GhazzyTV - THE Spectre Summoner [LOW & HIGH BUDGET VERSIONS]
What do you recommend as the last two ascendancy points, I know Beacon of Corruption is might nice for atziri and with the golem, but I'm guessing it's not mandatory for doing her? The counter to TC plus general movementspeed is nice with Mistress of Sacrifice while it seems Commander of Darkness could have some value too. Is there any clear cut winner here?
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" google Victario's_Charity, its a shield that gives charges to your minions when used with necro aegis. if you are going NA, this is the definitive best shield from a dps stand point. " so commander of darkness is good from an economical stand point. plop just one aura on and you save 2 minion jewel slots for minion resists and you save your self 20 all res. its a very good deal that should not be over looked ever. you wont have a ton of auras . so in terms of damage commander of darkness would in practice be about 20 damage 10 attak/cast speed with maybe spikes to 30 and 15. it is not necessarily a small value . corruption to me seems entirely about cheesing re-summons for things like bosses , in a practical sense its the most situational of the bunch.. something you could not use until you save up a ton of sac sets. as for mistress of sacrifice. it is cool. but if you dont have a decent bit of duration from your tree then you wont really be able to capitalized on offerings much since you will spend a decent portion recasting them. but it does have some synergy with the spirit eater. personally i would probably inch toward commander , with mistress a second and beacon a third until i was fully geared and have capped resists for myself and my minions.. only then would i elect to go for mistress. but that is just me id say probably commander ,just because having that all res can allow you to shift resources elsewhere. it can allow you to drop purity of elements , it can allow you to use les jewels . or you can go the opposite and have 60% all res and have over capped minions that can shrug off even curses as a joke แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Saltychipmunk#1430 เมื่อ 23 มิ.ย. 2016 12:35:18
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" " Mistress of Sacrifice to open up TC maps as well as upping your clear speed. Spirit Eater for exclusive boss killing as it gives the most dmg. However, Commander of Darkness is hilariously strong when stacking auras (keep in mind abilities like heralds, arctic armour etc etc counts as buffs, not as auras. Also keep in mind that you only get the 20% all resist ONCE but the other buffs they stack). So my suggestion is to get Soul Weaver (4p), then move over to Commander of Darkness (2p) and the last 2 to be spent towards Mistress or Spirit Eater. This suggestion applies if you are NOT playing the Beacon approach. " Regarding Victario's Charity: +1 Regarding Commander of Darkness: 1 aura is not saving yourself 2 minion jewels. You get 20% all resist for 1 aura and 10% dmg / 5% atk/cast speed. Whilst a proper jewel gives you 15-16% minion dmg which is stronger unless you're using Knitted Horrors or Evangelists. However, Commander of Darkness is hilariously strong either way as it gives us another way to buff up our minions. As you say about Beacon of Corruption; It's sole purpose is to get super cheap Atziri kills but that's really it. Regarding Mistress of Sacrifice; Offerings can consume up to 10 corpses and they get 0.5 seconds base duration increased per corpse consumed, the base duration of the ability is 3 seconds. On top of this quality gives you 0.5% increased duration per 1% quality. The Ascendancy nodes gives you a total of 30% increased duration. Now; I would never bother increased duration nodes on the tree for a non SRS summoner, however, I would bother increased duration gem for the offering, so let's calculate quickly with a lvl 15 increased duration gem what it actually gives us: Flesh Offering lvl x / quality 0: Base Duration 3sec + 0.5sec per corpse (max 10corpses = 5sec) Increased Duration lvl 15 / quality 0: 59% increased duration Ascendancy nodes: 30% increased duration 1 Corpse Flesh Offering: 3.5 sec duration * 1.89 = 6.615 second duration. I do believe we can all agree that we will most of the times at LEAST consume 3+ corpses due to how desecrate works (without spirit eater). 3 Corpses Flesh Offering: 4.5 sec duration * 1.89 = 8.5 second duration. Now when in fights we will get tons of corpses on the ground making it available for us to consume 8-10 corpses easily which means either of these numbers are the most frequent ones: 8 Corpses Flesh Offering: 7 sec duration * 1.89 = 13.23 second duration. 