[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!
Hello. I am going to make this build but I need little help.
Can u tell me low/mid grade items? Can u help me with tree for like 20points/50points/75points/90points ? What boots when i cant afford skyfort? I think some1 asked you before this but reading 280pages will take forever. Looking for your answer! REgs! |
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" hey, if low money I myself started with high es and res boots and get assassins mark in the curse on hit set up. so u can generade powercharges easy also lowbudget bow i used Lionseye glare. becouse u dont have that much accuracy at the start. |
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" By now i can afford skyfort or headhunter but first i must lvlup my character :D Maybe i can farm more ex for the gear. I am bored with melee characters, wanna make ranger! XD |
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" we talked about this many times as you said, focus on good jewelry & jewels first. without good jewelry your dps doomed to be very low. if you dont know what to look for, check mirrored items of old crafters in game to have an example of absolute gg item. fuck skyforths also unless you have really good dps items. they just offer good quality of life. there are jewels in my setup which are adding me almost 10% more dps each. i have 5 of them. i'd like to imply again that jewelry is also very important, wed on jewelry is must, especially if you are using rotc flat phys on rings and amulet is very important. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Rupenus#5905 เมื่อ 17 พ.ค. 2017 06:07:51
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I have spent more than 15 ex trying to get signal fire +1. I thought it would be easier. Dammn
Another thing. I think it's no accuracy what matters here. I mean, i made some tests, the only way of don't feel weakless this build (to me) is having more dps. I mean, i changed my auras, now i'm running with both heralds (ice + ash) + hatred. I removed discipline. And.. having more dps than before, i can leech more with my vov, so it's more "difficult" to die now. I played with more accuracy items and the result was the same. My problem is my bow. And the f*cking quiver. Thanks all แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย yastu#7031 เมื่อ 17 พ.ค. 2017 18:07:46
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Build update! :P
Changed build for mapping pleasure(t14max), running running t15s-t16s is currency sink atm for me. 1. Went dual curse with heavy investment on ES and some movement speed/as tree: http://poeurl.com/bjCL 2.this tree allows me to drop discipline and still have 7.5k es with shitty items 3. run wrath/hoi/hoa 4. dropped point blank because.. 5. ice shot+chain+gmp with Rigwald's Quills gives me huge offscreening capability and low enouph damage not to die from reflect 6.poacher's and assasin's curses give's me the charges i need plus offencive boost 7. poacher's + give's me 184% movement speed and boost in flask charges generation = flask uptime is 100% 8. this ammy gave me the crit i missed from dropped king of the hill and nice damage boost, lost some es but dont care. 9.for serious bosses i switch to proj.weakness+ele weakness curse.. breech bosses i tested die in 2-3 sec.uber izaro in 2. pff.. sorry for the long post :) at last i don't envy those kinetic blast wanders that clear whole screens with 2 clicks.. :) :) |
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so CI bow users won't have more than 7k ES even with 1000 exalted worth of gear excluding the bow of course ( full mirrored ) and without instant leech
i guess that the only way to play ES will be with shield, with bow the defence will be really too low to survive in red maps ( beside the retarted shaped strand of course ) with 200ex worth of gear, forget to play es without a shield แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย InAshesTheyShallReap#0055 เมื่อ 18 พ.ค. 2017 02:46:50
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" yes, this build in particular becomes completely unplayable as CI, if the manifesto is implemented as it is. Very "reasonable" balancing on ggg's part. 5-5.5k ES without instantleech? sounds like a lot of fun. |
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" Let's not get too ahead of ourselves just yet. The changes to ES and VP/Ghost Reaver are not set in stone - beta testing will determine what the exact changes will be in 3.0, and it's certainly possible for ES leech to be reinstated (to a limited extent perhaps). Furthermore, we know changes to volatiles and reflect mobs are coming, so ES leech might not end up being all that critical. On top of it all, there's an entire defensive Pantheon system in the works, so it's much too early to determine what ES or life pools will be sufficient to survive against the heavy hitters such as the Guardians and Shaper. On top of it all, I've been on occasion running no leech maps with impugnity - reflect can still be handled just fine without leech as long as you're not pushing LA dps to ridiculous and completely unnecessary levels. Signalshot builds currently can facetank through everything, but if ES leech is removed I wouldn't be overly concerned - the build has great mobility and it will likely take some actual skill to position properly in the Guardian and Shaper fights. That's exactly as it should have been right from the start - the outright facetanking has no business being in this game. I have a feeling that the rework to volatiles/reflect mobs and the pantheon system will ensure that even 7K ES will be enough, so long as you actually make an effort to manually dodge the big telegraphed shots from the big boys. On the dps front we know that WED will get a slight nerf, but even if other gems get nerfed Signalshot already is capable of such overwhelming dps that it will likely continue performing well with high enough investment, as it should be. Let's just hope that other builds fall in line, and we don't end up with some overpowered builds that you can make with little currency investment. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DicemanX#7029 เมื่อ 18 พ.ค. 2017 08:21:44
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why don't you just make the build as life base with kaom's heart? you can use thunderfirst as 5l for map clearing.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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