(3.9) CI 9.7k ES/Eva/Block Hybrid Flicker Strike/ Blade Flurry Trickster BUFFED

Hey guys,

I am pretty bad with theory crafting and such but wanted to give this build a try as my second character in harbinger since I already got a fair bit of currency. The problem is, that I can't decide which bandit reward might be best. You got any tips?
Kill all, you are most flexible with that.

Oak only give's you Phys. Damage, Alira crit. multi. and all res (both can be obtained through gear) and Kraitlyn is not really impact full either.
Hey man , how are you , I really wanted to ask you this long time ago , can't you do a Life based guide on this build ( Flicker strike ) or at least some hints to change the current passive to a life based build.

EDIT: Also I see no point in getting the CI node anymore since there are no ES nodes behind it to increase the Max ES so this build should be either pure Life based or Hybrid of both.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย vipereyes#3214 เมื่อ 9 ส.ค. 2017 05:32:53
Here is a Pastebin of it, CI around 9.5K ES not to mention the dps.

Shadow Area is fully surrounded by ES nodes, rather than Life.

I will try to fix this build this weekend, just be a little bit more patient :3


I got bored in Harbinger league and took some time with my Flicker Striker.

So far, i have encountered pyhs. reflect in various situation's, so far all good.

I couldn't find some high health phys. Reflect Rare's to test it fully but it seems like Soul of Yugul(pantheon) and Master of Force(tree) in combination with all the other defense this char. has, is enough to survive reflect.

I'm using the Red Nightmare to get a little more Block chance(2%) and generating Endurance Charges this way. It's placed next to Nullification.

Not Having Vaal pact does feel a bit odd, but so far i had no problems.
Managed to squeeze in Tempest Shield

My Gear in 3.0

#1 Carnal Armour?

I updated the Build guide, i guess i missed some points, would appreciate any help completing the guide to 3.0 specs.

Also Onslaught does not work on this build :/ will look for some replacement for the 4th herald of ice link.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Toma_Hawk#1634 เมื่อ 10 ส.ค. 2017 15:15:20

I hoped for this post, played this build last league and will play it now too.


There is still Vaal Pact and Ghost Reaver in Stage 1
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Gore#6640 เมื่อ 11 ส.ค. 2017 08:36:09
Thank's for the point out.

So much Text to browse through.

Take the good news with caution, i haven't met a high hp phys. reflect mob yet.

I will swap around some gems too, link cwdt immortal call with increased duration, since i can't find any usefull 4th link for herald of ice, tempest shield will be placed there.

Keep us updated :)
How many years i have to farm for dagger like yours?)
~3 months maybe



