[3.5] Say_Ten's Melee Shadow - Murder Everything Cheaply

Asellia : if the damage is chaos, another solution could be to replace part of your gear with something with a high chaos resistance, simply for the boss fight. The only problem being, which part ? The helmet is the only piece you have without elemental resistances (broken crown would give you 60 % more res to chaos), but it obviously brings you a lot of DPS, especially with this nice enchant you have. Hard to say.

Waszoo33, your gloves are not top notch for DPS : added phys damage would be better. Considering you do not use unset rings, I would advise to use steel rings if you can get some with good resistances and life too (I hope you have currency...). Your amulet could add more phys damage too, it would be a nice bonus to your DPS. And you could get maybe another jewel (the one you have besides might and inflence could be more physical and have a fourth bonus) or maybe more frenzy charges (PoB says it is a huge DPS boost).

And quality on enfeeble is nice too for defences.
Hi, the last time i posted here you gave me really useful advice (Thanks bro!) and since im learning this build and poe in general it would be awesome if you can help me one more time.

I've improved my flasks and a few resistances that were a lacking, also i got a sweet abyssal belt.

Im sitting at 5.3K hp atm but i sometimes get hit for 4k damage out of nowhere and if im not quick enough any subsequent damage kills me. That's why i want to ask if there is something else i can do to improve my survavility.

Besides, i don't know if my dmg output it's at the lvl of T11 maps (that's where im atm). Should i focus on getting better pDPS on weapons?

I tried replacing a few jewels from my tree, but honestly idk what im looking for in this slots. There are many affixes that seem useful(+%Aps while dual wielding/+%Aps/+#Claw damage/+#Flat Phys/+# Maximum life/Etc), are there 2 or 3 that i should focus on or any of them is okey?

Sorry for so many questions, thanks again for the guide!
is it possible to get stun immune? and when yes, how?
yes i know i bought so many sup packs that i should know, but i just like to support ggg, so no trolling here.

what is it? when i play with dual strike i feel like when im leveling i get stunned so often... when i imagine it will happen in endgame, i dont want to think about that.

so what can i do against that?

sorry not native english speaker here.

Saufkopp เขียน:
is it possible to get stun immune? and when yes, how?
yes i know i bought so many sup packs that i should know, but i just like to support ggg, so no trolling here.

what is it? when i play with dual strike i feel like when im leveling i get stunned so often... when i imagine it will happen in endgame, i dont want to think about that.

so what can i do against that?

sorry not native english speaker here.


Kiara's Determination flask is good, I think. I don't use it myself, but I have 5800ish hp, and don't get stunned much at all at this point. It's around 2chaos atm it looks like.
Hey there. This is my first ever 50+ character with your build and I love it!

I'm 83 now and kinda lost. Tier 6 maps are too hard me to get the level progress further.

Appreciating any tips!
Fun build, but can´t even handle non rolled T3´s at level 72, even though i spend 9 ex to get exact stats asked in build, way to make me waste my money lol

Enough with the bad stuff..

all in all, its a fun build just didnt live up to my expectations.
Dealing with most things up to t13 perfectly fine so far. Any tips on how to push it further or any gear upgrades i could get? Any help is appreciated.
@Hewalchampyy : your characters are private, can't help you.

@so1ek1ar : funny, I wrecked low level maps as soon as I finished act 10 and I was underleveled and with shitty gear then. Can't see how it would be possible to spend 9 ex and follow this guide and not at least perform well till tier 12 maps (have not started beyond that).

@Baccrox : the very obvious upgrade would be to 6-link your belly. But I guess the claws could be improved a little bit (your main hand claw is only 300 dps, with no elder mods to boost it and I wonder if Touch of Anguish would not still be better). And your gloves are a bit subpar: more adds to phys damage needed !

This amulet of yours though... Love the extra chaos damage... Did you find it, or did you buy it (and if so, how much did you pay for it, out of curiosity ?) ?
At what point should you start using the Might and Influence jewel to deal splash damage with dual strike? Before you have this aoe, lightning strike will be used like 90% of the time, no? You hardly ever come across lonely mobs or bosses without lots of stuff around him.
@Pingouinmalin appreciate the advice. The amulet was bought for around 35c iirc.



