GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
" I get 36k damage from mine. imo, as end game item it is worth spending 9-10 ex on that item. Even more so considering getting currency this league is not that hard. Especially if you get mod that goes with aura you are using. But you can do just fine without it if you dont want to spend that much currency on that item. |
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" It is better to craft since you can save some currency but only if you are lucky since getting '+1 to socketed gems' might be costly. |
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I mean, if you think my bows bad simply because of the dex requirement then that's your opinion. I've found in this build dex isn't that hard to get nor is it hard to get to 212. Even without my ring, I have the dex requirement.
With the flexibility in this build, you could even take a couple dex nodes to get rid of the additional dex on my gear. |
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" Without your ring you're missing 9 dex even with a dex implicit amulet. 'Taking a couple of dex nodes' just for the sake of it is wasteful and inefficient (because the tree is stretched out) when you're sitting on 4 2-point jewel sockets available, not to mention extra curse, or flask wheel, or int cluster with Utmost intelligence for an Eldritch knowledge jewel setup. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย chaoval#5591 เมื่อ 6 ก.ค. 2019 18:19:04
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@smit9352 Your bow is fine since it's already crafted. In case where you want to craft ED 6-link bow high dex requirement on bow might make it harder/more expensive to get right colors when crafting and you'll need items or skill points to get that extra dex requirement. btw if you want to save skill point go to Acrobatics cluster from 'Revenge of the Hunted' cluster instead of 'Blod Drinker' cluster.
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" That looks like the exact same one I bought. Probably wont find one with a Haste mod for 9-10ex, but the NACDOT mod does start around that, usually paired with a purity or some other "useless" mod. I bought that one because I use Haste/Vaal Haste, I can say yes, unequivocally the cost is/was worth it. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย wrathchild619#2119 เมื่อ 6 ก.ค. 2019 19:02:07
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Just wondering what experiences people are having with using this build for glacier farming?
With my usual end-game guy, I've just been using a Bisco's Collar for MF and replacing some life nodes with AOE/damage nodes and it's been working really well so far. However, my main problem is that I am pretty much never able to insta-pop legion spawns. I get 90% of them fine with the initial cast, but there always seems to be 2-3 random pockets of mobs that somehow dodge my ED chain entirely and I have to spend the majority of the 10 second timer dashing around finding them. My ED tooltip DPS is around 475k and I'm using level 1 contagion to avoid contagion killing mobs prematurely. I'm not sure if ED/contagion is meant to be able to insta-pop mobs like those Ice Nova builds or if I'm lacking something. I've tried to stack as much AOE as I can without gimping my other stats, but am wondering if I need to start using something like a Dying Sun. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย scrambled777#2392 เมื่อ 6 ก.ค. 2019 20:03:34
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" I use Soulrend, so i have to work a bit harder. I can usually only get a whole side tagged with a few remaining on the other side, All I know is I made about 20 exalts in a couple days (not full days, but from Wednesday night after work, most of Thursday and a few hours yesterday evening) of farming it. I haven't really stopped farming it, but I'm also doing other content so I'm not going as hard on it as I was before. That said, I started this morning with about 2ex in the bank (made some big purchases) and after a few hours I'm up to 6. I'm sure other folks might be getting more out of it, but I'm pretty happy with my ROI considering farming is essentially free with the way my atlas is setup. |
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" Yeah the returns I'm getting are insane compared to just regular endgame mapping and bossing. I had 1 ex when I started like less than 2 days ago, and have 13 ex now just from pure currency drops and selling 2-3 big ticket items. Definitely happy with the results so far, especially since my build is far from optimized for speed MF clears. |
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" Nice man, good work! It's nuts, because in the past I had to do things things like get perma elder influence on my shaped vault during Abyss, And in Breach/Legacy I Shaped only Strand, Coves, Atoll, and Reef with only Pit of The Chimera unlocked - leaving everything that wasn't T-10 or below incomplete and farmed shaped coves/reef to even come close to the results I've had this league. In many cases they were more profitable on paper, but given how fast it is to spam Glacier and how easy it is to sustain I'd argue that it is more profitable. It's kinda funny, I built a character capable of of taking on virtually anything the game offers with relative ease, and here I am farming T2 maps for hours on end haha. The only other time it was this easy to make currency farming for me was guardian/shaper farming on XBOX 360 when the game launched there (Harbinger) map sustain was piss easy with Harb mechanics, and I was one of the first to take down Shaper on console, so it became a money maker for me. But yeah, pretty sure Glacier is gonna be my main money making strat while I work on doing other things to break up the monotony. I guess the only downside is 4million XP per hour ain't shit at level 95 haha. But I can also drop some exalts on pure breachstone runs in the event I want to hit 96. Man, that's a lot of words - GG ADHD. Suffice to say, this is the happiest I've been with POE since Breach. Straight-up. |
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