GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

kevinbrightblade เขียน:

In order of return on cost I would buy the following:

1. Allelopathy
2. Withfire Stibnite Flask
3. Rathpith's Globe
4. Rings with 80+ life and mana/resists (maybe a decent but cheap Le Heup of All)
5. An amulet with 80+ life and mana/resists
6. An abyss belt with 80+ life and mana/resists plus an abyss jewel with 40+ life and % damage while holding a shield or mana/resists
7. A Tabula Rasa with +1 to socketed gems
8. An Empower lvl 3
9. Breath of the Council

After all of this the basic build is done and you start getting into late game where you'd be looking for:

1. an upgrade to your helm (same stats but higher life roll)
2. perfect rolls on Allelopathy and Witchfire
3. Jewels for your passive tree with two stat 25%+ damage and life % or mana %
4. A shield with 70%+ spell damage and life/mana/resists

These are basic upgrades that between relative cost and value to your survivability or damage are easy wins. The next and final section though are end-game min/max items that are either expensive because they have large benefits to the build or expensive because they're incremental upgrades to a lot of builds:

1. A helm with 40% Essence Drain Damage
2. 21/20 Essence Drain gem
3. Lvl 4 Empower
4. A perfect roll Breath of the Council
5. Jewels with three stat 30%+ damage and life % or mana %
6. Rings and Amulets with spell % or chaos % damage plus life/mana/resists
7. Perfect support and off-main gems (see my post on page 212 about this)
8. Boots with 30%+ movement speed and life/mana/resists
9. Body armour with +1 to socketed gems and additional stats or a Skin of the Loyal with +2 to socketed gems

Last thought, keep in mind as you upgrade that you have to keep maxed resists and 43% of your life pool as unreserved mana at all times. Also aim for 100k+ tooltip damage (when your charges and arcane surge are all up) and 5k+ life.

thanks alot for the quick response and help.
kevinbrightblade เขียน:
This build does not generate endurance charges. The point of the CWDT/IC setup is that IC's base duration of 0.4 seconds will save you from burst damage. So level CWDT to a comfortable % of your total health (lvl 3-8) and keep IC at lvl 1.

Thanks, this makes sense now. I added a setup with CWDT lvl 1 and IC lvl 3 and it has saved my butt a lot already in T7 maps. I think my previous unique boots were also part of the problem since they had a mod "15% increased damage taken when on full energy shield" and this was just magnifying the burst damage. They were fast though, 20% speed boost when on full ES (plus the intrinsic 20% boost for a total of 40%). Good for leveling, but bad for end game. New boots are only 30%, but give more life and resists. Now I need to craft myself a decent chest armor instead of the tabula.

Also, I understand I can get a Breath of the Council through prophecies. How hard is this to do?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย RedRover57#6914 เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2018 14:26:39
RedRover57 เขียน:
kevinbrightblade เขียน:
This build does not generate endurance charges. The point of the CWDT/IC setup is that IC's base duration of 0.4 seconds will save you from burst damage. So level CWDT to a comfortable % of your total health (lvl 3-8) and keep IC at lvl 1.

Thanks, this makes sense now. I added a setup with CWDT lvl 1 and IC lvl 3 and it has saved my butt a lot already in T7 maps. I think my previous unique boots were also part of the problem since they had a mod "15% increased damage taken when on full energy shield" and this was just magnifying the burst damage. They were fast though, 20% speed boost when on full ES (plus the intrinsic 20% boost for a total of 40%). Good for leveling, but bad for end game. New boots are only 30%, but give more life and resists. Now I need to craft myself a decent chest armor instead of the tabula.

Also, I understand I can get a Breath of the Council through prophecies. How hard is this to do?

