(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)
Hey, it's my first time posting, I love this build so far and I don't realy know what to change in my gear beside the vinktar and a 6l queen of the forest.
Here is my gear:
edit: Just got lightning damage vinktar and divened the demon loop ring แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย criims#4294 เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2018 18:29:25
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This is my first time using a wander, but I'm having a little trouble understanding why my DPS seems to be a bit low. Any pointers? I'll link my Gear/PoB below.
PoB Pastebin
Current Gear
Thanks in advance. I really like this build. |
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I've got this build decently geared now and it feels solid for the most part I just feel very squishy. My damage still feels a bit low/EHP feels a bit low. If anyone could look at my character SkrrtSkrrrrrrt on my profile and let me know if anything looks off it would be greatly appreciated :D Its the level 85 path finder.
And yes I've read the whole guide/FAQ and the additional FAQ about lower damage. Just feel like I'm missing something or plain old bad. Thanks :D แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Wompapotomus#7848 เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2018 21:55:37
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Hey! Im following your guide. Could any of you guys give me a link with a decent wand for this build? I have no clue how to find a better wand than piscator with culling strike... Looks like poe.trade is too hard for me to use :D. Thanks in advance
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" The only wands better than a good rolled culling piscator are mirror-tier, not even sure if there are any outside of standard league แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย swaggerino123#3365 เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2018 09:54:27
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Hello, trying to level a wander using this build, level 41 atm (in act 5, you can see the character in the profile page - millenkb)
Currently have only 1.2k life, and it doesn't seem like it's going to increase much any time soon (using astramentis and thiefs torment as well as tombfist and wake of destruction, tabula, goldrim). Is there any tips that could make the leveling process a bit smoother? Been using two storm prison wands, is it better to switch to twyzel or a rare wand at this level? Also a newbie question, doesn't Point Blank sometimes reduce Kinetic Blast's damage since it will be hitting mobs 1-2 screens away? Wouldn't it be better to remove a support from barrage setup and add point blank gem in there instead? |
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" the mirrored wand linked by the author in the first page beats the piscator for sure, but costs 1 mirror and 40 exalted if I'm not being wrong |
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" absolutely not, trust me |
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Any reason you don't take Pierce nodes on tree?
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" I would say there is 5 big steps for upgrading your stuff (in priority order) : 1. Getting a 6L QotF ; 2. Getting 20/20 gems (corrupted are cheap) on you KB and Barrage setup ; 3. Jewels : Get at least 1 T1 flat light dmg, and at least 2 usefulls affixes (a flat T1 light + 1 usefull affixe can be found for 1c in magic, buys a bunch then regal them, and pray for RNG) and read this tips on Abyssal jewels ; 4. Balancing your res to free some affixes slots on your rings and amu. This means, upgrading the res on your shield (Res > life > eva > other mods). Get as much res as you can on shield then, work on life, the think about the res. This should gives you more liberty in changing your rings and amu. Try this search for rings, and add some affixes/mini values ; 5. Getting the right boots enchant (1-160 flat light dmg). Other of upgrades can be divided in 2 big category : - High end & extremly expensive upgrade (+1 barrage enchant helm, high end rings & amulet, high end abyssal jewelers, etc.). This kind of upgrade should not be considered before you reach end game content ; - Upgrading the stats of common unique (Piscator, QotF, Atziri, etc.). This should not be to expensive, but it's realy secondary. Rest is just geting levels. At level 92 you should have most of the dps nodes in your tree and it should be good from this point. " I see few mistake in the tree : - Respect the jewel wheel up to Phase Accrobatics ; - Respect Crackeling Speed and the node before ; - Respect Written in Blood wheel ; At this point you should have 9 skill points in reseve. - Get Phase Accrobatics ; - Get the jewel sock in Witch area (between Alchemy and Cruel Preparation) ; - Get Cruel Preparation. This leave you with 1 skill point. You can spend it in a 5% life node if you feel low on life, or in Throatseeker wheel for more Crit multi. On your stuff, you have way to much res. Some res affixe take the place of dps affixes on many slots. So, you should rebalance your res on all your stuff. This should be done specificaly on rings slot. Without your actual rings, your res are good. You just need to aime for something like 30 light res and you would be caped. Slot by slot : - Rings : Aim for something with flat light to attacks dmg and WED. Check out those search settings, and change/add specifics need for your build ; - Jewels : Your jewels are not so bad, but abyssal jewels should gives you way more dmg than non abyssal ones (previously in this msg, I gave a link where I explain what to aim on abyssal jewels) ; - Boots : Low rolled Atziri with no enchant. Get a 73+life / 16%dodge and put it the 1-160 light enchant from U.Lab ; - Belt : Your stygian vise is not excellent, but she do the job. Just reroll the WED for over than 18% ; - Gloves : Your gloves are cool, but you can aim for more life, more balanced res (you can also master craft Attack Speed instead of res) ; - Wand : You can have a way better Piscator for ~25-30c. Aim for 17+AS / 385+Accu / 28+Crit / 107+WED ; - Flasks : On your Jade flask, you should aim for %duration. It's way better. And it would be even better with the affixe "%inc flask effect duration" on belt. - Helm : As a last and ultimate upgrade, get a +1 barrage helmet. Not necessarly Rat's Ness. Starkonja or a rare one are wise choice. Gems : - You need to buy some 20/20 gems in your KB and Barrage setups ; - You miss Wrath. A lvl 20 is extremly cheap ; - Herald of Ash ... read the description of the gem. Look at your tooltip and how much physical dmg you do in KB and Barrage. This gems is absolutly useless. It just raise your reserved mana. Remove this. I was curious on how much dps my advices would give you, so I tried 3 situations. 1. Raw dps in Barrage with juste "All projectiles" seted up. So it's without flask buffs, without any buff from the config pannel. Vs normal mobs. 2. Dps with only buff from "config" pannel (vs boss, with point blank, with flask). 3. Same setup in 2, but individualy activated each flask in item pannel. There was 3 configs : A. Your config with no change. B. With tree correction I suggested + 20/20 gems setup, switching HoT vs Wrath 20 and, no rings. C. Same as B but with your rings. 1. A = 168k dps ; B = 221k dps ; C = 240k dps 2. A = 221k dps ; B = 280k dps ; C = 314k dps 3. A = 623k dps ; B = 761k dps ; C = 842k dps So just by correcting you gem setup and your tree, you should be able to gain 26-30% dps. " Your character are set as private. " Barrage is for single target. We don't need pierce on this attack. KB already have Pierce support gem in it. If you are thinking about removing Pierce support gem from KB setup in order to play an other dps gem like added lightning dmg, you should take in consideration 2-3 things : - The fact this build start to show it's true power at ~lvl 90 means we are short on skill points. We don't have the luxe to sacrify skill points for "buff" like pierce. - We already OS everything with the pierce gem support in or KB setup. It would be overkill to switch pierce support because we get pierce from tree. KB right now is already overkill. A 1 million dps wander already OS every trash even in T16 maps with awfull maps mods. So in conclusion, it would be a waste of skill point in order to buff a setup which is already overpowered. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LAGROSSESIMONE#3551 เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2018 17:56:59
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