GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
" Hey, Glad you like it bro! :D I always promote people to try their own thing with my builds, or anyone elses build for that matter. Most important thing to remember here is my motto: "If you find a way to play a build differently, that you would enjoy more. It does not matter if your version is worse, more costy, clunky w/e, that build version would be the best for you." " Fair enough, it comes down to a matter of taste, yet again! :) As i just mentioned in my response above yours here, the motto is what matters when it comes to different approaches. Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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" Yeah scion is best for original skill tree. Additionaly it has more dps options acendancy wise by picking Occultist and Deadeye. Deadeye is insane for dps and chages the playstyle due to the fact that combined with pierce gem you have 100% pierce and an additional projectile, meaning you shoot 2 and they travel till China into all mobs in their path. But I feel like at that point you might as well become low life and just play with ES. Mathil was playing such a build on his stream for the past 2 days. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย tavirosu#7864 เมื่อ 11 เม.ย. 2016 02:33:09
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Done some testing today, I actually found the Atziri chest to be better than Carcass Jack. The life/mana gained on kill is insane and means I can spec out of "Thrill Killer" since I don't need any more mana on kill.
Chest is relative cheap, 25c-1ex depending on links. Why it's good: - huge boost in armor/ev and es - 100 mana/life on kill is insane for this build. This equates to needing only 4 mobs to die to get all your mana back. "Thrill Killer" node that I used before was 10 mana on kill. I'll allocate the two free skill points either back in the "Growth and Decay" node or into the spell damage ones so the next point I'll take the socket. I think going for the socket might be a better idea since with 3 points (2 recouped) I can get like +40 spell damage. How tanky am I now? 66% physical damage reduction (16k+ armor) with stone golem -> goes up to 78% with all the 3 endurance charges. Life is 4.2k and ES is at 3.4k. What about damage? ED tooltip is at 5.6k with 15.5k chaos dmg/sec. With 6 frenzy charges it's at 9.5k+ and 19.5k+ chaos dmg/sec. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย tavirosu#7864 เมื่อ 11 เม.ย. 2016 13:14:24
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" I like the idea, but again, getting that chest with +1 will be next to impossible during a temp-league as well as hilariously expensive. In a normal Tabula I have roughly 26,000 DoT damage. Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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" Unbuffed? Just took anoter jewel socket now, sitting at 6k ed/16.5k chaos dot in town. HP 4.3k/ ES 3.4k so about 7.7k combined. I would suspect the projectile gloves will boost the dps a lot but I don't think I can use them since I'll lack resistances. I don't feel I lack dps in tier 9-10 maps tbh and from I'm just taking dps nodes. Again my variant is a very tanky build, I WB into a pack contagion/ed repeat to another. Very rare I need to WB away form a pack. For the +1 a cheap variant for anyone that's midleveling (past 62) use ED in the Vertex Vaal Mask you get that +1 and 50% the cost. L.E: Actually I might use the gloves, only lacking 35 cold resi and 15 fire resi w/o my curent gloves. Will try to get them to work and check my dps. As always my "tanky" build is WiP, you can check my profile for my char -> ChaosMeBro! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย tavirosu#7864 เมื่อ 13 เม.ย. 2016 06:02:21
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Is Walk the Aether truly necessary or can you sustain whirling blades and your other spells without it? Not sure if I ever see myself completing Merc Labyrinth in HC. I'm scared.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย murybcm#4451 เมื่อ 13 เม.ย. 2016 13:54:51
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" Absolutely, just use a mana flask! :) It's more of a quality of life as well as clear speed increaser thanks to that 20% atk/cast speed for faster clearing as well as faster whirling blades :) Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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I'm planning on doing and ED build. But I was wondering if maybe Scion with deadeye would be a better build?
What do you guys think? Would Scion + deadeye be better than this Shadow build? |
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" My original plan was to do that, but after a lot of theorycrafting and later testing, Shadow was superior in too many ways. Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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" Would you mind explaining exactly how this is better than Scion? :) |
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