GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
" Hey! Glad you like it bro :D It is very confusing and it easily misstaken, they give the same number but FP gives "increased" damage whilst SP gives "more" damage. There is a HUGE difference, to further learn about modifiers check this page out: Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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" Ah okay, yeah i can see that now, that is a pretty confusing way they put that :) Hit 71 now and the clear speed is pretty nuts, pretty damn satisfying watching essence drain just roll along. |
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Indeed it's lovely :D
YT: Twitch: |
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Hey awesome guide!! I want to try this out as I'm a new player with 0 funds.
Is it possible to switch into a COC discharge build when I get enough currency playing this build?? Are there any important 'must' have nodes that absolutely makes or break the build? |
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I guess BiS chest would be Lightning Coil 6L instead of Tabula right?
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" This build would do perfectly for you then bro! Only item I'd see as mandatory would be the Tabula, but you can use any 4-6L piece til you can afford one. Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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Hey thanks again for the guide. Level 40 right now and it's very fun to play. Definitely a change of pace!
What is your stance on temporal chains vs vulnerbility vs enfeeble? I'm using blasphemy. I'm only at cruel right now but how would I go in getting a 5 link? I only have a 4 link right now should I use pierce or rapid decay? What other auras should I use to increase survivibility? I'm playing HC btw! |
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" Quick answers due to lack of time: * Enfeeble = Great mitigation / TC - only use for mitigation as duration for your dmg isnt needed, but i feel enfeeble to be better / Vulnerability only gives you the flat dmg over time increase for you, might be better with party members of course. * Pierce * Grace is the main aura for survivability, Artic Armour is a waste due to moving so much. Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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" If you have the money I found out the Essence Worm (aura) ring is actually insane for this build if you go about it the hybrid way. I have grace into it for no resev and running Discipline & Clarity from Mana. You double your survivability if you go for Evasion/ES gear. You do need gear to recoup the resistance loss. I've improved on the original skill tree as well as I found out taking a hit after WB into enemies hurt a lot. This means I've taken the "Charisma" mana resev. node that was already on route and now I'm testing the "Thrill Killer" mana node. It's actually insane. I think you don't even need the Weave the Arcane since with Thrill Killer after a pack of 10+ mobs you are at full mana instantly. I'm at a point where I'm considering even dropping Clarity. Only issue I predict will be boss fights but I think you could rock a mana pot since due to WB you barely need movement pots. If I'll do this then I suppose I'll drop the mana resev. nodes as well since I'll have plenty of mana left w/o Clarity running. --- You could also throw in some SHIELD nodes and mix this build into the Aegis one just stick with Contagion and not Abyssal Cry since most likely you won't have the strength to sustain that. "Command and Steel" node is on your way to IR. And ofc ascendancy wise I "Shade Form" is the tanky option! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย tavirosu#7864 เมื่อ 6 เม.ย. 2016 15:17:53
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Why didnt you take growth and decay node near shadow zone.
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