Hard. You have to get and complete all 5 of the Plaguemaw prophecies in order, then kill Eber in a Crystal Ore map and it's a rare drop from him. Alternatively you can buy the Plaguemaw 5 prophecy for about 10 chaos each which makes it expensive but easier.
So, maybe i did something stupid :P
I bought these two items:

After i bought them i realised it's hard to get the right colors.
I need 3 red 1 blue on the helm and 4 blue on the boots :/
I guess the only/best way is with Voricis artisan bench?
I have him at around lvl 5.5 and at lvl 6 you can craft at least 3 of one color.
Hey guys

im currently looking for a league starter to rush the atlas all the way to T15

is this build will be good for it?
i dont want to invest into it just tabula and few item will i be able to clear bosses T15 like that? in SC. not farm them just complete them for atlas bonus.

marc2777 เขียน:
always been a fan of this build 100/10 that i will always use this league starter, from harb to those races and to abyss league i always go for this as my starter. now im at 34?? challenges done i might go back to this and make a new with a lot of currency to invest just to see how far will this build go. i'd like to ask what's your thoughts about the new impresence + despair for this build capt.?

I think it has potential as a late-game variation of the main build at a cheaper cost than variations like switching to a +3 staff. However the "two curse-aura" use that most people would expect is not what I would recommend. Here's the non-recommended option:

Two curse-auras
It would be easy enough to drop Clarity for Despair and thus get both Enfeeble and Despair running as curse-auras on the Blasphemy setup. But since we normally get a Despair aura from Witchfire's Stibnite this is more of a quality of life improvement. You'd still want to use Witchfire's for the DoT buff, so it's not like you would drop it. And it's a flask, so do you really need the extra flask slot at the cost of Clarity (which is itself a quality of life improvement)?

Comparing damage, a 21/20 Despair gem would be marginally better than the 21/0 you get from Witchfire's, but it's not a huge gain (10% DoT). And the 30-40% increased DoT from Impresence is more damage in that slot than any non-crafted/shaper amulet, but you can get a relatively cheap ammy with 20%+ spell damage and more life than Impresence plus mana or resists.

Best in slot would be an envy crafted amulet with dual spell damage and chaos damage or a shaper amulet with spell damage and 1% increased damage per intelligence. Both of those combos would have a higher damage buff than Impresence plus life/mana/resists.

The chaos resistance and Maddening Presence attributes don't really contribute much in my experience. So the end result is a slight uptick in damage and a loss of life/mana/resists at the cost of 1+ exalts for Impresence.

As you can see this really doesn't warrant the cost. There are easier ways to trade damage for life. Instead, I think the following could be really strong:

One curse-aura
You could drop Clarity and Enfeeble and run just Blasphemy and Despair with 0 Mana reserved. This would open up two options:

1. Get a Cloak of Defiance and have an additional 10% damage mitigation without having to worry about your mana pool or use Grand Spectrum jewels. You still lose the "+1 to skill gems" you'd normally get on the body armour, but this could be counteracted by using a combination of a Clear Mind jewel (40-60% spell damage), rare two and three stat damage jewels (20-40% damage each plus life%/mana%/resists) and dropping mana nodes in the passive tree in exchange for additional jewel slots. A 6 link CoD is expensive, and the Impresence isn't cheap, but the rest can be had for a few chaos.

2. Keep the +1 Tabula and do all of the passive/jewel improvements (drop mana nodes for life/jewel slots, use Clear Minds and damage jewels). With 0 Mana reserved and not taking CoD you could potentially also grab the "Method to the Madness" wheel for a major damage boost. All of this would provide a huge damage boost to the build at the cost of the Enfeeble curse.

You'll also have an open gem slot to fill where Enfeeble used to be. I'd suggest a minion of some sort like a golem or even Vaal Summon Skeleton, making boss fights significantly easier. None of this is expensive, so you'd just have the cost of the Impresence.

So the end result of the "one curse-aura" option is a potentially large boost to damage and a moderate hit to survivability (due to the loss of Enfeeble) that you could mitigate entirely by using CoD or partially via additional life in the passive tree and a minion gem.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kevinbrightblade#5644 เมื่อ 11 ก.พ. 2018 08:48:41
marc2777 เขียน:
always been a fan of this build 100/10 that i will always use this league starter, from harb to those races and to abyss league i always go for this as my starter. now im at 34?? challenges done i might go back to this and make a new with a lot of currency to invest just to see how far will this build go. i'd like to ask what's your thoughts about the new impresence + despair for this build capt.?

Awesome to hear bro!
I think impresence can be a pretty nice addition though I prefer a rare one imo.
Despair comes from Witchfire Brew flask these days!

