GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Can i ask why didn't you go for Method to Madness since is a waste of non taken chaos dmg?
Isaxo เขียน:

I'd say remove that Pierce mate. Pierce isn't a priority at all, especially in a 4L. Void Manipulation gives you way more damages. Your tree is really spread out but you're going for damages first which is ok in SC so no issue there. You'll want to complete at least normal and cruel lab, they help quite a bit too. But without Tabula (6L) the damages are just ok. 6L makes the build really shine insanely.
Thank you, so I'll both labs and will save up for tabula.
So is there any reason why you didnt take method to the madness? Cant write under the youtube video, because fucking youtube wont let me
And can this build only be played with a dagger? or is there any alternative for whirling blades if i would like to play with a wand for higher spelldamage?

And what type of armor should i prefer? pure armor? armor/es hybrid? Or just what has the best stats?
And how do you manage to get all the strength for IC with only a single item giving you strength? Im at 86 strength with 42 str coming from my gear.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Fool_of_a_Took#2027 เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2016 09:52:16
So I figured that aoe from Contagion that spreads after mob death (not the initial cast) is also affected by AoE mod. Would Carcass jack 5L/6L be a decent goal? Colors fit too, so chroming it wouldn't be big of an issue.
You should advertise that Tabula is just mandatory for this build, 4L don't do shit after 60. Not cool.

A bit of a waste of time for a new league when you could run bv or any other random necro build wich would make leveling and farming t10+ maps a lot easier.
BozoLaCrevette เขียน:
You should advertise that Tabula is just mandatory for this build, 4L don't do shit after 60. Not cool.

A bit of a waste of time for a new league when you could run bv or any other random necro build wich would make leveling and farming t10+ maps a lot easier.

To be fair - it was ZiggyD who picked this build out as a good league starter, not the OP. I'm currently level 50 on this build and finding it a little underwhelming. I definitely don't have the AoE clear I see in the video (there's nothing in the tree) and I find that it doesn't clear packs as well as I would like. Perhaps on Merc. and maps it works better because mob density is higher? Perhaps it's because the OP bought level 20 skill gems? Anyway ... watching an Essence/contagion build from Mathil and he mentioned that it's not that it's not a great build if you have nothing in stash to help boost it through levelling until maps.

As far as 5 link vs. 4 link - do you think Slower Proj. + pierce (or empower) will make the build that much better?

Anyways - I don't think it's a bad build. I think that the OP just over-hyped it a bit too much in the video to make it sound like levelling was a breeze.

Got Essence of Delirium, is it better to use it on a ring or another place?
zedzed_uk เขียน:
BozoLaCrevette เขียน:
You should advertise that Tabula is just mandatory for this build, 4L don't do shit after 60. Not cool.

A bit of a waste of time for a new league when you could run bv or any other random necro build wich would make leveling and farming t10+ maps a lot easier.

To be fair - it was ZiggyD who picked this build out as a good league starter, not the OP. I'm currently level 50 on this build and finding it a little underwhelming. I definitely don't have the AoE clear I see in the video (there's nothing in the tree) and I find that it doesn't clear packs as well as I would like. Perhaps on Merc. and maps it works better because mob density is higher? Perhaps it's because the OP bought level 20 skill gems? Anyway ... watching an Essence/contagion build from Mathil and he mentioned that it's not that it's not a great build if you have nothing in stash to help boost it through levelling until maps.

As far as 5 link vs. 4 link - do you think Slower Proj. + pierce (or empower) will make the build that much better?

Anyways - I don't think it's a bad build. I think that the OP just over-hyped it a bit too much in the video to make it sound like levelling was a breeze.


1. mob density doesn't make a difference
2. you can't even use lvl 20+ gems until you're lvl 60+
3. empower is not even needed because op didnt use it in showcase.

I'm gonna report back after I get to maps. Tabula is not even that expensive and you should put it as a priority when saving up currency.



