[3.7] SC/HC - ED/Blight Trickster - Up to 10k eHP, Layered Defense, 3m DPS
" Didn't play yet in Abyss, so sadly no. |
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" Essense Worm is an interesting idea, but I'm afraid that would requier to drop Allelopathy for yellow to get necessary resists. (I dont run Temp Chains, isn't it kinda useless? Comparing to Enfeeble for example, and we have slow from Arctic Armor. If I'm wrong - please enlighten me why, I would be happy to know.) Which brings us to the point when we drop sagnificant amount of damage for survivability I would say too sagnificant to the point when running this build would not be possible for an endgame content. ED simply would not give enough damage. But if I trade Enfeeble (I run 2 curses Enfeeble & Despair)... Ok typing this I realised that it's not worth it. Enfeeble+Jade flask is arguably the same as if I drop Enfeeble for Grace and I would lose 15% mana which is critical for MoM. About Clear Mind. Thanks for the idea! If I would use it then I need to drop Enfeeble which negates the whole idea of my previous post: to get flat mitigation, with no spikes, so you can heal up between the hits you take. "With the aura from Impresence..." What aura? This: "Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy"? Isn't it negligible? Uptime is too low. So, to summarize all of it: still need the ideas how to make this build more stable in endgame content. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย saintrobot#1334 เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2018 00:07:31
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so any tips for those lava blobs that chase you and explode. About the only thing that kills me is those lava blobs or large packs of those things that throw spines when they die.
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@Noctide, I always deal with them by getting some distance to it, then I shield charge straight through it. Start the Shield Charge just before it connects with you. By the time it bursts, you are already far away.
@saint, I prefer to run with Temporal Chains, as it slows generic enemies down enough to let me manually control if they hit me or not. Against bosses/end game, it is true that the effect of it is pretty low, but it still provides valuable time between attacks/animations to allow us to do our thing. I find that I have extremely good control over Shaper slams for instance on my ED character, since he is so slow that I have time to get some damage in during his initial animation for the attack. AA provides chilled ground and slows on hits, which slows for 20% or so (it changed in both recent patches, can't remember current value. 21/20 Temp Chains slows for 40%, and 44% with a quality Blasphemy. Even with the 80% less curse effect of guardians/Shaper, this is still a 8.8% slow, making it a very nice addition to AA. Then we also have hinder from Wither, but that only affects movement speed. The way I play it is that I like to be able to decide myself when I am going to get hit or not. When I decide that I am in a situation where I feel it is safe to get hit, I pop all my flasks and channel Blight through it. I guess at the end of the day, ED is a build that is tanky enough to deal with almost everything, but you really need to learn boss mechanics as you have no leech and low enough DPS to actually have to fight them. You are correct that Temp. Chains does not really "do" anything, but it just feels so good. Try it out with a properly leveled gem and see if it helps enough for you to get comfortable. Considering the Maddening Presence, it is simply a nice addition while mapping. It slows, I love slows. |
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Thank you for your insight, it is really appreciated! I will definitely try proper TC gem, I see what are you talking about there. For now I droped Enfeeble, running only Despair, 0 mana reserved, using Clear Mind, also respeced into all possible Chaos Damage nodes in vicinity. Survivability is ok on high lvl maps (if you dont stand still that is) but I feel like damage is too low. Maybe it's the ceiling, maybe there is a possibility to push more. Only option left is to get 40% ED damage head enchant. Will see how it helps tho. P.S. 2% enchant on boots is like making this build 2 times better by the way, difference is insane. |
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been running this build for a while now, really enjoying it and currently i am in T13 maps. As you mentioned i am keeping the 6-link as last option and atm i'm not even sure it is worth it tbh, trash dies so fast and vs bosses blight does most of the work... Any tips on gear? i'm currently just trying to get better jewels, but they are crazy expensivo |
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Just tried 4 guardians and Shaper himself. Really dissapointed. Feels like I do no damage to bosses in the same time I die from the smallest tickle. Idk if it worth to continue or I should reroll something else. Will ponder over it some time.
This build is good for mapping for sure. Everything melts. But endgame bosses? Nah. Too much struggle. It's fun to play tho. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย saintrobot#1334 เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2018 13:09:16
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I was rolling this character past 2-5 days. I was started as glacial cascade and I just didn't like it.So I wanted to change it into fast map clearing build with MF and I thought ED is best choice for it.ED is one of the most powerful clear skill without even afford. So here is my current gear:
CanNeedsBossKills @86 Trickster
Currently I am not using any jewels and got 32 dot ED DPS and have like 2.5 k blight DPS atm.It doesn't feel that great at bosses but since I am farming MAX t14 maps it looks fine thanks to trickster. My todo list is getting a bisco and changing some rares to better ones,getting jewels and start shaping my atlas for vault-shore rota(will run shores for vaults,will sell vaults and other drops,$$$) I just wondering how can i use divination distillate flask with this build.I tried blood rage but since I am trickster It doesn't work thanks to regen.I am trying to find a way to use it.Let's hope I can. |
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Getting Divination Distillate into the build will be very tricky considering how Trickster regen works. ED works fine for generic MFing, but for the all out maxed IIQ I would do something else.
@Reinie, gear looks good! If you are looking to splash some cash on other stuff than jewels, you could look into getting a eva/ES hybrid shield with a good spell damage roll. You might need higher resist on other gear to find one that is actually affordable though. @saintrobot, yeah, the ceiling for ED is kinda low sadly. After double dipping was removed, we lost the ability to push past the 1m DPS mark. The build works really well if you want one character to do it all (in my opinion), but for farming Shaper and Uber Atziri (or any kind of spesific farm) you'd be better off with something else. |
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So if you use Tul on Snowblind does it always give perfect form or is it random.
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