ThroatLotion เขียน:
Ghazzy เขียน:


The chest piece is absolutely dashing!
Though, I have always preferred any of the +1 lvl of gem options due to the lack of damage in the late game, at least imo. Which is somewhat the issue you're having. Obviously higher dmg gain from tweaking the tree as well as higher dmg from gear depending on currency investment will have a huge impact on this.

I really like the Allelopathy glove setup due to the Spreading Rot jewel setup allowing you to make enemies take increased DoT which enhances your ED dmg as well if it's bosses you're having issues with.

Other than that I think the setup you displayed looks pretty damn nice :)

Thanks! a lot of thought and research has gone into this build/league with your guidance. Made a lot of mistakes, wasted a lot of currency but have learned a ton this time around

And wow... thanks for the tip!!! Just picked me up a +1 tabby for 40c, it was like a 30% dmg increase!!! I didn't consider what 2 levels of base skill damage would translate to at this point in the game with all this scaling!!!

I also swapped out my 3 Grand spectrums for some cobalts i found on trade, each one about 20c but had at least 28% damage increase between increased Spell Damage, increased Spell Damage while holding a Shield and increased Chaos Damage for another 8% overall dmg increase on top of tabby dmg!!! And have not had to give up too much def to get there

100c later and now will hopefully will have a dead red tier elder on my screen soon

I'm so happy to read these comments from time to time, I'm glad my helped worked out! :)

RedRover57 เขียน:
This is probably a stupid question, but how do you generate endurance charges for the CWDT/IC setup?

I've been playing PoE casually for a long time, but this is the first character I have taken past the low 70's. It's been a lot of fun so far. I always play SSF and in previous leagues I usually hit a wall in the 70's. It seems like I'm close to hitting the wall at 86 and starting tier 7/8 maps. Feeling kind of squishy and probably should replace my tabula with a 5-link chest, which is reasonable to craft, as well as switch out my weapons for a dagger/shield for shield charge/fortify and more life. But I'm also hoping that a CWDT setup will help.


Common missunderstanding of the function behind IC, it only increases the duration based of Endurance charges, but will still proc and function without it, though for a shorter time which is enough to cover you from Porcupines and/or Bone Husks :)

CapedBaldyyy เขียน:
Hello. Pretty new to this game. I'm trying to get the 2r2b colors on the boots. It says in the calculator that the best way to get this is through Vorici 1r1b. But how exactly do I do it? Do I just spam that option on the bench? thanks.


That is correct. Though, do take a look at the "average cost" of chromes for that in the calculator, if it's super high I would recommend using the jeweller trick to sort it instead!

Dragonnik1 เขียน:
hi thanks for this build. This is my only second build which is like good in damage, tankiness clear speed.
My current gear

Gear is bit crappy needs improvement in all areas. But can you please suggest where i can start with, since buying decent gear is expensive, especially shield and dagger/sceptre.
Also i am using Blight in totem; feel bit safe to let totem tank and slow the bosses/crowd and i stand at safe position

Bisco leash is awesome, does super clearing of mobs, stunning them; have saved me lot of time.

Awesome to hear bro :)
I would start with a +1 Tabula Rasa unless you're not capped on resistances.



Thank you for helping out in the thread! <3

kizzderose เขียน:
So, maybe i did something stupid :P
I bought these two items:

After i bought them i realised it's hard to get the right colors.
I need 3 red 1 blue on the helm and 4 blue on the boots :/
I guess the only/best way is with Voricis artisan bench?
I have him at around lvl 5.5 and at lvl 6 you can craft at least 3 of one color.


I would recommend using the Jeweller trick:



Since I appreciate when other people of our community is helping people out in my threads I'll go ahead and repeat my gratitude :) <3
Edit: Nvm.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DwnWthVwls#4390 เมื่อ 11 ก.พ. 2018 20:43:19
Thanks, that looks great, i'll try that!
kizzderose เขียน:
So, maybe i did something stupid :P
I bought these two items:

After i bought them i realised it's hard to get the right colors.
I need 3 red 1 blue on the helm and 4 blue on the boots :/
I guess the only/best way is with Voricis artisan bench?
I have him at around lvl 5.5 and at lvl 6 you can craft at least 3 of one color.

I wish you good luck! Over 5000 chromes for these babies (with Vorici 3B):



