2.2 HC & SC 50-70K DPS Bladefall - Max Block + EB + MoM + AA + GR
" TLDR; Bladefall doesn't doubledip with poison on this setup so getting chaos nodes is ineficent and is way better with builds like 100% chaos damage firestorm that doubledip and benefit from area damage + fire damage + chaos damage nodes etc. I already answered those points earlier but shortly enfeeble is way better in my opinion since 1 block > curse on hit > chain > whole pack gets enfeeble'd and do 30% less damage, have less accuracy, crit chance and multi. Temp chains just makes enemies slower & slower attack and cast speed but hits the same amount. Decoy totem is for uber & normal atziri trio and healing phase. It is really helps on those fights and you should always use it when farming atziri. However on maps you can replace it with vaal haste, vaal lightning trap, abyssal cry, rallying cry or w/e you find fits your playstyle. CWDT I accidently missclicked and lvled. It should be at lvl 1 and immortal call at lvl 3. I'd do atziri at around 85-88 lvl with 18-19 lvl bladefall. Doing a vid of a normal atziri run with lvl 19 bladefall in 20-30mins and post vid l8r so you can see what I do. |
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" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgChphCp65o added a video of normal atziri run with 5l & lvl 19 bladefall. L8r on the atziri fight im facetanking everything, even double flameblast with flask on so basicly with this setup you shouldn't die on atziri =) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vilpertti#7473 เมื่อ 14 ม.ค. 2016 17:19:03
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" Awesome, thanks! I'll look into that, selling some flasks should get me the rest of the jewels I need. |
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Managed to get the Atziri kill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hoUSvoPGeQ
Not the cleanest in the world, but it's a start. I think I'll wait until Bladefall is 19 before trying again. Thanks again for the video! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Glick#0775 เมื่อ 14 ม.ค. 2016 22:25:36
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" Good shit, on vaals you forgot to use your tempest shield and on trio you should get a granite/topaz flask with bleed immunity so u dont have to keep spamming hp pots for that nasty bleed all the time. On the atziri fight herself you forgot to use topaz, ruby flask & atziri's promise so many times but I guess that was because you were nervous for the first kill on this league :P. Pretty safe run except the one double flameblast where you didin't even have ruby flask on. Splitphase got alot cleaner after the first one when you figured out the phase aswell. On the bladefall gem lvl yeah I'd wait till 19-20. Even one gem level is around 4-5k tooltip and lvl 21 gem is around 6k more tooltip. Edit: We gotta remember here that this build starts having alot more damage with higher gem levels & 6l. Atiziri goes down with 5l etc. but is alot slower but very safe if you have atleast some clue how the fight goes. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vilpertti#7473 เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2016 00:43:33
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" Don't mislead people, atziri has a big damage range on all of her spells, even more so with the double flameblast. When i was testing the build heavily in 2.0 Beta, if I didnt block the double flameblast I had a ~50% chance of dying, depending on the damage roll, even with ruby flask up. It's easy to get and feel cocky with this build, and thats exactly what can get you killed, standing on stacked storm calls on split phase is another way of asking for bad block RNG and see yourself in Standard in the blink of an eye, it almost happened to me in Tempest at level ~97 where I stood in 3 or 4 storm calls and I survived with like 1k hp. Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyDB6Haa6U8 Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlTUOhqEZ9s (✿◠‿◠) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย yotmato#4991 เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2016 04:17:20
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^ Yeah that's true, you should always aim to dodge everything you can, especially the double flameblast with all costs. I just seem to get too careless doing vids on softcore sorry about that.
If your only goal is to farm atziri then I would suggest doing the chaos firestorm build. Way faster runs, safe and not too expensive. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vilpertti#7473 เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2016 04:23:00
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Updated current gear & skill tree on THC. 5-6 more levels and I'll do an Atziri run with the char on the HC league. I will most likely post a video about it and try to give more general tips what to do etc.
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Hey man I really like the build! I was doing some thinking last night and was trying to make this build into an EK build, instead of bladefall, because I really enjoy playing EK. I tweaked around the tree a little bit and wanted to see what you thought. The biggest change that I had was saving a bunch of nodes by not going over to MoM and just running a Cloak of Defiance. I know this becomes problematic when a Lightning Coil comes into the picture, but I just wanted to see your thoughts on it. Here is a level 80 tree I came up with. Thanks again and nice build!
Level 80 tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAAAdwFLQz3DXwUIBXtFr8aPiaVLagvzDGeNZJAoEMxRnFGt0d-SVFJsUrITeNPVlBCUzVUvVVLWhpaUlxAXz9famHiZU1qjG6qbzt07XXLd-N4DXk5eWh673vDfuJ_xoIegwmE2YhCjDaNfo_6kyeWi5tdoS-i2aZXqJqpbqmVrK-w2LGQsz-0DLXyt9a9Nr6Avoq-p768wBrAv8EEwYLBxcMzyBTK082Y0NDTb9W518_YvdrB2wvbWepi6rrsGO8O74jw1fKX9W_5N_6P?accountName=Vilpertti&characterName=TopSecretNiceBuildTM |
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" When incinerate first got butchered by GGG nerf hammer I was testing with a lot of different skills trying to get something to work. EK was the strongest replacement for incinerate but with the current setup by going block + MoM we just simply dont have enough nodes to invest in damage which EK desperately requires for the damage to be relevant. EK is in the same boat as bladevortex in my opinion. Both really really need crit and or damage nodes to be good and when you go crit with both they are good skills. Bladefall is really similar to incinerate in the case of it not requiring almost any damage nodes from the skill tree for it to have good damage. It is just like incinerate was on 2.0. In conclusion I really don't see EK,BV or any other skill currently in the game working as good as bladefall since all the current gems require scaling via skill tree damage nodes. So if you really want to play EK I'd just go with a whole different setup by going crit and ignoring block + eb + mom nodes since you really dont have enough skill points to get em all. Dropping coil for cloak of defiance isin't really something I would do especially in the HC league. The 30% mitigation from lightning coil is absolutely huge and there is a reason why almost every endgame build uses lightning coil. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vilpertti#7473 เมื่อ 16 ม.ค. 2016 13:50:14
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