[3.7] SC/HC - ED/Blight Trickster - Up to 10k eHP, Layered Defense, 3m DPS
Pretty much this. Considering the fact that 90% of the time (even if you specifically aim for endgame bosses), you will be grinding maps, the Trickster wins in my book.
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I am currently 2/4 Guardians(Hydra+Phoenix) and I am looking for some more damage outside of my shield+Decay wand set up. This is my first ED build and my first build where poison can be a focus.
For dual wielding, is Decay+CD, Decay+Breath or CD+Breath better? Looking for more single target damage for the really tanky bosses mainly. My profile is also public. Do not have a 21 ED or a 3 or 4 emp yet. Thanks! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Steviecheese1#3331 เมื่อ 23 ธ.ค. 2016 15:53:39
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Got bored of my elementalist pizza, gonna roll this.
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I was wondering, what makes the trickster so safe in maps? From when I started maps up to 93, I've never came close to dying. Is it just a combination of the 2 curses, ghost dance, shade form, patient reaper, arctic armor and flasks uptime? I ran with about 9k es and was always able to just facetank almost everything (only execeptions were certain bosses). Packs of mobs would never be able to bring me down to half. I just felt so safe mapping on this. Recently, I've been playing my bf assassin and even with vaal pact, there are so many times I come close to dying.
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@Stevie: For the three bosses you have left, decay setup is to prefer on all of them. On minotaur and shaper, you could consider going CD+decay for some extra damage potential. Chimera is a bit of a hassle when it comes to adds, and I always exploit abyssal cry as much as possible to bring them down. The boss itself is poison immune, so decay + shield is your best option there. Minotaur is vulnerable to poison, and you could try to nuke him down quite a bit at the start of the fight. Once we are forced to move around more due to falling rocks/burrows, the poison aspect is less relevant to me. For minotaur you just need to consider if you want to be able to take more burrows to the face or if you want the potential to nuke him. Shaper is a different story. When shaper does his beam attack, he remains still for several seconds, and gives us a really nice opportunity to stack a lot of poison dps. Going dual wield CD/decay for him is really strong, and with 2-3 good beams he should be pushed to the next phase quite easily.
@kiwikiller: Once the EDs start spreading we get absurd amounts of regen thanks to the patient reaper ascendancy. This is combination with the dual curse setup lining up extremely well with our eva/ES based hybrid setup (with most of the evasion being from flasks), makes us get hit very rarely. If you do get hit, it is regenerated to max almost instantly. Both of these aspects are active even while we are running around and have the possibility to play defensive at the same time. In my 5 leagues of playing ED I have pretty much only had freak accident deaths including dying to Vikas' totems while looking at loot, and getting one shot by bosses due to map mods or mechanics I did not consider. |
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Everything was great about this build. The only problem I had was shaper. His HP going down slow was ok but the hardest part were the adds, took a while to kill them. On the plus side, I was able to survive the shaper slams. The t15 wolf boss was also a bit of trouble. Uber atziri was also super easy. I was able to get my ED dot to 57k per sec using a shield (with flame golem up, but no pots).
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hi guys, aquestion about craftin
it is possible to use an essence of deliryum here and keep all the good mods ? spell dmage, attack speed,mana regen and mana ? |
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@Nedieth - I'm about to go all in using your guide for ED. I have read multiple other places that CI build can be quite more expensive to finish/fully gear (total cost) vs hybrid. So with about 4EX in total (best guess) to spend on gear for the new character want some input.
Your quote in your guide "There are a lot of options on the Life version of the tree, but I usually prepare for CI quite early, and prefer to play hybrid life/ES. If you opt to stay hybrid, I would play as an Occultist instead. Occultists can regen life and ES at the same time, while also having a lot of other handy utility from their ascendancies." So if I wanted to do hybrid - go Occulist. Is there a fully populated passives tree(w/ ascendancies) and gear so I can ensure I can build correctly? All 3 of your final build links are through Shadow it seems. This is from another guide, based on a tanky Occulist. Thoughts? I would love a 2.5 viable tree from Occulist that is hybrid from you - (possibly outdated guide https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMBAAMeA-4EBwceCPQNfA5IES8RUBGWE20UCRV-Fr8YPBhWGyUdTx2-H0Ei9CaIJpUnqSj6KwotHy2oM4c1kjW5Nj06WDrhQYdGcUlRSbFLrkyzTeNSr1VLVcZXyVxAXGtd8mHiYqxn_GnYakNqjGwLbIxtGXWedoJ-WX6hf8aCx4MJg9uESIfLj_qSdJMnlS6dqqEvotmmV6crp5usmK1KsNixkLQMtNG1SLcwtz67Tbv8vSe-gL6KwFTDbcb3yAzIFMrTzxXQH9fP2L3ZW91f34rpAuq662PviO_r8NXyRfVv99f5N_no_gr-j3zwkQc= Look forward to trying out ED. My main goal is late game DPS on big bosses Uber Aztiri, etc. Already invested in a Delirium'd wand with good rolls and 6L hybrid armor that has good life and ES. Thanks! |
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Nadieth what you think about bows with delirium and +1 to gems + soulstrike quiver? Did you test them?
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" I've been wanting to try this for awhile and transitioning to LL but +1 gem bow is so expensive. |
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