELEMENTAL Buff, to scale Bleed / Poison... https://poe.mikelat.com/#Yoh=djb/vF3hc.MMrp/pZft.e/fCdfMb.6 If you wanna go all out on Bleed and Poison you won't run any elemental damage aura. Since it doesn't scale Poison / Bleed You will use, besides Discipline, Vulnerabilty and Temp. chains- Blasphemy to increase the DOT and the Duration of it. And that's about it Aura wise. Next step would be DOT-Nodes in the Tree. Other Gem's like Void Manipulation would make a Place in the 6l. Oh and you would have to use Skyforth to get the Power charges. Now let's imagine that on this Build. Enemy's will lose the Debuff applied through Blasphemy when they get out of reach. And what does a Flicker Striker? He never stays at one place for a long time, also you really wanna scale DOT on a Build that want's charges ASAP? It will result in that you run out of charges, while you have to wait until some mob around the corner dies to a DOT. And in the End it's quite Simple.. i do not lack in Defense Nor in Offense, i kill Packs/ Bosses within Seconds. At it's current Stage, trying to Stack Bleed / Poison simply brainless and not fitting. Did the Clear Speed Meta reached a level where Seconds are too long? lol.. NOW a different Thing I'm trying a different setup for Defense Drop Vulnerability and run Warlords Mark for Endurance Charges CWDT Setup: Immortal Call With this Setup Phys Reflect (not map-mod) and Increased Crit. Damage instead of Phys do Lightning is possible. However i do miss the Shock from Phys to Lightning If HoT can't be procced, try HoI On the (little) Downside, Tempest Shield has to move out. If one Vaal Discipline is enough you can drop one and use Vaal Grace แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Toma_Hawk#1634 เมื่อ 26 ก.ค. 2016 10:23:58
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If you ran HoT//HoA//Hatred//Discipline with skyforth and everything else the same as before I think you'd have 98% mana as long as you had a lvl 4 enlighten. I was thinking the DoT coupled with HoA on overkill would kill every mob you'd strike as long as you killed one, then the HoT would be the same with the charges. With the Voidheart and Doedre's and then the same as before. You'd also gain back any damage you'd lose swapping the ring out by the HoA and some of the immediate damage lost by some of the skill swaps over to the DoT nodes. All we'd be counting on is a couple crits on any mob and the HoA overkill damage with poison+bleed would wipeout the rest of the packs while you still maintained charges. |
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Well feel free to make a DOT Flicker Striker then, it's useless in my opinion.
Like i said over and over again, i one shot packs, there is no sense in any attempt to stack any more damage, especially DoT's like the beautiful Burn from HoA. I could be wrong, but there will be no Burn applied to any Mob if you shatter the one Mob anyway and i do shatter a lot of Mobs, if not all of them. (could be wrong with this one though) |
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I guess i just don't have a dagger as nice as yours :P I can only easily 1 shot lvl 10-12 maps and have a hard time against a bunch of bosses. At the same token I also can't afford skyforth anyways so maybe it's a bit moot :P
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" We all start small, you'll get there |
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Kann es sein das der Multistrike in den Dmg per use und den Attacks per sec. vom programm schon mit einberechnet ist? Dann wär das ein Drittel von den 1.165 millionen Dps.
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" Ja ist mit einberechnet, nein ist nicht ein Drittel, weil es eben mit einberechnet wird.. oder glaubst du das seit all den Monaten, seitdem dieser Thread existiert du der 1. bist der das entdeckt hat? |
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" Dmg per use: 1 use = 3 attacks ? Also ich hab mir das so gedacht: Wenn ja dann muss man auch die 12.99 attacks per second nur mit einem der drei attacks vom Multistrike multiplizieren und nicht mit drei. Wenn z.b. der Dmg ein Distanz wär, sagen wir 36 Meter, und der AS wären Sprünge, und man würde im durchschnitt 12 Sprünge die Sekunde machen, dann kann man nicht die 12 Sprünge mit den 36 Metern multiplizieren, weil ja eben in den 36 Metern schon 3 Sprünge (Multistrike) enthalten sind. So gesehen wäre das richtig. |
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