GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
" Glad you like my approach in PoE! :) I am trying to make it as a YouTuber/Streamer so right now I'm focusing on getting 1 PoE related video up each week but will release other game guides as well when time allows. Budget based build guides will be a main focus but every now and then a high budget build will pop up :) Guides:
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Thx for a build
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" My pleasure :) Guides:
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Hey Ghazzy, very good work on your build guide and the video !
Essence drain hits stuff really really strongest toon now. And no more fear for any bosses (the most) thats so awesome ! I managed to get all recommended gear and for the skill tree I am missing only the templar stuff. One thing bothers your video you have arround 8k ED dmg. I have only 4.8k.. I miss some spell dmg and my ED with supports are only lvl 17~ but the difference to your 8k is big. I try to post my gear when I remember how to do this :D
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DiamondSnake#0898 เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2016 07:26:02
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" Cheers! Glad you like it bro :D LvL of gems makes a huge difference, easily 1-2k per lvl so that's the biggest portion that you're lacking! :) Guides:
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I read the forums again to find maybe a way to get alot more ED dmg and I found this:
From klinolol and his ED build
This build uses the unique dagger The Consuming Dark to poison enemies. The poison mechanic was overhauled in patch 2.1 and made poison based builds very strong. In this section I will try to explain the mechanics of poison and clear up why it is so good. How poison is inflicted To poison an enemy you need to hit it with a spell or attack that has a chance to poison. Only physical damage and chaos damage can poison. There are several ways to get a chance to poison, there is for example the Poison support gem which gives supported spells and attacks a 100% chance to poison enemies. There are also several nodes on the tree for this purpose, Adder's Touch for example gives crits with daggers a 30% chance to poison. This build uses the dagger The Consuming Dark. The line Your chaos damage poisons enemies translates to a 100% chance to poison for hits with chaos damage. The keyword "hit" is important. Spells that do not hit cannot poison. This is important because Contagion does not hit and can therefor not deliver any "on hit" effects. This means while Contagion spreads the ED debuff it doesn't spread any poison. To spread poison you would have to use Bino's Kitchen Knife. Why it is so good As a general rule in Path of Exile, damage over time effects of the same source do not stack. This means if you spam Essence Drain on a boss he will take repeated damage from the projectile portion but he will only be affected by one DoT. Poison is an exception to this rule and that's one of the things that make it so powerful. If your chaos damage can poison then each cast of Essence Drain applies a new stack of poison. This means that poison naturally favors fast hitting attacks and spells, which Essence Drain is not. However poison still increases the single target damage of this build by a massive amount because poison just scales so well with all the stuff that also scales ED's damage. How the damage is scaled The base damage of poison is 10% of the initial hit's damage per second over the span of 2 seconds. Right now my Essence Drain hits for an average of 8.2k chaos damage. 10% of that doesn't seem like very much. But this is where the insane scaling of poison comes into play. Because poison is a damage over time debuff that deals chaos damage it benefits from all stats that increase chaos damage, damage over time and - if inflicted by a projectile - projectile damage. As I mentioned above in the special case of Essence Drain poison damage also scales with spell damage. The great thing is that this build already uses these exact same stats to scale ED's damage. This means poison gets to double dip on all these modifiers. Here is an example with numbers: Say you use a level 20 Essence Drain. At level 20 the projectile deals an average of 291 base damage per hit and say you have 100% increased Chaos damage from tree and gear and you support ED with a level 1 Void Manipulation (20% more chaos damage). The damage is then calculated as follows: Initial hit = (291*2)*1.2 = 689.4 dmg The base poison dps is 10% of that 689.4*0.1 = 68.9 damage per second But now this poison base damage benefits from all the increases to chaos damage again. So instead of 68.9 dps you deal (68.9*2)*1.2 = 165.4 dps Your ED DoT dps would be (809*2)*1.2 = 1941.6 dps This means in this fictional example just one stack of poison results in a 8.5% increase of DoT dps. This number goes up as you add more damage multipliers because poison double dips on all of those. If we take my actual damage as an example you can see the real strength of poison. As I mentioned above my ED hits for an average of 8.2k that puts me at 820 base dps for poison before any increases from gear or supports. As a comparison, the base DoT of a level 20 Essence Drain is 809 dps. With all damage increases and multipliers each stack of poison adds roughly 30k dps before curses/wither/profane bloom, there is simply no way to get that much damage anywhere else. Very interesting or not ? I think we can get an extra dmg type for free (only singletarget dmg) and dont have to change your build. But im not a pro and early in the thread you postet thats consuming dark is not an option. Another point I bother with is swift killer..per 1 frenzy charge we get 4% attack, castspeed and 4% more dmg. Is swift killer really better then patient reaper ? Im looking forward for your opinion ! Did some testing now with dominus..and I must say with consuming dark single target dps is MAYBE a bit better. Tooltip dps dont change..Ive expected a more clear result Appendix I: Did it wrong lol..we have to stack our new Poison / ED projectile on the target, each stack drains alot more life from the target. I think its very good for bosses. Mana costs are ok with weave the arcane. Changes for the build would be: - bit less overall clearspeed (from insane to mad lol^^) - Consuming Dark dagger for 1-10c (got mine for 8c you have to be patient on poe trade) - increased skill duration cluster (scion) for longer poison stacks - temporal chains for longer poison stacks - method of madness cluster for more boss dmg - swift killer is fine for faster cast speed (to stack projectiles) - the + points we need are canceled in the templar zone of the skilltree (me softcore) More dmg for bosses and bosses are hard and dangerous, so it makes the build stronger I think. Appendix II: Incredible butt load of dmg dominus soooo fast Im looking forward to farm finally Izaro with this new setup without risk :) It was risky.. Edit: Made a speed run and Izaro is no problem anymore..the damage is insane. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DiamondSnake#0898 เมื่อ 26 ก.ค. 2016 13:18:44
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It is, even after the nerf / balance change the best in slot for single target boss fights since you can stack it. The difference comes when you are playing for trash clearing. If you want boss killing ED/Contagion you go Occultist to push out the most DPS out of the build. The Trickster version is designed and based around map clearing insanely fast, which is why having an overall higher damage output from your dagger gains to all dmg not just the one you hit with the ED projectile. Due to this focus I have chosen Swift Killer, the damage is lower than that of Patient Reaper till you get higher maximum stacks available and even then the reason for going Frenzy Charges is not there for the damage, but more for the speed to get faster attacks on whirling Blades & faster casting for your ED/Contagion. It's all designed to be as fast and smooth as possible, with the loss of higher dps numbers vs single target. Guides:
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" Ok and it works very good^^ For me its now the perfect balance with consuming dark. Fast clear, and lot of dmg for bosses. Thank you for your response :) |
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Poison is really good if you use the vulnerability + temporal chains combo on blasphemy, otherwise its impact is a lot less noticeable.
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Absolutely, my biggest issue with it is that it slows down the average map clear compared to a good rolled rare dagger but ups the speed slightly vs bosses. This is sorted by bringin a vaal lightning trap which you should bring with CD dagger either way and at that point I don't feel that poison is worth it unless you're aiming for atziri or so, in which case you should be looking to run an Occultist version of this build, not trickster for speed ;) Guides:
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