Atlas of Worlds Fan Art Competition

Everyone needs a bit of humour so here is something to make you laugh.

Poe Pvp experience
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Head_Less#6633 เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2016 01:33:59
There we go, another Shaper fanart.

(Visit for a 2560p version.)

Best of luck to all the amazing entries.
It is my first time participating in such an event, thanks GGG for hosting it!
The Shaper

Hello. This is my entry. It's called "DEFEAT". Not the most optimistic view, but not all of us can be winners right? :D I hope you guys like it and the best of luck to everyone! I've seen some really amazing work on this thread.

My entry:

Primordial Pool.

Really couldn't resist the joke.

Had some fun painting Malachai, though I'm sure I dislocated his hips several times, so thanks for the opportunity! The colour scheme was a bit of a challenge – I really like the colour scheme of the Primordial Pool map so of course I wanted to echo it, which is why I decided against magenta for Malachai's... gills (actually, what are those things?).

Saw some really cool things so far. I'm looking forward to what else people come up with until the deadline.
My entry:


Full resolution:

I was fascinated with the Shaper lore and memories and had a feeling he was Zana's father even before I saw the Shaper fight. It all came together: Zana saying that her father was a researcher in Oriath, that her father is 'gone', not dead. That he described dreams and paradise that somehow became tainted.

And Shaper's own deep care for his daughter, before he was warped and changed in the place between the worlds. He sacrificed himself to save her, to protect her, shattering the Map Device and then pushing her out of the way of implosion. Everything he did was for her... But in the end, fate is a cruel mistress.

It's a tragic story, one very fitting the Wraeclast and Path of Exile.

Good luck to everyone on this contest! It has some great entries, and I look forward to seeing more!

P.S. there is also a black background version that I myself find a lot more striking, but my friends said I should post the color one...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Velzanna#0768 เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2016 12:12:57
Head_Less เขียน:
SunL4D2 เขียน:

P.S. Why you guys always draw witch as a fucking bum? She should wear Vaal Regalia or Shavs or something like this.

because bum witch is the most sexy

No, sexy has nothing to do with it at all.

Why do most of these have her rags? Because it's easier to draw. That's the simple truth.

My picture took over twelve hours as is. I looked into drawing a Shav's, or saintly chain, and realized that to do anything other than what I did would have added another six, or more, hours to the piece. And that's ignoring the fact I couldn't find a good reference for either. The wiki images are tiny. :(

So I went with what I did have a decent reference for, and what wouldn't take a whole work day of time to draw. I'm not getting paid for this.

Mine is called "As I can not use magic?"
LKChiara เขียน:
My entry:

Primordial Pool.

Really couldn't resist the joke.

Had some fun painting Malachai, though I'm sure I dislocated his hips several times, so thanks for the opportunity! The colour scheme was a bit of a challenge – I really like the colour scheme of the Primordial Pool map so of course I wanted to echo it, which is why I decided against magenta for Malachai's... gills (actually, what are those things?).

Saw some really cool things so far. I'm looking forward to what else people come up with until the deadline.

This is awesome, primordial pools is one of my favorite maps too. The new maps have some great color schemes, the pools, ashen woods, ramparts.



