(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)
I'm using yriel's instead of QotF.
IGN: Rerollz_Barrage_Bro / Kutzap แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mainiak#6244 เมื่อ 19 ก.พ. 2018 14:33:22
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i gonna try this build for the bestiary league, so i changing things in PoB and i dont know why dying sun not affect my kinetic blast dps, any ideas?
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I'm not sure but I think PoB only show the dps taken by 1 single target.
On KB (and on many projectile skills) GMP and Dying sun just adds the extra projectiles side by side to othe original projectile in order to form an arc. This means you should not be able to hit your target with more than the central projectile. Barrage is an exception because it works like a serie of shoting, where each projectile shoted aim the same target. So extra projectile from Dying Sun are added behind, in the same way of serie of proj, aiming for the same target. So they should all hit the same ennemis, which alow PoB to cumulate each projectil dmg to the dps. The only thing PoB can add to the dps of KB is the AOE dmg buff. By the way, keep in mind that, every dps/dmg info from KB should be read with some caution. It's extremly hard to calculate the real dps of KB. PoB will show you 2 distincts informations : - The projectile dmg it self ; - The explosion dmg. The hardest part of the KB dps concerne the explosion part. Because each hit will creat 4 explosions and they can overlap. But they will be produced in different locations. And with pierce, 1 projectile can hit multiple time, producing more than 4 explosions. So the number of time you will hit a monster with projectile and explosion can be extremly variable. That's why KB is such a powerfull clear speed skill, and why it's so difficult to determine it's real dps. All tooltip or PoB dps can provide is an incomplete information about the dmg done by each projectile or each explosion. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LAGROSSESIMONE#3551 เมื่อ 20 ก.พ. 2018 10:33:27
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" that make a lot of sense, thanks mate! |
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In addition to Tetlis post:
There is one more thing that makes it even harder to calculate the real KB dps: Due to crits we create incredible amount of HoI shatter explosions on top of KB explosion damage, which can also overlap (and usually do). Of course it's another skill effect, but still, it should be counted into the same, imho. So I think it's close to impossible (if it's possible at all) to actually make correct calculations here :) | |
A+++ for this build . I may even play on pc next league and try on there . I tried about 3-4 different builds last league on Xbox and was tired with all of them relatively fast . This league the wander has been my only build and I have never had this much fun playing a game since d2 over 10 years ago . Insane clear speed and I finally took down all guardians , and have 40k dps in hideout . Needless to say im very satisfied and my advice to anybody wanting to try this build is read EVERYTHING here more than once . Toma and the other regulars on this forum do a great job of explaining everything you need to know .
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Thank's for the build! I've been following this topic for some time now and I finally tried it.
Managed to kill all the guardian and shaper on a moderate gear, no barrage enchant, most expensive piece was 2 ex (but at this point in the league it's not really representative) The clear speed in T15-16 is crazy, and it's pretty tanky if you avoid obvious attacks... Here is the gear used, a lot of room for improvement but it worked :)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vassouille#4183 เมื่อ 20 ก.พ. 2018 18:04:58
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obviously you can't get instant leech in temp leagues, but if we are talking standard league, would an acuity not be a good unique for the glove slot and replacing the life flask? or go for some rare gripped gloves?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Relivator#1003 เมื่อ 21 ก.พ. 2018 15:09:03
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I am considering to go wander next league. Given the revamped asassin ascendency I was wondering if that might possibly be a superior choice? In particular with the addition of the new bossing major node that provides crit immunity + 100% increased damage for bossing and 20% movment speed if one has killed recently. Does anyone have a good intuition if this (+ the easier way to maintain power charges, + the standard +2% basecrit und crit multiplier) could outweight the flasking benefits of pathfinder?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Faendris#5470 เมื่อ 22 ก.พ. 2018 00:32:18
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@Relivator : Legacy Atziri Acuity are BiS. No other gloves can stand the comparaison to an paire of glove who alow you to face tank almost every attacks in this game (you just need enought attack speed and dps for this).
@Faendris : Assassin recieved a big upgrade yeah. It should be possible to do something cool with this ascendency. But you have to keep in mind you will miss 1-2 things by not going as a Pathfinder. 1. You will miss the extra projectile from Dying Sun. With Assassin, as you said, you have the 100% inc dmg vs single mobs. Yeah. But it's INCREASED dmg. While the extra projectile from Dying Sun is 15% MORE dmg. At moment it's a bit hard to do a comparaison in terme of DPS. It will be easier when PoB will be updated to the 3.2 content. So here it's imo a wait and see situation. 2. " Cf : https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7z9008/as_you_have_seen_most_ascendancy_classes_have/dum7on4/ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LAGROSSESIMONE#3551 เมื่อ 22 ก.พ. 2018 03:11:03
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