10 Corpses Flesh Offering: 8 sec duration * 1.89 = 15.12 second duration. With these numbers it is safe to assume that most of the cases we will have killed another pack of monsters long before the 10 second mark between your first cast and the time where we have kill another pack, most of the times it is far below that, specially thanks to the fact that we get faster movement/casting with Mistress of Sacrifice ourselves. On top of this, recasting the spell itself is up to 30% faster thanks to the Mistress, and never forget the aura stacking Commander of Darkness providing you with cast speed as well. What I'm trying to say is that Mistress of Sacrifice is by far one of the most stronger clear speed increasing Ascendancy nodes for any summoner build, however, I would personally take this last on a spectre focused builds as the other nodes are far to important to make Mistress valuable. So for a Spectre focused build like this guide the best approach outside of boss cheesing Beacon of Corruption is this; Soul Weaver 4p Commander of Darkness 2p Mistress of Sacrifice 2p (if clear speed interested) Spirit Eater 2p (If boss kill interested outside Beacon Approach) I would like to make a small reminder; I am ALWAYS promoting people to play the way they like to play the most. You don't have to play the most optimal, cheapest, fastest, most expensive build in the game, just make sure you play a build in a way you enjoy playing it in. That will be the best way to play a build for you. Afterall, this is a game, make sure you have fun with it! :) Guides:
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" when i say save a jewel what i really mean is that you save yourself from needing a jewel that has the minion resist stat on it. from a reasonable stand point the best most people will get on their jewels is 2 minion stats with 3 being a reach and 4 being holy shit level rare. if you have 4 - 6 jewel slots .. you will still have 4 - 6 jewels no matter what, the difference however is if you spend 2 of those 4 -6 on having damage and resists vs say damage and life for your minions. so by taking commander , you dont need to look for 2 jewels with the minion resist stat. that is what i was getting at there. |
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" Ah, now i gotcha! Though, you really shouldn't be bothering minion resist on jewels, it is a mere extra stat far far far back in the priority list! Guides:
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actually , minion resists on jewels can do one important thing. that is free up a dependence on purity of elements.
that means an extra aura. that could be your discipline, or your hatred . or even an Arctic armor. that is something getting minion resists on jewels can do. and keep in mind for some build that can mean upwards of 60% minion physical damage as extra cold ... or 1000 - 2000 extra energy shield . or that nice 13% less physical. it is kind of huge. I do agree it should be the last thing one should work on. but in terms of pushing out the most you can get from damage or personal defense capping your minions with nothing more than passives frees up room for options. in the case of Aegis build , such as your current 5 key stone summoner . this is less of an issue because of .. well .. that sheild. i tend to run 2 hander summoners... because i like hurting my self so in my particular case i tend to view the minion resist issue with greater than normal importance . |
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" I never use Purity of Elements, if any i use elemental specific auras, but never elements. But again, I see your point. This usually comes down to a matter of details in a build which will be different from player to player, the reason the purity is there is not only for the minions, it's for you as well. But as always, if you prefer to play without there are other great options as well of course! :) Guides:
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still one thing is unclear tho,
the +5% spell damage on my shield item, does it increase the flame sentinels' damage? if i click on the tabs (character info -> raise spectre -> offense), it seems to and i've heard other people say 'if it doesn't say minion, it doesnt apply', glad to anyone who can clear this up? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย steve444#1043 เมื่อ 24 มิ.ย. 2016 20:30:46
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" It does IF you have Necromantic Aegis on the skilltree, as all mods on the shield then applies to minions. (Basically you are making all the mods on the shield have "this applies to your minions" with the use of that keystone). Guides:
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" yea i dont have that keystone, yet the value changes when i equip / dequip my +5% spell damge shield (matua tupua) (it's showing a higher value and i have no idea what it might be factoring in there, maybe it's the matua tupua's +10% to auras? i turned the aura's off atm). also, i have the zombies in headgear and spectres in armor as well, i just don't get it lol แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย steve444#1043 เมื่อ 25 มิ.ย. 2016 03:31:51
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